RLB (Record of Live Birth) to record the time, date and circumstances of the event. a certified copy of your birth certificate (for the Australian citizen) a certified copy of your divorce papers (if applicable) - send by mail to the Australian Embassy - Consular section - 4 rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris the application completed and signed the certified copies of your passport and birth certificate You always have been. The processing time does not include delivery, please see Australia Post website for current delivery times within Australia or International. Without the knowledge of the United Nations Order on the 6th November 1999 the people of Australia did vote by referendum to decide the issue of republic or monarchy. Along comes government and tells you to pay taxes for the right to use that land and property. We aim to get it to you as quickly as possible. Go to any good stock office and ask them to check these . Read the email we send you to find out how to finalise your application. So what is John doing? Birth, death and marriage certificates will sometimes include statements as to Aboriginality, especially in earlier records. A commemorative certificate is not accepted as an official Australian birth certificate. The BC does not belong to you, so the government are quite within their rights to value that document, invest it, claim against it, borrow against it, etc. old) $20 - Uncertified Birth copy of a Registration (births +100 yrs.) This makes it easier for us to pay taxes, fines and court costs.The LEGAL FICTION was created without your knowledge, without full disclosure and unlawfully. 2.2 The rights, freedoms and privileges set out in the Terms of Reference have a long and distinguished heritage. If you didn't receive an email after applying, contact us. At least two of these must be from Category 3. It starts at a base amount at the point the BC is issued & securitized, has interest attached calculated yearly, matures in 30 years. BC (Birth Certificate) to validate date and time. Now, you are born without a name. Birth certificate or any other document which can substitute as a birth certificate such as School Leaving Certificate or Class 10 mark sheet. Welcome All Sign for businesses and public spaces. Certificates are delivered by registered post. You own the action and can gift the benefit of that action to whomever you want. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. Identity documents must be kept in their original state to be accepted by Government agencies. Living in Common Law is a state of mind. So who ultimately owns the purchases? The community benefits in the form of infrastructure, schooling, etc. Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. On the 7th 1914, in order to avoid a run on the banks, the Treasury issued Treasury Notes signed by John Bradbury a form of national credit backed only by the credit of the nation. The government give to your parents the Birth Certificate, which the parents use to establish that you are the required age for whatever is occuring, for example, to establish your school age, etc. CUSIP is an acronym that refers to Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures and the nine-digit, alphanumeric CUSIP numbers that are used to identify securities, including municipal bonds. 2. Who issues the certificates? The RLB that your parents fill out records your name as John William. the registration number is a unique number. Register your intention to marry. However, people often write their names using a combination of lowercase and capital letters, which is, legally speaking, a separate entity. You can pay: We will accept cash at the customer service centre, but prefer contactless payments such as EFTPOS or credit card. The Birth Certificate is the government's self-created document of title for its new "property," i.e. *Costs may be higher from mobile phones and interstate. This is Important: It takes 12 people to come together (to assemble) who all swear an Oath before their fellow Man and God (no matter whether you believe in God or not), to create a Common Law assembly. We no longer claim to own anything in the name, we simply act as the action to create the wealth for the name. Submit your proof of ID by post or in person. secure identity management system in Australia is fundamental. In Australia, our supreme common law is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. Currently, the only existing record for you is a legal fiction which the state has attached to you; this means that you fall under their rules. The original sense is obsolete; the meaning document issued by competent civil authority granting permission to the person named in it to travel in or out of a country or authenticating his right to protection while abroad is from 1540s. From the 1920s, adoption practice in Australia reflected the concept of secrecy and the ideal of having a "clean break" from the birth parents. It has 3 pages. If you can't complete the application form online, you canuse the PDF application form and apply by post or in person. Hi Dawn, When you refuse to allow anyone to override your rights, only then are you living free. Freeman concepts of admiralty law and common law, their obsession with capitalisation of words and . Common Law Australia is functioning for entertainment purposes only. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. She was fathered by Winston Churchill, a Rothschild, as was her sister. Can you stop giving it future value? However, keep in mind that the built-in settings, browser and history or cookies on your smart device may create their own issues. Your birth certificate is an important personal document. Celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- and gender-diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Victorians. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. Download this PDF to see if any individual have to pay tax and what assessible tax is. Yes.And you have a drivers licence in the BC name? We are living souls who possess inalienable sovereign rights. In civil law. It's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold. We instructed the Commonwealth to gather ALL the interests in the BC name, that WE generated, attach those interests to the RLB name and then we gifted the RLB to the Commonwealth. How am I able to do this while living in another country? will be talk about common law, about Admiralty Law, and about oaths of office. They dont care, and they will ignore your claims anyway. No. This name is a persons legal name. Yes. You lose them when you agree to let others determine your Rights for you. Here's the main steps in legally changing your name and approximate timings: 0 days Easy Name Change kit delivered via email (allow 6-8 business days for delivery of printed kits) 1-2 weeks Gather required information, complete and lodge name change application with BDM. If you were born overseas, you need to provide your full, original foreign birth certificate, legalised if necessary, unless: you have a full, original . At the time of birth, each person is issued their own strawman, legally speaking. Births, Deaths & Marriages. You can apply for a Queensland birth certificateor a replacement birth certificate or commemorative birth certificate packageif you or the person you are applying for were born or adopted (and registered) in Queensland. Thanks to former Senator Rod Culleton for these template letters which may assist in preserving an individuals right to employment. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. A short certificate of birth, for a child born or adopted in England & Wales, is issued under section 33 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 , and is compiled according to regulation 65 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Regulations 1987 . Within Australia because of this concealed suspension of all Constitutions, all Supreme Courts inclusive of the High Court of Australia pay no judicial attention or notice to any purported breach of allegiance or breach of any constitutions, in effect the United Nation Order has taken control of all Constitutions within Australia, since the 6th November 1999, but, the illusion/fraud of having a constitution in position within Australia must be maintained ,which is the sole reason why another Commonwealth Election is about to be held. Is that you? Your Fees In Action If they relied on gold and silver alone, they would have restricted the borrowing to that collatoral and would probably have completely bound the growth of the country. A self-proclaimed judge, Miller is best known for creating a version of the English language to be used by people involved in judicial proceedings. You can die.2. Land you must ask permission with payment to do something to. The Victorian Birds commemorative birth certificate has been superbly painted by award-winning artist Lynne Tracey, in the style of an illuminated address of the 19th Century. Copyright 2017~2023 CLC. Fee to send a copy of a birth certificate to a Passport Office $44. How satisfied are you with your experience today? Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Esplanade, Perth (junction of Mill Street, Perth). This style also comes in birds. In every case so far, the charges were settled and they let the fellow go without a record of crime by surrendering the birth certificate. What if a birth is registered late? The method, by which the State causes a natural person to volunteer himself into slavery, is through forming legaljoinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS). You can say NO to the vaccine and here is why a simple version of the Biosecurity Act. The reason we do this is so that you have complete control over your own data and can remove it at your leisure if you choose to do so. Hes buying everything, borrowing money, working to pay them off, on behalf of the government. Not all Notary Publics will do this, so you may have to search until you find one. Land which you have to pay to use4. In the Western Australia State on the 1st January 2004, because of the concealed United Nations Order both Crown and Monarchy were removed from law without either a State referendum or a Commonwealth referendum the overt act that did this was. Can you help at all? With your permission id like to post this comment on the original authors Facebook post. 2. select the green checkout button to continue, by post to Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, PO Box 15188, CITY EASTQLD 4002. When ordering a certificate you will need to prove your identity. Purchasing a birth certificate on a smart device may be convenient. Submit your application and payment for a birth certificate to us: Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. When you were born the government created a LEGAL FICTION (Strawman). (Cudis, supra .) Birth certificates do not show the surname in the childs name section for births before July 1974. Birth certificates show information relating to the person's birth, including the registered person's name and sex. Thats where Id start. March 3, 2015 | Not you personally, but the event. 1. Emphasis added too]. We gathered ALL the interests in the BC name the bonds, derivatives, futures, etc, etc because they ALL emanate from our original event of birth we ordered that they be returned to that which caused their creation that being the original Record of Live Birth and we gave the rights to all the Interest to a body of OUR choice that being the Commonwealth. No more political parties! Report a lost or stolen certificate. As does every commercial activity you enter into that uses the BC name. (paras 4.105-4.114) 14. If you're applying for someone else's certificate, you also need to prove that you're authorised to do so. So who then owns everything? Birth Certificate in the Legal Dictionary Find a [] Rate this post Related posts: Birth Parent This form must be submitted to the state, county or municipality by one of these persons or facilities: The newborn's parents. By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist. marianne hatchwell says: November 1, 2021 at 13:58 . Due to the UK, Canada and the US beingbankrupt countries, yes all these countries have been bankrupt for some time now; they all have currencies that are known asFIAT currency. "A birth certificate is a good thing to . I will try and explain and will use the name John William Smith for the example. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. ~ John Philpot Curran (17501817), (Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom). This is because they're not official identity documents. Below is a post by Sue Maynes fromThe Commonwealth of Australia Facebook pagewhere research is posted about the theft of our civil and political rights and rights of equity. Non-urgent certificate applications (average processing timeno additional fee). Please allow extra time for Australia Post to deliver your birth certificate to your address. Fill in the information inred. It is new territory we have entered, so even he himself is coming to terms with all this. We are proud to acknowledge the many contributions Kevinhas made to our work to educate, facilitate and activatecommon law in Australia and New Zealand. Kenya was part of the British Empire in 1961, and as such, used English Common Law for any type of records and registration. The Afghan cabinet's legal affairs committee said the move was a significant achievement. See Australia Post (External link) for product details. The law was passed by the Philippine Congress in December 2018 and signed into law by President Duterte on February 21, 2019. Perhaps the answer is to prove the contract wasnt in your interests and blame your parents for agreeing to it. Government is solely responsible for commencing a person's identity, through issuing a certificate at birth or migration to Australia, and is solely responsible for declaring an end to identity, through issuing a death certificate. You can stop acting in commerce and own absolutely nothing which means you cannot even go on the dole as that generates a bond. Tasmania's lower house will consider a bill to remove sex from birth certificates, which would be a first for an Australian state or territory. Use a card that is used to print name cards. The oaths purportedly taken and administered by Quentin Bryce to purportedly swear in Kevin Rudd and others, under the fraudulent guise of Oath of Office are not the statutory constitutional oath of allegiance as required under section 42 and Schedule of the suspended constitution of the Commonwealth, they are in fact oaths of office to enable the undetected transfer of all Australians and the land of Australia into and under the United Nations. History []. You must register the birth of your child before you can get a birth certificate. Birth, Marriage or Change of Name certificates that have been destroyed due to a natural disaster can be reissued at no charge at your nearest Service NSW centre launch or call 13 77 88 launch for more information. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. This means that you can currently purchase One Cruinn for 1.55 or $1.88 at today's current exchange rates. [The initial joinder is formed when a legalBirth Certificateis issued by the State, name in all CAPS. Choose from the following designs when you apply: For a born footy fan, celebrate the birth of a child with our official AFL commemorative certificates. Common law in Australia is vested in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 - It is the highest law of the land. There is no charge for recording any information with the Common Law Court. Does it belong to you? Immediately you fill in any Records form you will receive a PDF certificate for immediate download by email. You guessed it. If a father was not on the birth certificate, the child would use the mothers surname. It was the EVENT of your birth that created the first BC, it is the event of your using the BC in some capacity that creates the new share investment. Capitis Diminutio (meaning thediminishing of statusthrough the use of capitalization) In Roman law. Under common law (Magna Carter) one must not deceive another in their contracts. It is the body of law decided on by a community to govern themselves and to ensure all people can gain a remedy for any wrong done against them. ), frompasse, imperative ofpasserto pass (seepass(v.)) +portport (seeport(n.1)). Click Here - How To Complete Your Birth Declaration. 1. Luke 12 Verses 10-12. The Birth Certificate brings the new all-caps name into colorable admiralty/maritime law, the same way a ship (and ship of state) is berthed. Australia joined the British Commonwealth of Nations in December, 1931 (see Wikipedia nation members' list) and also uses English Common Law. Changing your name after marriage, separation or divorce, Birth registration and birth certificates, Request a visit from the Aboriginal Outreach Team, Identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Strong identity, strong spirit program resources, information for young people on getting a birth certificate, get the birth certificate of a child protection client, Learn more about our AFL commemorative birth certificates, Learn more about our Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates, Learn more about our rainbow commemorative birth certificate. ; sense of existence as an independent state is from 1715. For a birth or adoption that occurred in NSW, you can apply online, by post, or in person at a service centre. Hi Rick. It features exquisitely detailed Victorian flora and is accompanied by a description of the flora. Good points. It explains the 5 simple steps we can take to create a better future: Click here or on the image to visit the website: How have the political parties destroyed our country? But I have the deeds people say to me. You cannot change your status by begging the Corporate system to release you, or by registering pieces of paper with the corporate government proclaiming you are reclaiming your Rights. Well, exactly what in all this DO you own? Soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold John Philpot Curran ( 17501817 ), frompasse imperative... Of these must be from Category 3 you exist the right to employment from. Accepted as an official Australian birth certificate or any other document which can substitute as a birth.! 20 - Uncertified birth copy of a birth certificate to a Passport office $.... It 's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold not include delivery, please Australia. 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