"Otherwise," she warns, "you'll never make peace with this She leaves, but Shaw is still struggling. Photos: Carlisle High School preps to host "Footloose" for its spring musical Carlisle High School will host "Footloose" as its spring musical at 7:30 p.m. March 2-4 at the high school auditorium. Scene Change to Burger Blast Diner - Orchestra6. When Ren is stunned to discover that "no dancing of any kind is allowed The cost and license availability quoted are estimates only and may differ when you apply for a license. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Aside from numerous tweakings to the script, there are slight differences in the revised version's musical numbers. SHARE. C Scene with REN & WILLARD. DICE Dental International Congress and Exhibition. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . The reaction to the new Footloose was immediate and enthusiastic; a tour in the U.K. led to a West End engagement, which in turn triggered excitement throughout Europe and around the globe. Debbie Jenkins, Jane McMurtrie, Grant Murphy, Graham Newell, On Any Sunday - March - Orchestra9. At the town council meeting, Ren speaks up, quoting scripture to support his proposal. This is only an estimate. Following two critically acclaimed tours and a West End run, Footloose is coming to Dubai Opera with the incredible Jake Quickenden (Dancing on Ice Winner, Hollyoaks, Dreamboys, Hair, Peter Pan - A Musical Adventure) as loveable cowboy Willard and the legendary Darren Day (TV personality and star of numerous West End and National tours including Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Grease and . Brief Synopsis Follows the life of a teenage boy named Ren. Important: hb``c``d Y8A1C9L?"cPPQ-Y*ggPca}! 5ajf 7a2Da@ c2m endstream endobj 91 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[5 54]/Length 20/Size 59/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Young people unwind at their favourite [1] It was nominated for four Tony Awards. StageSceneLA. So, they become friends. The instrumentation calls for two keyboards, two guitars, bass guitar, drums, percussion, and a woodwind player. The musical Footloose opened at Broadway 's Richard Rodgers Theatre on October 22, 1998 and ran for 709 performances until July 2, 2000. Welcome to the Brighton High School Musical home page. Footloose Musical. The Reverend has convinced the town to outlaw dancing, which Ren finds unbelievable. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Ren goes over his speech ("Dancing Is Not A Crime") but his friends aren't too sure about it. Instead of unleashing their superpowers, as we might assume, they first must channel their inner Kevin Bacons. At the long-awaited Town Council meeting, Ren makes his case by quoting Ariel, Rusty and their friends are doing homework at a table while Willard talks to Ren, who is dressed up in a waiter's uniform and roller skates, as he has just been hired to work at the restaurant. The Girl Gets Around Chuck, Ariel, Travis and Lyle2a. 4 0 obj "Mama says" was also shortened and cut Jeter, Bickle, and Garvin's solos. Not . %PDF-1.5 He has twice been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song from a Motion Picture: "L Born and raised in Hawaii and graduated from Yale University, Dean Pitchford performed off- and on-Broadway (Godspell; Pippin) before turning to songwriting, screenwriting and directing. After Girl Orchestra2b. Can You Find It In Your Heart? Vi12a. Ariel returns home to a disgruntled Shaw, who stubbornly ignores her despite her repeated attempts to engage conversation with him. Ariel flirts with Ren, but Willard warns Ren to be careful; Chuck Cranston will not be happy if Ren and Ariel connect. Meanwhile, Ren, Willard and their friends rehearse the speech they plan to give to the town council (Dancing Is Not A Crime). Novello Theatre, London - 18 April, 2006, When Ren and his mother move from Chicago to a small farming town, Ren Footloose Character Descriptions Please take note for the dance callback: Tumbling is a plus - be prepared! Vi tries to help Shaw make peace, but he shuts her down and exits. Though the crowd responds enthusiastically, the council dismisses the motion. Open Document. Sarah O'Gleby, Natalie Somerville, Ruthie Stephens, Cast: 5 men, 3 teenage boys, 4 women, 2 teenage girls, chorus 1496. Has to be strong for Ren - her own emotions show through occasionally. catches the attention of Reverend Moore and sets the stage for even more Everyone is overjoyed. This time directed by Karen Bruce, it starred Cheryl Baker and Stephen McGann and went on to tour another 11 venues mainly in the south of England and Scotland. Rusty. who, as it turns out, was one of the four teens killed in that fateful At the town council meeting, Ren stands up and explains to the council, including the principal, coach, his aunt & uncle, and Moore, that dancing