There she met her husband, Buell Funk, and together they had four children. Louie Muir died on August 6, 1905, and is buried with John, her parents, a brother, a sister and Uncle Henry in the Strentzel/Muir cemetery about a mile from the National Historic Site. "I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out until sundown, for going out I found, was really going in.". "Both ocean and sky are already about as rosy as possible the one with stars, the other with dulse, and foam, and wild light. Louie was graded on 22 different subjects and scored a perfect 10 on virtually all of them. Louie graduated in May 1864. "Make The Mountains Glad: John And The SIERRA. At the time, it must have seemed a pipe dream. Along with a few other companions, he explored Glacier Bay, expanding his research. He is the primary author and editor of the curriculum: Opening the World through Nature Journaling. Around 1907, Muir began to battle to save Hetch Hetchy, a beautiful valley in Yosemite National Park that San Francisco had set its sights on. And this is not the end of the world; we should just create a new and improved hypothesis. Mark Elbroch. Dr. Strentzel immigrated to the United States in 1840 and moved west to Texas where he settled and married Louisiana Erwin in 1843.Their first child, a daughter named Louisa (Louie), was born in 1846, and a son, John, in 1848. In March of 1881, Louie gave birth to a daughter they named Annie. Tony Foster was inspired to paint en plein air in this remote region by his luminary, conservationist and author Kari Herbert. He bought additional land and planted large vineyards and orchards that included Muscat, Zinfandel and Tokay grapes, and over 50 varieties of pears. Her husband, Dr. Ezra Carr, was one of Muir's professors at the University of Wisconsin. Jackis a scientist, educator, and author, who helps people forge a deeper and more personal connection with nature through keeping illustrated nature journals and understanding science. Bestselling author Amy Tan wrote the book's foreword.. An author, artist, and educator, John is the founder of the Nature Journal Club, a community of . "It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter." Start now: you can do this, and the world is waiting. This piece requires considerable musical talent, and we can appreciate the skill on the piano which Louie possessed. San Francisco earthquake, repair of house, marriage of Wanda to Thomas Hanna. We must all be willing to let go of our hypotheses as quickly as we make them, for fifteen feet down the trail, further evidence may disprove or current thinking. He explored the valley and climbed the Sierra Mountains, which at this time were part of a state park. Strentzel Muir Biography, Louie Muir's One and Only Trip to Yosemite, Privacy Policy/Your California Privacy Rights. The key to developing a closer connection with nature is deliberately enhancing your powers of observation and wonder. The Yosemite, 8. And he was the 2010 Outstanding Learning Disabled Achiever. Trip to South America and Africa (73 years old). Furthermore, his efforts towards conservation had major long-term effects in how our government views environmental protection and Muir ultimately helped to establish a tradition of advocating for the government to take responsibility for the preservation of important natural areas and for conserving its resources. Muir got a job breaking horses at a ranch and then soon afterwards got a job as a shepherd. (From the February, 1996 issue of The View from John Muir's Window, the John Muir Memorial Association Newsletter.) On April 14th, 1880, at the age of 41, John Muir finally married Louie. , A pacifist opposed to the Civil War, the twenty-seven-year-old Muir had left his family's Wisconsin farm the previous year and traveled to Michigan. Muir, however, wanted the area of the Yosemite region that was currently a state park to become a national one. ", 3. He was given the 2020 Bay Nature Local Hero award for his work in environmental education. In this video John Muir Laws reveals how Fosters intentional use of contrasting warm and cool hues creates depth and atmospheric perspective in this painting of the sacred Machapuchare mountain. ", 9. When Louie wasn't overseeing the daily duties at the ranch she was working on her garden around the farm house. In 1877 Mary Atkins returned to Benicia from Ohio and reopened the old Randall house as a school for girls. He teaches free, weekly online workshops on nature journaling techniques and supports teachers and parents develop best practices to teach nature journaling to kids and adults. New York: Putnam, 1972. Contact Us | More biographical information on William Keith, from the Sierra Club website. It drives its victims in flocks, repressing the growth of individuality. In 1882, . Muir was an adventurous and active child who loved playing outdoors. - John Muir. Rate this book. At the end of the '80s when Muir had been home quite a bit of the time, his literary output vanished, and so did his enthusiasm for most everything else. There is nothing that has a right to be considered besides this except the welfare of our children.". Louie was a wonderful musician, wife, mother, ranch manager and helpmate. It is part of the universal warfare between right and wrong." ", 11. Dr. Carr later became a professor at University of California, and California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Muir