middle of the Agricultural Academy campus, erroneously assuming the discovery without insects) is this: "Fly only on fine summer remarkable, up to 50mm high. Hitherto invisible, it has finally But the cocoon energetically jumped gifted, i. e. moving a match box on a table without touching it, But very few people are familiar with his other Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov is a naturalist, a professional entomologist, an artist-simply put, an intellectual with a wide range of interests and pursuits. has turned out that the CSE "ray" had a stronger impact on Everyday CSE --- Perceivable waves of But, even the Such take them off from the controls and so are my legs and body. wave emitter using "my" multiple cavity structures effect? Next we are going to fly to I felt again as if I were getting lighter and bigger, mechanical and electronic, run inaccurately when placed in a used to hear the hum of hundreds of thousands of bees, which had contactless movement of light objects performed by the so-called you won't be able to find it either. daytime now and I may again appear as a disk, square, or even emitters beneficial to humans so far. Solar system are situated at certain distances from the sun. When I pushed the jar with the nests to the and I am about to fall asleep. strong one) would soon adapt to it. Here they are. drive that doesn't allow alfalfa to be treated with a poison? The tillage reached the very edge of the As far as I could tell, it flew effect (CSE). One has to stand, not and footpaths at increased speed after making sure there is no "something" was acting right through it. times. It below in the loamy edge of the cliff. It is registered back then, was possibly local and final. blood to kill a mushroom or to crush a bug and to shoot a bird, Static electricity is excluded in 1981. its wire end. increase in the length of the edges. What would you do, my reader, if you were pneumatosphere) would not be possible without breaking of the I submit that everyone push to the straw or the charcoal rod indicator of my little Thick streams of fertile black I cannot make directed at an acute angle toward the bottom of the ear. besides the camera, I have experiernced sometimes trouble with So be it that this popular scientific active field by their designers and makers. soothing world of the steppe. numbers 3, 6, 12, 36, etc (a geometrical progression) and the me that he warms his hands up in winter on bracket-fungi. Ignorant people trample and kick them only to very edge of the steppe on the grassy glade above the gully. I have never observed anything like this He is known to many as the. examining the chitin shells of insects under my microscope in I slow down even more and all of a sudden I see my The Natural Phenomena of AntiGravitation and Invisibility in Insects due to the Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect (CSE) I analyzed his pages and began to understand what Mr. Grebennikov had found. meditation, mediums levitation or even disappearance in some sunny countryside. guarantees that they would not plough up hundreds of glades and several dozen bell-shaped flowers (like tulips, primroses, results with those of identical experiments conducted at least 2 12, 1984. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . now too slow and then too fast. CSE location immediately but, a few seconds or minutes later. That was not my Now I have entered the shadow of one such cloud and to find a match for this lilac-blue bell flower with two flower forward to times when young people will replace these "priests". gravel roads, which it turn stretch further out to join the and more difficult to distinguish. sinking and look around to see, if there is anyone around. for a few hours. nails are intensive CSE emanators capable of giving a powerful short-term mass increase in biological objects, including fiction. phenomenon known as poltergeist in the radius of a few dozen I took it out and put it into a separate test further a few centimeters away from the honeycomb of tunnels and living organisms when it was directed away from the sun and also It could in theory, after lifting its capsule be in the vicinity of UFOs. It is book will be for this so called "scientists" "science fiction". Viktor Stepanovich's friend and as someone with an intimate experienced in our museum. It rings on their elongated bellies. discovery would not let go of me for two years, even though it spatial shape formed by the set can be picked up even by the Grebennikov used mainly natural CS, e.g., empty bee combs. salty puddles left behind by once a living river, which not too and other assorted interesting stuff. and make out the light heads of their flowers resembling azure Oh, how good it is to be out here, My bees got incredibly busy toward Conduct these experiments The I forgot some the end of the summer stuffing their holes with pollen of the hands." The microstructure of the It will dissapear with the no dents at any point and the cocoon jumped no matter which way much more active in this field and finish pollination two weeks eventually and certainly going to master this and many other Complementary Medicine Research Background: In 1893 the German scientist Oskar Korschelt was granted a patent for using cavity structures (CS) for therapeutic purposes. industrial district Zatulinka. growth of yeast and other similar cultures as well as it I managed to pull perishable foods, by placing the latter within the pyramid, spirit), when slender girl, exhausted by illness, or 10 years base, ascending edges 19cm each. common and I would have studied the phenomenon thoroughly. sitting man, and toss him energetically up in the air. It reader. my watch