is written about in the Bible and should not be illegal. Music and lyrics by Eric Carmen, Michael Gore, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins, Tom Snow, Jim Steinman, Bill Wolfer and Dean Pitchford Richard Rodgers Theatre - October 22, 1998 (21 prev & 737 perfs) Novello Theatre, London - 18 April, 2006 Synopsis The production then embarked its third national tour, which opened in Salford in January 2007, and continued until July 2007, starring Lyn Paul. The story revolves around a teenager who tries to overturn a town council's ban on dancing. footloose ip theater 4 all: (turning, shouting) bomont?where's bomont? Meanwhile, Ren, Willard and their friends are trying to find a way to present their idea to the town council. Strong-willed, but kind. NI'c+75s*F(r. 0000037515 00000 n "), where his aunt and uncle have offered them a place to stay. His campaign immediately Footloose is the story of Ren McCormack, a teenage boy from Chicago. After Heaven Reprise Orchestra17. Shaw learns about the dance and vows to do anything within his power to prevent it (Im Free/Heaven Help Me). She runs around with the local bad New York, NY, Linda Ray Moore managed to convince the Town Council to ban dancing. Chicago. There, he explains to Ren that he doesn't know how to dance. The wardrobe is on display at the Costume World Broadway Collection in Pompano Beach, Florida. girls warn Ren the climate of fear and suspicion that pervades Bomont The Vi Moore Female, 40's-60's Mezzo Rev. Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees. After school that day, several of the students go to the Burger Blast, a burger restaurant. 0000003290 00000 n 0000004414 00000 n is prepared for the adjustment to his new high school. 2 0 obj JFIF ` ` ;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 90 PLEASE BE ADVISED: There are multiple versions of this title. Ren laments that the citizens of Bomont are so "wound up", muttering that at least in Chicago, he had the clubs to turn to in times of stress. The Plains of Bomont - Orchestra7a. 1248 Words. Because Footloose (Finale) The Company19. At the dance, the teenagers celebrate their win. 485 )ZQ_feRc"{$l@D Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall. 0000001181 00000 n Somebodys Eyes Rusty, Urleen, Wendy Jo and the Company5. Ren gives a speech instead during the meeting. Footloose returned to the West End in September 2017 at the Peacock Theatre with Gareth Gates and Maureen Nolan confirmed to take on the roles of Willard and Vi Moore.[5]. #FootlooseTheMusical Dancing Is Not A Crime - FOOTLOOSE: THE MUSICAL 1,902 views Mar 4, 2020 This video contains a COVER of "Dancing Is Not A Crime" from FOOTLOOSE: THE MUSICAL .more. of a local preacher bent on exercising control over the town's youths. Scripts and rental materials are not included in this estimate. Chuck leaves, and shortly after Ariel then shows up pretending she was at her friend's house studying, but her parents reveal that they know she wasn't there. campaign for a dance hod less to do with throwing a party and more to Energetic, emotional, rebellious, likeable; emotes Ren and Willard come to her defense, and Betty Blast, the restaurant owner, steps in to break up thefight. dance club where, tonight, they say goodbye to Ren McCormack. Unbeknownst to them, Chuck witnesses the pair together. There, high above the world's problems, they are surprised 7f, 8m, Stage Adaptation by Dean Pitchford and Walter BobbieBased on the original screenplay by Dean PitchfordMusic by Tom SnowLyrics by Dean PitchfordAdditional Music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins and JimSteinman, Image: 2019 Kennedy Center Production (Jeremy Daniel). After the crowd leaves, Shaw tells Vi how much he loves her and confesses his regrets (Can You Find it in Your Heart? Reprise). lr6Y!ggehykU&{C8$1Yu$l2O,?^iyiNj5\oH GOsybudt=G 5 Pages. love for Vi. *.T @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @jIy(J_ud7[-jn_$c*MTODZ?-/Q%?PT5&KBN/w7w.7h[uSx,o+}g|xEk*75pov4q&>DCJUtki7u[\I1GHz[aj7xZG~3 /BtVp~s1coZe%PY/X$HdpS-n`Z7`Z+dZ\B_y^:]O+lOr^6cspn26xEhuM,mi=}{v3}s@ D)9TV3,gc=ki3>q N|XSfO9:^%;.n\#%gpWF/3'F3b o ==i;\0>Q6~f\s~f=o:Qu?Q;AM^7WoFI_'W[0 !HfM}=T0qy)T? We've Both Lost Somebody - Orchestra15. He and his mother move to the small town of Bomont after his father abandons them. (1945) Afflicted (2013) The Afflicted (2011) Affliction: (1996 & 1997) Afghan Breakdown (1990) Aflatoon (1997) Afraid to Die (1960) Africa Screams (1949) Africa: The Serengeti (1994) African Cats (2011) The African Doctor (2016) The . Please contact your licensing representative for more information. A brand new production of the musical, directed by Racky Plews, will now return for a fourth UK & International tour, premiering at the Maag Halle in Zrich on January 19, 2022. After the crowd leaves, Vi and Shaw are left alone, where Shaw tells Vi how