Location:Gl._Lejre, Sealand, Denmark Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Age:Viking 11th century FTDNA Comment:Joins ancient Estonian samples V9 and X14 Y-DNA:R-BY61747 The following members of the community offer paid consulting for those seeking help with mtDNA results. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location:Karda, Sweden Y-DNA:R-Z18 mtDNA:H3g1b, Sample:VK129 / Iceland_ING08 mtDNA:K1b1c, Sample:VK313 / Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 2 mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK484 / Estonia_Salme_II-Q mtDNA:H52, Sample:VK516 / Norway_Sor-Trondelag 4481 Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE Derived for 1 ancestral for 2. mtDNA:T2b, Sample:VK390 / Norway_Telemark 1648-A Y-DNA:R-S2895 I'm at U5A1B1D+T16093C , U5A1 is the oldest native European mtDNA haplogroup , Scandinavian/Baltic origins. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:R-BY34800 mtDNA:U5a1g1, Sample:VK29 / Sweden_Skara 17 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:I-BY78615 FTDNA Comment:Splits I-Y5612 (P109). Age:Viking 9-10th centuries CE On a PC, thats CTRL+F to show the find box. mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK335 / Oland_1068 Derived for 8, ancestral for 2. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Viking 850-900 CE Again, these mutations are identified by DNA Sequencing in which the entire string of nucleotides within a HVR of mtDNA is identified and compared to a mtDNA reference standard (i.e., the C ambridge R eference S equence . Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:I-Y22507 FTDNA Tree: Link
New path = R-S9742>R-BY16950 mtDNA:H6a1b3, ____________________________________________________________. Age:Late Norse 1300 CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE mtDNA:H49a, Sample:VK251 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-30.64 Do a browser search on this article to see if your haplogroup is shown. The particular spatial distribution patterns of specific mitochondrial lineages in contemporary human populations offer insights into human origins, past migration events and gene flow with defined directions and demographic consequences [1,2,3,4,5].Mitochondrial macro-haplogroup H (Hg H) has been a focus of attention in human genetic diversity studies for more than a decade [6,7,8,9]. Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Forms a new branch downstream of R-BY220332 (U152). mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK237 / Faroe_15 mtDNA: J1b1a1a, Sample: VK422 / Norway_Hedmark 4304 mtDNA:V, Sample:VK551 / Estonia_Salme_II-U mtDNA:R0a2b, Sample:VK306 / Sweden_Skara 33 Location:Hessum, Funen, Denmark Location:Hofstadir, Iceland Location:Sandomierz, Poland mtDNA:U5b1b1g1, Sample:VK420 / Norway_Hedmark 2813 Y-DNA:R-YP4345 Shares one C>T mutation with a BY195155* sample Sample:VK50 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-53.64 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-S22676 FTDNA Comment:Splits I2-FT12648, derived for 5, ancestral for 7. Age:Viking 8-9th centuries CE Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Y-DNA:I-M253 Daily Updates Here! Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Geni requires JavaScript! Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:H7, Sample:VK531 / Norway_Troms 5001A Age:Viking 850-900 CE Y-DNA:I-S26361 Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Church2, Faroes Y-DNA:I-Y130659 Y-DNA:N-CTS2929 Forms a new branch down of R-FT20255 (Z18). Sample:VK275 / Denmark_Kaargarden 217 FTDNA Comment:Shares 13 SNPs with an American. Y-DNA:I-Y141089 I am working on changing results over to build 17. Forms a new branch down of R-YP1395. This research project increased that number by 79% added another 114 haplogroups, raising the total to 259 Native American . Location:Ladoga, Russia Location:Hesselbjerg, Jutland, Denmark Surprisingly, Swedes had only 10%. It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. Distribution of mtDNA haplogroup U5 in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Y-DNA:R-FT20255 Parent Branch: U5a
Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden The current build is #17. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Gnezdovo, Russia A comparison of NPR Scythian mtDNA linages with other contemporaneous Scythian groups, the Saka and the Pazyryks, reveals a common mtDNA package comprised of haplogroups H/H5, U5a, A, D/D4, and F1/F2. Location:Oland, Sweden The Fulbe of Senegal were also found to share U5b1b1b with the Berbers, surely through intermarriages. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE New branch = R-BY186623 Y-DNA:R-Y47841 mtDNA:K1d, Sample:VK223 / Russia_Gnezdovo 75-140 mtDNA:U5b1-T16189C!-T16192C! Y-DNA:N-S23232 Y-DNA:R-BY58559 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Its age is between 2,500 and 7,500 years (Behar et al., 2012b). Age:Early Viking 8th century CE FTDNA Comment:Splits R-BY18970 (DF98). U5 is most common in Tajikistan (7.5%), followed by Uzebekistan (3.5%), Turkmenistan (2.5%), Kyrgyzstan (2.5%), Kazakhstan (2.5%), among the Altaians (2%) and the Buryats (2%), and further east as far as Mongolia (1%). mtDNA:H1-C16239T. What's more, all the Mesolithic U5 samples from Iberia whose subclade could be identified belonged to U5b. It is most frequently found in western and central sub-Saharan Africa, and seldom appears in eastern or southern Africa. Y-DNA:R-L513 a genealogical branch that had a mutation relatively short before the start of Judaism and the mtdna branch has only descendants with this mutation. Y-DNA:R-BY39347 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE U5a1 originated in Europe during the Ice Age, about 20,000 years ago. mtDNA:H10-x, Sample:VK117 / Norway_Trondheim_SK328 Y-DNA:R-BY92608 2016 reported the resultts of over 70 complete human mitochondrial genomes ranging from 45,000 to 7,000 years ago. mtDNA:I1a1, Sample:VK70 / Denmark_Tollemosegard-EW Y-DNA:R-Z8 More 80% of the numerous Mesolithic European mtDNA tested to date belonged to various subclades of U5. Y-DNA:I-Y103013 Y-DNA:R-YP1370 It serves as the main repository for mtDNA full sequence profiles. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE New path = I-FGC15543>I-FGC15561 Location:Ribe, Jutland, Denmark mtDNA:H3g1, Sample:VK384 / Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 14, sk EU mtDNA:K1a4a1, Sample:VK407 / Sweden_Skara 274 The presence of haplogroup U5 in Europe pre-dates the expansion of agriculture in Europe. mtDNA:H1a, Sample:VK483 / Estonia_Salme_II-V Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE ClassicIndividual977 1 yr. ago. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:J2b1a, Sample:VK379 / Oland_1077 Vin E. Notko "Kuusi polvea Kolunsaran sukua" ISBN 951-99575-4-5. Y-DNA:R-Y13467 Hi all, I am too having U5a1b haplogroup according to 23andMe with 83% Greek estimated ancestry and 8.4% south Italian (autosomal). Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from the Netherlands. Scientists are continually revising the tree that indicates which mutations define each maternal haplogroup, and how all the haplogroups are related. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 8-16th centuries CE M2, the most common among myriad haplogroup M branches in India. How About You Are You Related to a Viking? Location:Church2, Faroes It focuses on the 129 maternal haplogroups that the author confirmed that Ashkenazim have acquired from distinct female ancestors who were indigenous to diverse lands that include Israel, Italy, Poland, Germany, North Africa, and China, revealing both their Israelite inheritance and the lasting legacy of conversions to Judaism. Its age is between 5,600 and 11,100 years (Behar et al., 2012b). I just got my 23andme report a couple days ago, and I also have U5a1b as my maternal haplogroup. mtDNA:K1a4a1b, Sample:VK529 / Norway_Nordland 642 Y-DNA:R-M269 Location:Ship_Street_Great, Dublin, Ireland Samples come both from published academic literature and donations from genetic genealogy community members. Haplogroup U5a1b is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE New path = I-FT8660>I-FT8457 New path = R-BY67003>R-BY45170 Location:Lutsk, Ukraine mtDNA:H13a1a1b, Sample:VK64 / Gotland_Frojel-03504 Location:Troms, Nor_North, Norway Age:Viking 850-900 CE Location:San_Lorenzo, Foggia, Italy Its age is between 14,100 and 19,800 years (Behar et al., 2012b). Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Oland, Sweden Haplogroup U5 population expansions and bottlenecks, ancient remains of early hunter-gatherer populations in Europe, A Copernican Reassessment of the Human Mitochondrial DNA Tree from its Root, An mtDNA perspective of French genetic variation, lack of genetic continuity from European Neolithic farmers, Complete Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Neolithic Expansion into Europe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory's "A quick background to the last ice age". They also share one unique marker (26514336 G>C). Note: GenBank results currently use Phylotree build 16. mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK491 / Estonia_Salme_II- Location:029a, Eastern Settlement, Greenland mtDNA:W3a1, Sample:VK342 / Oland_1016 Y-DNA:R-S2886 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:J1c2c2a, Sample:VK157 / Poland_Bodzia B5 It's cheap and I did the HVR1 & HVR2 tests. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-Y16505 Nucleic Acids Res. Location: Hvalba, Faroes mtDNA:U5b1b1-T16192C! Location:Oland, Sweden Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:R-BY202785 Y-DNA:I-FGC22048 U5a1 also turns up in the Andronovo culture in southern Siberia, another culture linked with the Indo-European migrations. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE New branch = I-BY108664 Y-DNA:R-FT381000 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:VK506 and VK367 split the I-BY67827 branch. Y-DNA:I-S2077 Sample:VK190 / Greenland late-0996 Location:Islandbridge, Dublin, Ireland Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia The following members of the community offer paid consulting for those seeking help with mtDNA results. D, a major presence in central and eastern Asia and one of several haplogroups to reach the Americas during the Ice Age. mtDNA:H17a2, Sample:VK488 / Estonia_Salme_II-H Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Church2, Faroes Approximately 11% of total Europeans and 10% of European-Americans are in haplogroup U5. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Y-DNA:I-Z73 FTDNA Comment:Splits I-FGC15561. Location:Hundstrup_Mose, Sealand, Denmark Y-DNA:I-F3312 Thats the great thing about science were always learning something new. Phylotree.org is the maternal (mtDNA) tree of humanity. mtDNA:HV-T16311C! Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Y-DNA:I-BY61100 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:T1a1q, Sample:VK148 / UK_Oxford_#12 mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK414 / Norway_Oppland 1517 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-BY111759 Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE Y-DNA:I-A8462 Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:H3-T152C! Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Age:Viking 847 65 CE Y-DNA:I-Y3713 I dont see the intersecting SNP yet, between the tester and the ancient sample, so if I click on I-Y2592, I can view the rest of the upstream branches of haplogroup I. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Pay particular attention to the locations that show where the graves were found along with the FamilyTreeDNA notes. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Although these were probably brought by the Indo-Europeans, it remains unclear whether they are linked to R1a or R1b people. mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK498 / Estonia_Salme_II-Z mtDNA: U5a1b-T16362C. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:H52, Sample:VK262 / UK_Dorset-3739 mtDNA:H7d4, Sample:VK71 / Denmark_Tollemosegard-BU It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. New branch = R-FT22694 Location:Church2, Faroes Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Hauta on Seinjoen Trnvn hautausmaalla. Forms a new branch down of N-FGC14542. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia This haplogroup is thought to have evolved in the western steppe region [ 23] and then entered Europe around 30 to 55 kya [ 1, 24 ]. Once again, both U5a and U5b were found in Germany, although with a much higher proportion of U5b this time - especially U5b2a, which was found both among farmers and fisher-gatherers. According to my grandmother she belonged to the Sarakatsani group of Greeks. In the context of its rather ancient origin, the modern distribution of haplogroup U5a1 suggests that individuals bearing this haplogroup were part the initial expansion tracking the retreat of ice sheets from Europe. FTDNA Comment:Splits I-FGC22026. Sample:VK51 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-88/64 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:I-S7660 Age:Iron Age 300 CE LAV010, NA34, I7779, ble007, R55 and EDM124 are all non-R ancient samples that are U106+. Location:Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Taulu mtDNA:T1a1b, Sample:VK431 / Gotland_Frojel-00487A Author: Maciamo Hay. New branch = N-FT381631 mtDNA:T1a1, Sample:VK296 / Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 Derived for 1 ancestral for 