chided him to put the detail back in. Dr. Strentzel continued his horticultural work and practiced his medical skills whenever required. It is part of the universal warfare between right and wrong. "The sun shines not on us but in us. The Strentzels were delighted when Muir proposed to Louie in 1879. In 1880, he married Louie Wanda Strentzel and moved to Martinez, California , where they raised their two daughters, Wanda and Helen. During his ten years on the ranch, he continued to travel when time permitted. Dr. John Strentzel was born in Lublin, Poland, November 29, 1813. Helen's room overlooked the train track, tunnels, and trestle, on the side of Mt. Thank you for your support in 2022, Join me for a special 2-part Owl-o-ween Drawing Cl, Together with a small team of hardworking folks, I, Exploring Monterey, CA. Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Careers | But in 1882 Muir stated his opposition to the Grange. Muir Funk - deceased. "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike." When the revolution failed the following year, John Strentzel was forced to flee his homeland and move to Hungary. Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Teachers Conference, Sun Shadows: exploring the solstice and equinox, Reviews- The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling, Reviews-The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada. His funeral was held in the Muir House. Jeanne Carr was Muir's mentor shortly after they met at Madison. Muir's conservation legacy lives on at the John Muir National Historic Site and in our daily actions. Shasta. more information on current conditions April 21, John Muir born in Dunbar, Scotland. - John Muir. Mt. Most of all she enjoyed watching the trains come through the Muir property. 1. A friend said that Helen had a convertible that she drove quite fast along the dry washes in the desert. Soon Louie began to sell off the ranch property to lessen the burden. Called "America's Best Idea," the United States' unique system of protecting natural and cultural heritage spurred other countries to do the same. Helen. The valley was completely destroyed and Muir was completely devastated by the results. John Hanna: Lives in Napa, CA (as of 2004) In particular, he discovered his love for botany and was heavily influenced by the writings of naturalist philosophers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Muir replied that he did, and two days later led the a group of five (Muir, Keith, Irwin Benoni, Thomas Ross, and Merrill Moores) to the upper Tuolumne River area. John Muir was the third of the eight children born to Ann Gilrye and Daniel Muir, in Dunbar, Scotland. Helen died in Spokane, Washington, on June 17, 1964. "The battle for conservation must go on endlessly. She bought numerous train magazines and hoped to one day become a mechanical engineer. "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. John of the Mountain, 15. John Muir Laws @JohnMuirLaws 39.8K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About Search Nature Drawing Play all Instructional. Steep Trails (about the Grand Canyon), 14. Inspired by his luminary, the famed Briton mountaineer Stephen Venables, Tony traveled to Tibet to paint. Happy holidays! Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls. While John was in Seattle, Louie wrote him a letter dated August 9, 1888. Wilderness World of John Muir, 3. For his part, Keith kept after Muir to take the detail out of his writing. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Jeanne Carr was an amateur botanist and lover of nature. After her husbands death, she moved to Spokane, WA. A copy of the Strentzel's invitation to the Annual Examination of the Pupils survives. From an early age, his parents instilled in him a deep love and respect for nature. Muir's wife, Walter Muir (born Walter Muir Funk) - b. Wanda. He is a research associate of the California Academy of Sciences. Muir's passion for nature brought him to every continent except Antarctica. It . The oldest son, Muir Funk, did not because his first name was Muir. Capitalizing on cash crops already established by his father-in-law, Muir secured his own modest fortune over the next ten years, enabling him to resume his writing and conservation career later on. In this issue we discuss one of these friends, landscape artist William Keith. She bore three children with her husband, Dr. John Strentzel, whom she married in 1843: a daughter, Louisa Louie Elizabeth Wanda (1846), a son, John Johnny Erwin Burcham (1848), and another daughter, Carlotta Lottie (1851). "The battle for conservation must go on endlessly. The Alaska book and the Yosemite book, dear John, must be written, and you need to be your own self, well and strong to make them worthy of you. had two daughters, According to Louie and John's youngest daughter Helen, life at home with her parents was happy. Our National Parks, 4202 Alhambra Ave While John Muir may have lost the battle to save Hetch Hetchy, he played the pre-eminent role in preserving Yosemite Valley and his scientific theory about glaciers forming the valley has been proven to be correct. Wanda married Thomas Hanna in 1906. Floy Hutchings led Keith and two other painters to Muir who was at his cabin below the Royal Arches. It was during this time that Muir realized that he loved nature more than anything else and decided that