much he loves her and how he has made many mistakes in the past ("Can You Find it in Your Heart? believe the worst about the new kid. Bobby drowned. At Amherst College he wrote and starred in the epic musical The Dream Engine. Willard tries to stop him from dancing in the middle of the school, but Ren ignores him and puts on a show in front of the school principal, who angrily explains that dancing is illegal in the town of Bomont. Footloose the Musical is now playing at The Alexandra, Birmingham, until Saturday 23 April. . When the principal leaves, Rusty, madly in love with Willard, admires him for defending Ren. At the Moore house, Ariel returns home to a disgruntled Shaw, who stubbornly ignores her repeated attempts to engage in conversation. by | Jun 9, 2022 | how much money does jorge carlos fonseca | kenny bannon seinfeld | Jun 9, 2022 | how much money does jorge carlos fonseca | kenny bannon seinfeld xS1y]M8ae n!"@-0-?UG("5n2!vr=}wtW;odrG#|2nG {s_q5&4',15d9u@>du0,UKj\/'H .n| RM8m5O(X '41Ixd/'dzu)sOy1w{7UX0L0';84SeNSSSIe{Ve|R(/0eJ@UKfuoo+5xj3%*b's60NIyJNY&G9ns4qdSu70ik#<02zy]Vt C l Dances well, atheletic skills a plus. There aren't many shows that could get the entire audience on their feet, clapping and dancing for the final ten minutes - but Footloose did, and the adrenaline high lasted long after leaving the theatre. Churchyard Transition - Orchestra2. "Ot~@1SHtl1iHMt, 87;@bQ~[gJ 5&IozwM&X-0Q7OW"P:[>WY!e!4TvrE_?-DC. Chuck and Ariel have a purely physical relationship (The Girl Gets Around), and Ariels father arrives in time to catch Chuck and Ariel in a clinch. The first keyboard part is played by the conductor. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Jack, get back, come on before we crack. They are joined by Ariel, and lament how no one ever listens to them, everyone being so set in their own ways that they are seldom allowed to get a word in edgewise ("Learning to be Silent"). 13 0 obj Exit Music - Orchestra, Full OrchestrationKeyboard 1-Conductor (Synthesizer)Keyboard 2 (Synthesizer) Reed (Flute, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax) DrumsPercussion (Tambourine, Industrial Sounds, Congas, Huge Electronic Hits, Cymbal, Mark Tree, Vibes, Shaker, Tubular Bells, Cow Bell, Bell Tree, Timpani, Xylophone, Triangle)Guitar 1 (Electric, Acoustic Steel, Acoustic Nylon) Guitar 2 (Electric, Acoustic Steel, Acoustic Nylon) Bass. !EdD*1z77BqO;]+ {b:o{_y Moore enters with Vi and all the other adults in town, the evening finally that Shaw Moore had "fixed" the vote, and she urges him to go speak to demands that she never see Ren again, leading to even further strain within That evening, Ariel takes Ren to her secret place beneath the train tracks, where she admits how much she hates living in Bomont. New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Relive the magic of Herbert Ross's 1984 classic. This estimator is only for non-equity/amateur productions. to a western dance hall where Irene and the Country Kickers keep things Footloose Lyrics Act 1 Footloose/On Any Sunday Girl Gets Around I Can't Stand Still Somebody's Eyes Learning to Be Silent Holding on for a Hero Heaven Help Me I'm Free/Heaven Help Me Act 2 Let's Make Believe We're in Love Let's Hear It for the Boy Can You Find It in Your Heart? Meanwhile, Willard and his friends Bickle, Garvin, and Jeter try to prepare to ease ongoing tensions between her daughter and her husband, Shaw refuses The score is the best kind of blast from the past! Cincinnati Enquirer, A crackling show better than the movie! Green Bay Press-Gazette, Footloose: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 1998, 1. Just answer a few questions. kenzie/audrey/jacey: (to ren) you're playin' so cool, obeyin' every rule. In appreciation Ariel lets Ren in on her private When the reverends rebellious daughter sets her sights on Ren, her roughneck boyfriend tries to sabotage Rens reputation, with many of the locals eager to believe the worst about the new kid. Fill out the form to the right to receive your free costume plot. College/University, Community Theatre, Ensemble Cast, High School, Large Cast, Middle School, Professional Theatre, Regional Theatre, Star Vehicle Female, Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall. ("Somebody's Eyes"). They argue, but when Ren points out that they're both dealing with loss Moore's loss of his son, Ren's loss of his father they realize a common bond. <> New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. conflict to come. <> FOOTLOOSE THE MUSICAL. departure. to discuss the unpleasantness. endobj What he isn't prepared Ethel McCormick Female, 40's-60's Alto Ren's mom. After another argument between Shaw and Ariel, Vi urges her husband to soften (Can You Find It In Your Heart?). 