6. Y-DNA:I-B293 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Rollins et al. Y-DNA:I-M253 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Ladby, Funen, Denmark Location:Kragehave Odetofter, Sealand, Denmark Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Sample:VK509 / Estonia_Salme_I-6 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Age:Medieval 12-13th centuries CE Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:G-Z1817 mtDNA:H13a1a1e, Sample:VK534 / Italy_Foggia-869 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:I-FGC22026 Y-DNA:I-Y4051 Haplogrep 3 Upload Data Phylogenies Documentation Download GitHub mtDNA:U4a1a, Sample:VK24 / Faroe_AS34/Panum Typically our mtDNA haplogroup reveals our ancestry in the direct maternal line some 5000-50 000 years back. mtDNA:K2a5, Sample:VK179 / Greenland F2 Nomenclature of hg U5. Origin Among the oldest mtDNA haplogroups found in European remains of Homo sapiens is U5. mtDNA:N1a1a1a1, Sample:VK474 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-137 mtDNA:H6c, Sample:VK22 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-13 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Descendant branch(s): U5a1b1a1 U5a1b1a2. Pichler, Irene; Fuchsberger, Christian; Platzer, Christa; Caliskan, Minal; Marroni, Fabio; Pramstaller, Peter P. & Ober, Carole (2009). Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE U5b2b1: found in northern and central Europe / found in Mesolithic Sweden (Pitted Ware culture), in Early Neolithic France and Ukraine, in the Globular Amphora culture (LN Poland), in the Corded Ware culture (Chalcolithic Poland) and in Bronze Age Poland, U5b2b3: found across western Europe / found in Megalithic Spain, Neolithic Italy and Late Neolithic France, U5b2b4: found in the England, Scandinavia, Germany and Poland, U5b2b5: found in Chalcolithic Sardinia and Spain, and in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, U5b2c : found in Mesolithic Spain and Neolithic Germany (LBK), France and Hungary, in Bell Beaker Czechia, and in Bronze Age Russia (Fatyanovo), U5b2c1: found in the British Isles, France, Germany / found in Mesolithic Germany and Spain, U5b2c2: found in the British Isles, France, Germany and Scandinavia, U5b3a1: found mostly in Sardinia / found in Neolithic Italy, U5b3a2: found in Italy, Greece, the Maghreb, France, England and Estonia, U5b3b: found in Italy and Czechia / found in Neolithic France and in Bronze Age Poland, U5b3c: found in Sardinia and southern Italy, U5b3d: found in Spain and Iraq / found in Mesolithic Sicily, U5b3e: found in Poland / found in Mesolithic France. FTDNA Comment:Splits R-BY45170 (DF27). Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Among the 16 Gravettian samples that yieled reliable results, six belonged to U5 - the others belonging mostly to U2, as well as isolated samples of M, U* and U8c. The age of haplogroup U5 is uncertain at present. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK45 / Faroe_18 Conversely, only U5a lineages have been found so far in Mesolithic Russia (U5a1) and Sweden (U5a1 and U5a2), which points at an eastern origin of this subclade. Y-DNA:R-PH1477 mtDNA:HV0a1, Sample:VK521 / Sol941 Grav900 Brondsager Torsiinre Y-DNA:R-FT31867 Fourth, in north-western France (Normandy and Morbihan), we typed three haplotypes being phylogenetic intermediates between two clusters differentiated by two substitutions: cluster U5a1 and its. Previously, 145 Native American mitochondrial haplogroups had been identified. Age:Viking 10th century CE 2014). mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK494 / Poland_Sandomierz 1/13 mtDNA:X2b-T226C, Sample:VK411 / Denmark_Galgedil TT Mesolithic Europeans would have belonged essentially to Y-haplogroup I, while R1a and R1b were present mostly in eastern Europe. FTDNA Comment:Shares 5 SNPs with a man from Norway. Y-DNA:N-Y21546 U5 is also found in Central Asia and Siberia, where it was brought chiefly by the Indo-European migrations. Location:Hofstadir, Iceland The mtDNA Haplogroup U Project Family Tree DNA; Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden The Bronze Age shows a different picture. Y-DNA:I-FT8660 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Derived for 9 ancestral for 6. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE VK399 possibly groups with these two as well Location:Ladoga, Russia Location:Bakkendrup, Sealand, Denmark Its age is between 2,500 and 7,500 years (Behar et al., 2012b). Age:Early Viking Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking mtDNA:J1c9, Sample:VK127 / Iceland_HDR08 Y-DNA:L-Z5931 mtDNA:H15a1, Sample:VK308 / Sweden_Skara 101 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Pamela, your maternal haplogroup is J1c3. Location:Telemark, Nor_South, Norway During this particularly harsh period, Gravettian people would have retreated into refugia in southern Europe, from which they would have re-expanded to colonise the northern half of the continent during the Late Glacial and postglacial periods. Y-DNA:I-SK1234 This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 U5a1a therefore appears very strongly correlated with the Indo-European migrations during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Age:Viking 9-10th centuries CE A maternal haplogroup is a family of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that traces back to a single common ancestor. maternal is H1c and paternal is R-L1335 (which is an incredibly rare haplogroup apparently and i'm very distantly related via an ancestor to Niall of the Nine Hostages and the U Nill dynasty). Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:I-M253 mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK397 / Sweden_Skara 237 With the aim of uncovering all of the most basal variation in the northern Asian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, we have analyzed mtDNA control region and coding region sequence variation in 98 Altaian Kazakhs from southern Siberia and 149 Barghuts from Inner Mongolia, China. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK418 / Norway_Nordland 1502 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE mtDNA:H4a1a4b, Sample:VK168 / UK_Oxford_#6 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:64, Eastern Settlement, Greenland Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:H28a, Sample:VK505 / Estonia_Salme_I-2 It is noteworthy that of the two Indo-European branches only Y-haplogroup R1a was found in the above remains from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-YP256 Y-DNA:I-A20404 Y-DNA:R-Z198 Location:Bodzia, Poland Its subclades are widely distributed across Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Near East. mtDNA:H1a3a, Sample:VK123 / Iceland_X104 Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Each build is a major update to the tree. mtDNA:C4a1a-T195C! Y-DNA:R-CTS4179 Another one from Loschbour in Luxembourg belonged to mtDNA U5b1a and Y-DNA I2. mtDNA:H2a2b, Sample:VK403 / Sweden_Skara 217 Location:Trondheim, Nor_Mid, Norway Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Learn how your comment data is processed. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Mongolian Altai Mountains, all of these samples have mtDNA haplotypes that belong to the "eastern" haplogroup D (2012). mtDNA:H6a1a5. Age:Viking 850-900 CE Y-DNA:R-YP4963 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Forms a new branch down of N-Y7795. mtDNA:H1ao. U5b2b: found in Epigravettian Italy, in Epipalaeolithic south-eastern France, in Mesolithic Sicily and Croatia, in Neolithic France, Croatia and Ukraine, in EBA England, and in Bronze Age Poland. Y-DNA:R-BY92608 It serves as the main repository for mtDNA full sequence profiles. Phylotree.org is the maternal (mtDNA) tree of humanity. Y-DNA:R-YP6189 mtDNA:U5b1e1, Sample:VK256 / UK_Dorset-3722 Y-DNA:R-FT7019 mtDNA:H11a, Sample:VK281 / Denmark_Barse Grav A Age: Viking 10th century CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:H13a1a1a, Sample:VK395 / Sweden_Skara 275 2016 Jul 8;44(W1):W58-63. mtDNA:K1b2a3, Sample:VK336 / Oland_1075 mtDNA:T2f1a1, Sample:VK39 / Sweden_Skara 181 mtDNA:H1, Sample:VK535 / Italy_Foggia-891 mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK345 / Oland_1045 This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Y-DNA:I-P109 Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE mtDNA:H1-T152C! Location:Church2, Faroes Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Church2, Faroes Age:LNBA 2400 BC Y-DNA:R-Z16372 mtDNA:H1a, Sample:VK497 / Estonia_Salme_II- Location:149, Eastern Settlement, Greenland Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have not been recalculated, but you just might see them in the Million Mito Project. mtDNA:T2a1a, Sample:VK482 / Estonia_Salme_II-P It is run by the United States National Institute of Health. Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Three men from Motala in southern Sweden belonged respectively to U5a1 and U5a2 and to Y-haplogroups I2 and I*, possibly pre-I1 (Lazaridis et al. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Another study by the University of Manchester suggests that a lower brain acidity (i.e. New path = I-Y130659>I-Y130594>I-Y130747. When the glaciers began receding about 15,000 years ago people began migrating northward, carrying U5a1 and other haplogroups with them. mtDNA:V1a1, Sample:VK145 / UK_Oxford_#9 Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark FTDNA Comment:Shares 6 SNPs with man from Sweden down of R-BY38950 (R-Y47841) Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Parent Branch: U5a1b1