instead of going to medical school as he had originally planned, he wanted to study botany. "It is a vast wilderness of rocks in a sea of light, colored and glowing like oak and maple woods in autumn, when the sun gold is richest." She was devoted to her parents, however, and chose to remain with them on their fruit ranch, helping them run their large and thriving business. She made sure her only remaining child, Louie, received an extensive education and pursued her talent as a pianist. Steep Trails, 13. On a very stormy April 14, 1880, they were married in the Strentzel's white house with white Astrakan apple blossoms decorating the home. Her friends and family called her Wanda after her mothers middle name. She is buried next to her husband, Buel Alvin Funk in the Bellevue Memorial Cemetery in Ontario, California. In 1882, Dr. Strentzel built a 17-room mansion on a knoll overlooking his vast orchards, about a mile from his original home. Dana and Gibbs, and down Bloody Canyon to Mono Lake (with John Swett and J.B. McChesney, 1875), Mt. He encountered both bears and natives, and he climbed several mountains and explored meadows. May 27, 1916, d. December 9, 2004 Even though his father disapproved of his inventions, Muir continued in his pursuits and in 1860 Muir took some of them to a fair where he gained some attention and local celebrity for his ingenuity. With the inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt in 1901, there was finally a conservationist in the White House. John Muir's Daughter (1881-1942). Eventually he relegated the girls' practicing to the soundproof brick room supporting the water tank at the rear of the house. In 1830, he joined in an attempted overthrow of the Russian domination of Poland. One song he particularly liked was named "Hold the Fort." Muir determined that he would spend the rest of his life trying to absorb as much of the beauty of God's creation as he could. Letters to a Friend, July 26, 1868 (about Yosemite), 12. In May 1870 he announced that the next YLS semester would begin August 2 at the new location. "Civilization has not much to brag about. 14 talking about this. She came to California in 1849, the same year that John Muir was coming to Wisconsin from Scotland. Muir's articles "The Treasures of Yosemite" and "Features of a Proposed Yosemite National Park" appeared in Century Magazine, which boasted more than one million readers. Muir took full advantage of the opportunity, calling for Roosevelt's help to save the trees and preserve the natural beauty of the region. The system is creative, rigorous, and playful, easy to begin and learn, and will grow and mature over a lifetime. As it turned out, Willie and Johnnie, as they soon called each other, were born in the same year in Scotland. The Sierra Club also continued its work, even preventing dams from being built in the Grand Canyon in the 1960s. John Muir Laws takes a close look at sunsets and Tony's effective watercolor techniques that describe them. He believed only government control and limitations would guarantee the protection of forests. The 1863 YLS catalog lists departments in English, Language (Latin, French, German, and Spanish) and Fine Arts (Music, Painting, and Drawing). Another son, Walter, who died in 2004, told an interviewer that he had every book written by his famous grandfather and many written about him by other authors. This Joint Resolution accepted the recession by the State of California of the Yosemite Valley Grant and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, now the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, which withdrew them from state protection and put them under federal protection, making them part of Yosemite National Park. John Muir Laws is a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. Louie was educated at Miss Adkins' Young Ladies Seminary in Benicia. (Optional) He is the founder and president of the Wild Wonder Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging nature connection and conservation through attention, curiosity, art, science, and community. Muir turned his conservation efforts specifically towards his desire that the U.S. government establish more national parks. The frost had changed the grasses and a kind of willow to the most brilliant yellows and reds; these contrasting with the two-leafed pine and Williamson spruce, the cold gray rocks, the colder snow, made a glorious sight." This resource, now in its second edition, is free to educators and has been downloaded and used worldwide in schools, science centers, home school communities, camps, and informal science education programs. Attention, observation, curiosity, and creative thinking are not gifts, but skills that grow with training and deliberate practice. According to hers and John's daughter, Helen, "she was a devoted daughter and a great comfort to her parents in their later years. Began to publish articles in leading magazines. Jeanne Carr had long tried to arrange a meeting of the two. Stickeen Published (John's only children story). While she suffered great losses, illnesses, and hardships, she protected and supported her family on its journey to a life of contented prosperity. Shortly afterward on Christmas Eve, 1914, John Muir died of pneumonia. The seminary was located in an old residence built by a Captain Randall at 153 West I Street between First and Second Streets. In 1876 when Muir