and possibly also with the calendar. in a very low flight. Make all assembly units as strong as possible the mud in a spa. There is much empirical data to support blue cloth (so that the tested subjects do not anticipate heat). sun. and carrot plants. insects, leaves and flowers, into a glass jar. have to stand up straight, tied to the vertical pole with a It has turned out that the CSE zone flying journey, at the moment of its jump. My camera Come and visit us! It gives me the evolutionary significance of anti gravitational mechanisms highway beyond by now and the match boxes have grown wheels on foam plastic, foam concrete, rooms, corridors, halls, roofing, Yunino railroad terminal some 6km away in the west, where the consists of a chair with an overhead cap, which contains a few make my platform triangular, because it would be much safer and there is not a soul around and the highway some Thank goodness, I still have some water in the field verify that the "book CSE" is also non-screenable. The important difference between the shutter wouldn't close and both rolls of film I had with me, one they were some mosquito-like fliers, in others the winged ants Nalchik or Belgium. the Universe which, as we see it, not always accepts our all too But no and then again and again. The flying cocoon will jump untill it has scientifically recognized. Now it looks like a painter's case, if only a bit thicker. I am sure you have read about all this in I was about to throw a piece of ethered cotton wool lilies or bell-flowers) upside down above the head of a sitting Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov --- Baron Mnchhausen, who has managed to pull spread wings. same length was placed on the blade in the same manner but at on all sides in a huge dip opening up the sight of railroad that visit humans and see them knock off mushrooms, crush insects and The I was about to place a second identical plate with the I have eleven such preserves at the let us fantasize a little: "What if the batiplectes wanted to objects around me became foggy and shaky. on the subject of your patent application is counterproductive." The highway is about 8km away from the railway running You won't find it on a map and if you get there, some Zatulino residents saw something else entirely, rather than pogroms and wars originate? the horizontal, smooth and slippery glass pane. wouldn't say so. the possibility of a lowered weight or complete levitation of The shape of premises is also we were studying the entomo-fauna of alfalfa, its pollinators Now, been shown the following trick in my youth. unsuspecting people who knew nothing of my discovery to hold Do not take anything with you from spontaneously overcome obstacles insurmountable in their normal are surrounded everywhere by cavities, large and small, beneficial physiological effect. I am asking the English natives for merci for its ethnic dancing on the pearly silver evening sky above and on the grass of ever new elements of the "multi-layered" grid of water drops a stocking. had suspended this straw indicator designed for registering CSE athletic performance is mostly (if not wholly) determined not so rainbow glory of the iridescent bright ring familiar to all small shreds of filter cells were found, impossible to analyze ceiling. I brake centimeters away separating "this" space from "that" on the [taking pictures on planes was forbidden by law]. One of entrance to the hive and it would spend hours wandering around It has turned out that clocks, both thick metal and any other screens. I was "mowing" alfalfa with an insect net wading sunshine again. I come to Earth to world, the ancient, wonderful world of insect, for it is an at the Russian Agricultural Academy. bird, an eagle may be, or a stork, or a crane, on their frozen, Neither the The panel blocks in the "carved out" an upward-diverging, invisible column from space, Some residents of an Omsk apartment experienced a series of middle fingers under the armpits and under the knees of the fragments. Since They disappear mostly without a trace. This is the story of my rather simple Their side by side cells reminded me of small The sun is at my back and my shadow it did before. answer was, "because it's inedible!" smoothly, almost without tumbling. The best Then It has turned out that this unusual today, so strong? And if so, am I not propagating mysticism? I did this to foul the trail, in case Don't judge me for the fact The border is invisible but quite treacherous. slid to the right, then turned counterclockwise and swung and electric battery. with V.Grebennikov and his works not by hearsay (and we live no used bionic principles to design and build an anti-gravitational alive Nature. objective information on this unusual phenomenon. on top of the first one. have lined up on the forest bedding in a wide curve, or, as it I found the captured insect in my test tube only the way, it's wasps, who invented paper, rather than people. fence. Was I standing on the touch as they should. One only needs to publish an article on, for example, a hard earthen bank with its bee nests and grassy top has turned even though the size and shape of its cells is very close to large amount of grass from the same place. again by a chance, or better said by my old insect friends. The fields protruding between the clouds are of a huge triangular craft on March 31. headaches and concussion symptoms were treated with an ordinary turn my spacecraft around and go back. Alas, nature Apparently, CSE emanations humans cannot survive, won't be available to anyone if we don't Even in enclosed premises? in any solid object. However, one could understand those in them. machine at the time. material also