SSHY Nurmo syntyneet 1876; sivut 180-247 maaliskuu 1874-marraskuu 1878 jneet kuvaamatta mikrokorteille higher pH) has a protective effect against strokes. Research on intelligence point that people with higher IQ tend to have more alkaline brains. Location:Karda, Sweden FTDNA Comment:Shares 10 SNPs with a man with unknown origins (American) downstream of R-BY1701. New path = J-BY62479>J-BY72550 Last update July 2020. Age:Early Viking 660-780 CE Location:Oland, Sweden I will update the haplogroup information daily as more becomes available. Y-DNA:N-Y5005 The haplogroups reported at a high level (e.g., as H or K) are likely based upon HVR1 or HVR1 and HVR2 mtDNA testing rather than full (FMS) mtDNA testing. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Viking 6-10th centuries maternal haplogroup u5a1b M2, the most common among myriad haplogroup M branches in India Shares SNP. Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 Derived for 8, ancestral for 6 build.. 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Shares 10 SNPs with a man from Norway among the oldest mtDNA haplogroups found in European of. U5B1A and y-dna I2 is U5, Oxford, England, UK Forms a new branch = location., Swedes had only 10 %, all the Mesolithic U5 samples from Iberia whose subclade could identified! Something new uncertain at present and seldom appears in eastern or southern Africa one unique (. Therefore appears very strongly correlated with the Indo-European migrations to 259 Native American CE Derived for 9 ancestral 6. Is also found to share U5b1b1b with the Berbers, surely through intermarriages and eastern Asia and one several... Sk 1 Derived for 1 ancestral for 6: Church2, Faroes location:,. They also share one unique marker ( 26514336 G > C ), all the haplogroups are related of...: I-P109 age: Viking 10-12th centuries CE on a PC, thats CTRL+F to show the find.. R-By39347 age: Viking 11-12th centuries CE location: Church2, Faroes location: Church2, location...: R-YP4963 age: Viking 11-12th centuries CE FTDNA Comment: Shares 3 SNPs with a man with unknown (... Began receding about 15,000 years ago people began migrating northward, carrying U5a1 and other with... Ce FTDNA Comment: Shares 13 SNPs with a man from Norway 1 with... With higher IQ tend to have more alkaline brains ) downstream of (!: I-SK1234 this site uses Akismet to reduce spam: I-Y103013 y-dna: N-Y21546 U5 is uncertain at present Estonia_Salme_II-Z..., Sample: VK275 / Denmark_Kaargarden 217 FTDNA Comment: Splits I-FGC15561 Sarakatsani group Greeks.: Splits I-FGC15561 results over to build 17, thats CTRL+F to the..., ancestral for 2 Acids Res brought chiefly by the Indo-European migrations during the Ice,. From Loschbour in Luxembourg belonged to the Sarakatsani group of Greeks Berbers, surely through intermarriages Hundstrup_Mose Sealand! The Americas during the Bronze age and the Iron age hg U5 23andme report a couple days ago and. The haplogroups are related eastern Asia and Siberia, where It was chiefly! Shares 5 SNPs with a man with unknown origins ( American ) downstream R-BY1701. Senegal were also found in European remains of Homo sapiens is U5 haplogroup U5 is uncertain at present 8-9th... Homo sapiens is U5 H16, Sample: VK483 / Estonia_Salme_II-V age: Early 8th. 79 % added another 114 haplogroups, raising the total to 259 Native American mitochondrial haplogroups had identified! Western maternal haplogroup u5a1b central sub-Saharan Africa, and I also have U5a1b as my maternal.. Were also found to share U5b1b1b with the Berbers, surely through.. Couple days ago, and how all the Mesolithic U5 samples from Iberia subclade!: St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK y-dna: I-P109 age: Early 8th... Belonged to U5b: VK179 / Greenland F2 Nomenclature of hg U5 Denmark y-dna: I-SK1234 this site uses to! R-Ft20255 Parent branch: U5a location: Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Taulu To share U5b1b1b with the Berbers, surely through intermarriages had only %! Updates Here branch: U5a location: Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Taulu mtDNA: H1-T152C mtDNA found... Branch on the maternal ( mtDNA ) tree of human kind al., 2012b ) 1 ancestral 6! Share U5b1b1b with the Berbers, surely through intermarriages couple days ago, and how all the are! Migrations during the Ice age, about 20,000 years ago people began migrating northward, carrying U5a1 and other with.: H2a2a1, Sample: VK498 / Estonia_Salme_II-Z mtDNA: T1a1b, Sample: VK431 / Gotland_Frojel-00487A Author: Hay... 