was highly nervous over his first public lecture in Sacramento, Keith knowing this loaned one of his paintings, The Headwaters of the Merced, telling Muir to take it to the Congregational Church and "Just look at the painting Johnny. John Muir Laws, aka Jack, is a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. She enjoyed hiking, climbing, riding her horse, reading about football, playing her guitar, and observing plants and animals. On June 1, 1878, Louie played the piano for the Strentzel family and John, and they all sang several Grange songs. A copy of their Marriage Certificate, signed by Dr. Dwinell and witness Mrs. M.A. Muir would have liked Dwinell because of his literary and scientific interests -- he also founded the Agassiz Institute in 1872 following a visit of Louie Agassiz to Sacramento. In 1884 Louie accompanied her husband to Yosemite Valley. This site is a resource of tools for your journey. Clear rating. Wanda: Married Thomas Hanna in 1906 and had six children Although there were other available places for San Francisco to build a reservoir, it was viewed as the cheapest option because it was already government-owned land. After her marriage in 1905 at age 24, Wanda moved into the adobe house on the property with her husband and college sweetheart, Thomas Hanna. Inspired by his luminary, wife Ann Foster, Tony traveled to the Maldives to paint dramatic equatorial sunsets. "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Jean Hanna deLipkau Clark - deceased. Find a Nature Journaling Mentor Near You! for the buildings and property and became owner as well as principal. Wanda wrote to her mother in 1902 from a Sierra Club outing with her father, Yesterday we had a meeting of college women here in campisn't it a fine answer to the people who say that college girls are weak and good for nothing generally? John of the Mountains, "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." He had the most incredible way of describing things, in words I wouldn't even think of.". From there, he crossed the Canadian border and kept . Apparently, she wanted to sell the school, for Mills inspected the property later and purchased it for $5000. John Muir Laws' How to Teach Nature Journaling (co-authored by Emilie Lygren) is the first-ever comprehensive book devoted to helping educators use nature journaling as an inspiring teaching tool to engage young people with wild places. It drives its victims in flocks, repressing the growth of individuality." "Therefore we are all, in some sense, mountaineers, and going to the mountains is going home. . Friends close to the Muirs described her as "the mainstay of the Muir household" and noted that "if not for her understanding and willingness to unselfishly forgo demands on John's time, the work he did for Yosemite Valley might have been diminished. She is buried next to her husband, Buel Alvin Funk in the Bellevue Memorial Cemetery in Ontario, California. Wanda: March 25, 1881 - July, 1942 (age 60) A second daughter, Lotta, was born in 1851 but lived only four months. Also, while Muir was gone, Louie managed the fruit ranch very capably, handled the finances and bookkeeping, and even sent checks to cover Muir's hotel bills. At age six, he was sent to school along with the sons of officials and nobility. and her mother Louisianna. Helen ill, Adamana, Arizona for recovery; death of Louie Strentzel Muir, August 6. Terms and Conditions of Use | Much of their correspondence is recorded in Letters from a Friend. By 1888 they had earned enough money from fruit ranching that they decided to sell the ranch in order so that Muir could return to his true love of exploring the wilderness, doing research, and writing. Web. This brief paper is a tribute to Louie and to the help and support she gave her husband in his work. Also in 1906, Muir was able to convince Roosevelt to establish the Petrified Forest National Monument to protect the fossilized trees of Arizona. She had for years been trying to match up Louie and John, and in 1879 the pressure became intense, with Mrs. Carr working over the two of them separately. Martinez He shares videos of the classes online with an international community of nature artists. John Muir Laws provides some geologic context for this artwork by Tony Foster depicting an ancient stratovolcano high up in the Andes and reveals artistic insights about painting shadows and reflections. John Muir Laws was with his mother's botany group on Table Mountain and a woman with a sketchbook captured his attention. However, he became ill and decided that instead of going somewhere tropical, he should go somewhere temperate to recover, which ultimately made him decide on going to California, a decision that set much of the course of his life. The special temples of nature artists international community of nature detail back.! Work, even preventing dams from being built in the 1960s Learning Disabled Achiever to the and... Was n't overseeing the daily duties at the ranch, he was the of. Adamana, Arizona for recovery ; death john muir laws wife Louie Strentzel Muir, in some sense,,! Lessen the burden buildings and property and became owner as well as principal Muir to take the out... Friends, landscape artist William Keith Newsletter. of Wanda to Thomas Hanna long tried to a!, playing her guitar, and he climbed several mountains and get good! 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