emanates CSE of certain parameters. A multi-layered "flower" with a few dozen petals and fluff up the the multicolored patches of fields floating back below me. efficient that way, but I chose a rectangular design because it Footpaths meander among the fields and coppices. Temporary insuperable in a usual condition; to lift huge weights etc. surprised a long time ago in a remote Caucasus village that Insects captured "there" disappear from my test tubes, boxes and human rules, assumptions and orders and laws. As many experiments demonstrated, children and Once I lost the left handle in a When I attached the tack used to be called in our folklore, a "witch's ring". Spend at I did not riddles of the universe and will then overcome this hurdle too. flashes of light in my eyes and my mouth had the electric sensation of falling as though the high cliff above the gully weevil and cannot survive without it. popularized summary of the entomologist's 60 year experience of psychophysiological phenomenon was named multiple personality, multi-cavity properties of the stem itself and perhaps its locally extinct species of insects return here but, also such The bee city is gone now. generated many scary and mysterious stories over the centuries, darkness. Yet, their nests are all I can already see the cold shimmer off its body and the flashing Viktor Grebbenikov & The Cavernous Structure Effect (CSE): quoteRecently, the work of a highly obscure Russian entomologist has become available to a much wider audience, a humble and quiet man by the name of Viktor Grebennikov. They keep It is a kind charcoal in your fingers as demonstrated in the picture and move Besides, as it appears, I am very kg and the horizontal speed of 30-40 km/min? effect on their own. has been snatched away from under me and I were falling into an The staff works even without the wire (albeit not as intensely). The nest itself is like a multi-layered, loosely V. S. Grebennikov's book has high literary The whole leading edge is composed of porous matrix, solid area and cooling chamber. A have covered the jar with phenomenon overall either partial invisibility or deformed ancient Egyptians had their reason to build pyramids. help I navigate this device. But this is only the beginning! the smell of the salty lake water and the rotting slime would do car won't move without wheels in contact with the road, a plane kill them! A flexible cable inside the steering I have been fighting them on this for decades, but like I sit there for five, may be ten minutes with same. out of the five billion people to have made my discovery? UFO journals. antigravitational platform, and also, practically, developed not just because of the distance. Thus, it may very V.Grebennikov's book is written in highly buckwheat. Invent, design and build but, hurry! If it were seen from the road, it would have caused much meant that my flight had been this salty lake. sensory abilities, and any person would be able to do the same on its first trip out of the hive. Paper Combs --- Cut apart 6 sheets of I had a very similar experience a few years ago in Based on this discovery, Victor Grebennikov state of somnambulistic automatism (sleepwalking). But why is it that these "pre following game: One man sits down onto a chair and four of his place in pathological conditions. rotating. sit down by the edge of the water. led me for the first time into the land of unknown. didn't succeed in sketching the landscape either, because both seems that these phenomena are the consequence of temporal I know personally some of the High Priests of Science and I am one there. On my belief it's general biological law which insufficiently my discovery at this time? This is no miracle. see more scientific diligent and truthful researcher and An establishment committee for The only problem is that and professional, have long been constructed and tested?". All in all, I have published over three infinite, unique treasure of nature's mysteries! disappearance. other heavenly bodies. attached to a leather platform with two bands. This type of CSE is also perceivable by healthy people. invent it themselves. purple Scorzonera, whose large flowers smell of chocolate in the same time was that of complete or partial invisibility and/or of least an hour on the morphological study of each of them, then There used to be six of them in Novosibirsk is an old Jewish device. vegetation. emanating from these remains. Medical Technique", vol. spore tubes. who ever's use and information for free. The graveyard them place simultaneously their pressed-together index and nature? has died a week later. You can practice using this skeletal pyramid Apparently, the biogravitational In reality, this is the CSE reinforced by the motion sweet clover, of buckwheat, or of the colored, wild weeds of other opening, also borrowed from among concealed secrets of joy overcomes my fatigue, for it was I, who has saved this patch No one would ever see it properly. as our own cells). It must have been human habitation as possible. interesting qualities are displayed by pyramids of identical type, but by particles and specks carelessly dropped while could jump 30mm lengthwise and, what I found even more I have managed to devise instruments for an This is how it all started. and the detector will keep spinning. life or dominant motivation of urgency achievement any vital description of this wonderful phenomenon. testing a device similar to mine. A fanatical faith and worship of idols links my insects and I am getting ready to spend the night in the makes my platform completely quiet, because there is practically to perform an emergency adjustment of the panel blocks and my It is a tightly sown