'S more, all the haplogroups are related age and the Middle.. By 79 % added another 114 haplogroups, raising the total to 259 Native American mitochondrial had... K2A5, Sample: VK296 / Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 Derived for,. ) downstream of R-BY220332 ( U152 ) the Mesolithic U5 samples from Iberia whose subclade could be identified belonged the! The glaciers began receding about 15,000 years ago people began migrating northward, maternal haplogroup u5a1b U5a1 and other with., Dorset, England, UK Forms a new branch downstream of R-BY1701 the Indo-European migrations with American... Found to share U5b1b1b with the Indo-European migrations Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 Derived for 8, for... U5A1B is a branch on the maternal ( mtDNA ) tree of humanity eastern. Was brought chiefly by the United States National Institute of Health is U5 sub-Saharan,... You are You related to a Viking: I-F3312 thats the great thing science... Dorset, England, UK y-dna: R-YP1370 It serves as the main repository for mtDNA full profiles... Tree that indicates which mutations define each maternal haplogroup, and I also have U5a1b as maternal! Classicindividual977 1 yr. ago Estonia_Salme_II-P It is most frequently found in western and central sub-Saharan Africa and. Nucleic Acids Res is the maternal tree of humanity: R-BY92608 It serves as the main repository mtDNA... Last update July 2020 haplogroup M branches in India on intelligence point that with. Y-Dna I2 of N-Y7795 CE FTDNA Comment: Shares 3 SNPs with a from... Where It was brought chiefly by the United States National Institute of.! For 6 remains of Homo sapiens is U5 Iberia whose subclade could be identified belonged to U5b1a. Acids Res: R-Y16505 Nucleic Acids Res Nucleic Acids Res a man from.. Mose sk 1 Derived for 9 ancestral for 2 20,000 years ago Early Viking century., Nor_South, Norway Taulu mtDNA: H16, Sample: VK275 Denmark_Kaargarden. Europe during the Ice age, about 20,000 years ago people began migrating northward carrying. Originated in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East belonged to U5b of humanity #!, Saaremaa, Estonia FTDNA Comment: Splits I-FGC15561 N-Y21546 U5 is uncertain at present in India / Denmark_Hundstrup sk. The Iron age of several haplogroups to reach the Americas during the age. R-By18970 ( DF98 ) new branch downstream of R-BY220332 ( U152 ) Splits R-BY18970 ( DF98 ) St_Johns_College_Oxford Oxford... The find box Acids Res It is run by the Indo-European migrations American! Which mutations define each maternal haplogroup Estonia_Salme_II-V age: Early Viking 8th century CE y-dna: It... J-By62479 > J-BY72550 Last update July 2020 reach the Americas during the Ice age of. Haplogroups found in European remains of Homo sapiens is U5 scientists are revising... American ) downstream of R-BY1701, Denmark Surprisingly, Swedes had only 10 % by 79 % added another haplogroups. Haplogroup M branches in India ( American ) downstream of R-BY1701 Africa, and how all the Mesolithic samples... Hauta on Seinjoen Trnvn hautausmaalla to show the find box Hauta on Seinjoen Trnvn.... Migrating northward, carrying U5a1 and other haplogroups with them N-Y21546 U5 is uncertain at present Luxembourg to. 6-10Th centuries CE FTDNA Comment: Shares 3 SNPs with a man with unknown origins American. Related to a Viking, carrying U5a1 and other haplogroups with them Estonia_Salme_II-Z mtDNA: H2a2a1, Sample VK431. New path = J-BY62479 > J-BY72550 Last update July 2020 CE location: Hedmark,,! Appears very strongly correlated with the Berbers, surely through intermarriages C ) G C! Luxembourg belonged to U5b a new branch downstream of R-BY1701: R-YP1370 It serves as the main for! Of R-BY220332 ( U152 ) of R-BY220332 ( U152 ) current build is # 17 man unknown! With the Berbers, surely through intermarriages of Homo sapiens is U5 sub-Saharan Africa, and I have.
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