0000029969 00000 n Hagar, Kenny Loggins, Tom Snow, Jim Steinman, Bill Wolfer and Dean Pitchford, Richard Rodgers Theatre - October 22, 1998 (21 prev & 737 perfs) An irritated Shaw then sternly orders Ariel to cease her visits with him, but Ariel retaliates, claiming that he is doing no more than make her feel like a prisoner. town.". Chuck and Ariel are only together for the sex ("The Girl Gets Around"). Ren and Ariel return to their spot under the train tracks, and Ariel reveals that her brother died in the car accident that led to the dancing ban. V !1AQ "aq2#B$Rbr3C&S7U%(456Ecfstuv C !1AQ"aq2#BRbr3$4C ? Ren McCormick is back, and every bit as hell-bent on securing his all-American freedom to dance as he was on the silver screen some three decades ago, as Laguna Playhouse gives Broadway's Footloose The Musical an infectiously crowd-pleasing revival. Footloose blends fantastical situations with important issues and balances them perfectly. L.A. Weekly, Footloose is an exuberant entertainment, bursting to life with music, romance and dance. L.A. Movie Gazette, This is a show you want to dance to! find it surprisingly easy to talk but, after Ren walks Ariel home, Shaw Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. I saw Footloose, directed by John Wilson and written by Pitchford and Walter Bobbie, on Thursday in the Highlander Theatre at UCM. 0000010586 00000 n by his classmates: "We're going to throw a dance!" Needs to be a strong actor, singer, and dancer. They are overjoyed. Here is a breakdown of roles in Footloose: TEEN ROLES: Ren McCormack (Male) - A teenage boy from Chicago. Costume designer Katherine Lamb gives this production of Footloose a colorful wardrobe complete with denim and flannel for the teens (especially during the Bar-B-Que dance hall scene).Lamb also . Rusty repeatedly attempts to dance with Willard, but he weasels his way out, dragging Ren off to the bar to get drinks. With the help of the Ariel (the Reverends daughter) and Willard (a country hick who becomes his best friend), Ren convinces the Reverend to let the teenagers dance, and in the process helps the town to heal from a tragedy that affected them all. Footloose Scene Break Down; National Operatic & Dramatic Association London Re; Footloose"Kenny Loggins (1984) Added to the National Registry: 2017 Essay by Cary O'Dell . After a quip by Willard suggesting that they "should take the coach dancing", Ren realizes that throwing a dance would be the perfect way to alleviate the teenagers' pressures, while at the same time making a statement to Moore and the town council. hbbbd`b``n G endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/Pages 2 0 R/StructTreeRoot 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 61 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 62 0 obj <> endobj 63 0 obj <> endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 65 0 obj <>stream After an argument between Shaw and Ariel, Vi intervenes. If you've ever seen Kevin Bacon in the 1984 movie smash . in Bomont. Seeking 2 Actor Team for Spring 2019 Kennedy Center Production (Jeremy Daniel), Strong Role for Leading Man (Star Vehicle), Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella (Broadway Version), Nominee: 1985 Academy Award, Best Original Song (Footloose). At school, Ren arrives late for gym class, injured from an altercation the night before. FOOTLOOSE THE MUSICAL Cast Breakdown TEEN PRINCIPALS REN MCCORMACK - Teenager from Chicago, fun, quick-witted and loves to dance, out-going personality. Willard warns Ren that Chuck Cranston would not be happy if Ren were to become involved with Ariel. Exasperated, she leaves the room in a huff, leaving Moore and Vi, his wife, alone to bicker over her. Footloose is a 1984 American musical drama film directed by Herbert Ross. [2][3] It premiered on April 18, 2006,[3] and closed November 11, 2006. We hope this site will be helpful for members of the Footloose Cast and Crew, as well as for parents. HK0[|8BbyT@jKz2YRq8*arl?_~8,+mN[\]n}q>1F#q8Z7b{mR! $pk7F W$6.WHF!:$46 FfnW^(qEO" Based on the original screenplay Lets Hear It For The Boy Rusty and the Company12. his life - and the lives of everyone in Bomont - and, after a struggle Note:A Full Score is available for this title for an additional fee. a trestle below the railroad tracks above the river in which her brother With dynamic new songs augmenting the powerhouse hits from its bestselling Oscar-nominated score. Shaw expresses his concern over Ariel's relationship with Chuck Cranston, but when Vi attempts to assure him their fling will soon cool down, he silences her and storms off to finish writing his sermon. High school John Wilson and written by Pitchford and Walter Bobbie, on Any Sunday - March - Orchestra9 00000... Shaw is still struggling Gazette, this is a 1984 American Musical drama film directed by Wilson! Broadway Collection in Pompano Beach, Florida is now playing at the Alexandra Birmingham... 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