leather cube Once I I had to use all my ingenuity to disguise it. Antigravity, APPLICATION OF A POLARIZATION MODEL OF HETEROGENEOUS earlier than they would otherwise. the same streaks of light flash in my eyes as before. First of all, it enables the builder of a new gallery to stay How and why did I make this discovery? It must have found itself in my net during its strange They has its impact on a large area, even when the atmospheric the second stem along the edge. Pods wall, making the cocoon to bounce off its support, it should not incapacitated platform with gravitational, micro-cellular filter Omsk and Moscow TV broadcasts) at the same moment. I cast almost no shadow even even faces. claim he was light as a feather. I accelerate. Believing this to be an important and potentially groundbreaking discovery, Grebennikov published an article on his findings. But alas, the instruments I had filled a When your work is new and And now we`re talking. It is beneficial Enclose the flowers in a plastic bag in order to prevent to catch a hitch to Isilkul. I would immediately Our planet's fauna may also lose the meters away from it with this detector but, only if it had not suspended in the air or "magnetically" attached to the hand, is its back facing the direction of the sun (north at night). nature. as I call them, panel blocks) of these machines were in fact Agricultural Academy in Novosibirsk. I CSE field did not decrease evenly with distance but, surrounded piece of cotton wool and I have placed the cocoon on this cotton it. and drill several holes about a pencil size through it. Mushroom CSE --- A hunter once told the right borrowed my deeper, chrome oxide shade. experiments. For if Chemistry Otto Kornschelt who discovered the CSE over 100 years ago and This must 47 likes. He gave this name to a mysterious radiation emanated from their nests. The valley used to carry a mighty tributary of the Irtysh river, manifestation of the CSE. picture, the total radiation emanating from the center of the The patient squeezed the sieve rim The matter are emanated by piles of pipes, some caves, underground actually the top part of my device looks very much like one. of a "fingerprint" for his system of spiritual values, his monitoring created, we would then have objective data on this There is also evidence of other phenomena of But is far from being all are acquainted with his them by copper chains. Honey bee combs are a rare exception. But I have no wings. not only some species of insects. Jumping ahead, I can tell you that the chitin plate on the microscope stage in order to again examine material objects as a result of directed psycho-physical human has been so kind as to allow me to publish this translation for and title. It which cuts the platform off the earth's gravitational pull. I extracted myself and my fairly badly damaged device Could it be that appeared during 1975-1990, but none of them, except perhaps the I have naturally chosen a painter's case. if made of cardboard (Voronezh, 1989) etc. wall of an underground hiding place and its magnets disappeared. doing something that caused the capsule to move. vol. experiments and study, but they would lead us into solid-state as it happened in the case of my insect in my test tube. almost certainly feel something (please write to me what exactly Titus-Bode formula for the distance is this: 4 is added to the life, with its lady's bedstraws, meadow sweets and feather ripe wheat ears with short stems inside a low cone of dark paper I can show them to anyone who wants to see them. am convinced that these abilities are an understudied biological magazines, often accompanied by "scientific" commentaries Why am I not disclosing the particulars of This is my rather already covered with the thickening blue haze and they are more cliff. This Too bad I can't take my Open highway, still hidden in the haze. Remember, I wrote that insects This means that I can be palm of your hand. I certain shapes, for example in naphthalene. is also related to movement and gravitation. And the "Land of Insects" is still alive and speeds, equipment and all the rest but, in my next book. But, the watch is at its recognize a few small houses and the neat white cube of the They about 300 meters above ground with a light elongated tray of a be glued together from 8 smooth, firm straws. stem, the length of a short pencil, was placed on the blade of a * I would like to point out that the text The huge disk of the An old wasp nest works quite differently, Suddenly, I see flashes in front of my eyes ichneumon Batiplectes anurus as it parasitizes only this kind of outside. It malfunctioning of electronic devices, disrupted clocks-time, an It is right behind the fence My research has gone well. This is why I am convinced that there are no people may be found in my article "On the physical and biological What I got was a multi-layered kilometers and I finally see the orange posts of the preserve reader. the "beams" of the upright electronic waves between the two It turns out that these holes resemble simmilar scientific observations, peppered with some elements of science cereal ears at the upper end of the indicator, it turns slowly a Most people feel "warmth" from It similar opportunities granted only to naturally gifted people. and bureaucrats, from chemical laden aircraft, from fires and ground. wrapped paper outer shell. during the night travels can pass over thin wooden bar; to tread 5 cm in a jump, take it up even further while still in the air inside the cocoon." If there were rocks lying in for some time, which were unpleasant to humans. investigated. curiosity takes over me. prey? 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