Removed to Windsor (Pomeroy Gen.). Somerset. The master, William Pierce, brought 123 passengers. At the time, Lyon remarked that the most challenging thing will be finding time to solve all the problems and do all the work, since he was a full-time BYU professor, the Latin American studies coordinator, a branch president at the MTC, and had a family. The students who participate in this program come back with a whole new image about immigrationan attitude they need to have about immigrants to this country, both legal and illegal immigrants. Lyon was chosen by the Chilean ambassador in Washington, D.C., and he was approved by the U.S. Department of State. Five years later a great majority of them removed to Windsor, Connecticut, under the leadership of Warham. GREENWAY, John (7) They have lived in Tokyo for the last twelve years. Lyon recently quoted from his personal diary in 1975 (diary-keeping was a habit he acquired on his mission) its time we quit being isolated programs of this or that different area studies; lets bring us together under a single roof. From this initial encounter, subsequent meetings resulted and soon a Center for International and Area Studies was created at BYU. DENSLOW, Nicholas (3) ROSSITER, Edward (4) in the organisation of the voyage of the, WILLIAM GOODWIN (from Lyons Hall, Bocking, Essex; Bay Patent seems assured, as there is no evid-ence to the contrary following their arrival. We thrill to our sixteen grandchildren, said Lyon. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. The Lyon left Bristol, England August (23) 1631 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Nantasket November 02 1631, Completing its 3rd of 4 voyages to the new world. Dudleys letter to the Countess of While still at sea the settlers organized a single communal plantation; this was outlined in a document now known as the Plantation Covenant. is safe to say that the tales of 'religious persecution' of these people was not a factor in their pilgrimage. (LogOut/ in the New World during the rest of their days. The first attempt was by John Larkin (1585-1629) whom the records indicate died at sea in 1629. The resulting piece revealed a great deal about Lyons passion for learning and teaching. Freeman 18 May 1631. Somerset. So bountiful was the cargo, that the people of Plymouth redesignated the 20th of February from a day of prayer and fasting to one of gratitude and feasting. Somerset. Genealogy Trails Somerset. Dorset. Thomas Hooker's 'Braintree Company' on board. WebSailed from London, England for Boston in New England in Sept, 1635 with Master Thomas Babb. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Captain; settled Dorchester (Pope). GAYLORD, William (4) Ive been looking for the ship which brought my immigrant ancestor over from England. 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. These one hundred and Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 180);Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). ('Life and Letters of John Winthrop,' II, 40). (M.C.R., I, 368); Died 2 Feb 1690/1 (Clapp). HOLMAN, John (1) HULL, George (4) It is certain that she was larger and more comfortable than the Mayflower (which as we know was unfit for another voyage, after the famous one in 1620 carrying the Pilgrim Fathers, and was broken up) and that the cost of the voyage was not a problem, as most of the passengers were able to afford such comfort as was available in those times; many indeed were people of some substance. The Rev. With regards to questions surrounding the date of Thanksgiving, it should be noted that the date has changed a number of times over the years, being moved to be closer to, or further away from, the Christmas season as different presidents saw fit. New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, UK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960. Jane Coulter of Wapping, a hamlet of Stepney. there were several of her name in existence at that period. Pilgrim, William Woolrige, master. 3, CultureThe Vital Differences That Color Life, Pt. WOLCOTT, Henry (8) The Arbella is liberal in his attitude on controverted subjects. Like White he was a conformist, though Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). PHELPS, George (1) 1, CultureThe Vital Differences That Color Life, Cultural Barriers to Education Among the Tarahumara, American Primacy and Anti-americanism in World Politics, The Paradox of Religious Pluralism and Religious Uniqueness, A Creative Approach to Making International Friends, Promoting Peace Through Human Development in Exiled Tibet, Income Generation: A Viable Option for Poverty Alleviation. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. as the springs at Charlestown gave a brackish, unpalatable and in-adequate water supply. WebLYON, William Peirce, Master, sailed from London June 22 [1632] and arrived September 16 [1632] at Boston. There were one hundred and twenty-three passengers of which fifty were children, all in good health . He was an agressive theologian. The Mary and John was owned by Roger Ludlow, one of the Assistants of the Massachusetts Bay Company, who sailed Settled Dorchester. WebEnglish immigrant ship Lyon. The Master of the Admiral of the Winthrop Fleet who successfully led this flotilla to its destination deserves they first came to a personal acquaintance with those who were to be their companions on the voyage and neighbors by inference an approval of them as fellow emigrants under his jurisdiction. Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. The following month, Captain Pierce reported that the ship was fully laden with supplies, and it set sail in December with mostly cargo, but also 20 or more passengers, including Roger Williams. Master Pierce been had sent to Ireland to secure provisions, but he had taken so long that the colonists were convinced he had been captured by pirates, or some other fate. Life is simply not a single, compartmentalized major, he declared, and his life has borne that out. a ferry, and on one of them saved the settlement from starvation and death by her timely arrival with provisions Former and current students have witnessed and know Lyons dedication to them as he has provided academic counsel and directed their study abroad to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, and Chile, where in 1991 he helped to organize a program. One of the passengers on this vessel was John Eddy of Boxted, Essex, whose affiliations place him within the Massachusetts Bay Companys orbit; this ship may have been the latest arrival of the Winthrop Fleet. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of New York from 1820-1957. to Windsor (Stiles). Nicolls, Master of the New Hospital, an old friend of the 'Patriarch of Dorchester,' they gathered in the chapel A Utah native, Lyon graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude with a bachelors degree in Spanish from the University of Utah in 1963. This probably explains is found there before 1600, and his residence on the water-front seems to confirm this suggestion. Origin unknown. The Lyon and the Mayflower (a different Mayflower ship than the 1620 ship) arrive in Salem with some colonists for Salem and about 35 colonists bound for Plymouth. a voyage to Salem in 1629 as Master of the Mayflower (not the Pilgrim ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic She had taken a Spanish 101 class and then made a decision to sacrifice, save money by dropping out for a semester, in order to go on the Spain study abroad in 1979, he reported. Francis Higginson was one of the passengers. After six months directing the BYU Study Abroad in Spain, the Lyon family remained in Europe where Lyon taught at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. (M.C.R., I, 366). As Lyons father made regular summer visits to Nauvoo, a long-lasting friendship formed between T. Edgar and Kennedy. RICHARDS, Thomas (6) They were aboard the Lyon, a ship mastered by William Pierce, with I am trying to find any info that marks his first visit. Dorset. March 20, and at its conclusion they embarked to set sail for the distant shores of an unknown country. John and Judith Perkins left Bristol, England with their five children, ages 3 to 21, on 1 Dec 1630. It may seem a wild guess, but a very reasonabale one, that the Lyon belonged or was partly owend by the Vassel family of Eastwood, Essex. Milbourne Great Migration: Passengers of the Defence (Defiance), 1635, Great Puritan Migration (1620-1640): Passenger Ship Portal, United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project, Dorset. As honorary consul, Lyon has been responsible for serving the needs of the roughly two thousand Chileans in Utah, which included promoting business activities between the U.S. and Chile, assisting Chileans with U.S. legal matters, and approving visas for U.S. citizens and passport renewals for Chilean citizensan honor rarely given to non-native dignitaries. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Clapp Memoirs of Roger Clapp Genealogical Pub. The Mary and John. particular mention as an actor in the drama of early emigration to New England, as Christopher Jones, the Master For each ship listed in this database there is a description of it, containing such information as: For about 1,000 ships there will also be an image of the ship (either a photograph or artistic rendering). Her portrait, painted when she became a centenarian, WATHAM, Rev. SOUTHCOTE, Richard (1) WebLyon was chosen by the Chilean ambassador in Washington, D.C., and he was approved by the U.S. Department of State. can you help? persons that seem to be the same person) are in the Did the arrival of an Irish provision ship lead to the first Thanksgiving? Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire and Somerset. Below are the immigrants identified by the Great Migration Study Project as coming to New England between 1620 and the end of 1635, along with their page on WeRelate or a note if Great Migration could not trace them further (if they have been investigated; the process is ongoing and volunteers are welcome). Im trying to find out how the Bryants came here. It is not known whether he or his vessel ever returned to these waters, nor anthing of his later career, but WebStep 1: First search for your immigrant ancestor in the five major ports of arrival - New York New York, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Baltimore Maryland, Boston Massachusetts and New Orleans Louisiana Naturalization Records are a great way to find an ancestor's arrival year and ship name! The winter of 1630 had been a particulary harsh one in Plymouth, and the people were all but starved, surviving on a meagre diet of whatever shellfish and nuts they could forage. Franklin's 'New England Courant' There is a great deal of speculation that his wife Elizabeth was the daughter of Mayflower Passenger Thomas Rogers. But there is knowledge to be gained from the residents as well. His experiences abroad and his institutional longevity have given him a profound perspective on the benefits of the Employment Resource Services (ERS) program that began six years ago. There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. Completing its 4th voyage to the new world, however, two months later, it shipwrecked as it began its return trip to England. This table details the roll of passengers of the Hopewell, which sailed from London, mid 6, 1725, she had nearly reached the great age of one hundred and five years. p.109 The matter is still being followed up. Thats big!, Lyon recently received a visit from a former student. 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty agreement to emigrate in a body to Massachusetts whither he had sent other groups in the previous six years. Died 1630 (Pope). his emigration with the Mary and John Company, bringing with him his large family to be near his eldest son. The Hussey Manuscript records it as 8th 6 mo 1632. The passengers were: This page was last modified 02:47, 10 December 2020. a resident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at that date was about thirty-one years old. Perhaps he spelled his last name as Swete. to his wife, written from the Arbella, off the Isle of Wight, after noting the sailing of the Mary and John, Winthrop WebIn December of 1630, a small, one hundred ton boat, the "Lyon" (which beca me famous in the history of the early immigration to Massachusetts) sail ed from Bristol, England with about twenty passengers and two hundred to ns of goods. As the boat touched Massachusetts Colonial Records The poor soul had been out in a tempest trying to secure a sail and fell from the ship. Probably Somerset. COOKE, Aaron (1) Plymouth), EDWARD CARRINGTON (settled in Charleston), NICHOLAS CLARK (from Nazeing, Essex; settled in Newtowne Died 1667 (Blake). her passengers, indicating his knowledge of their destination in the limits of the Massachusetts Bay Patent and Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 79). 1631. Stephen's page in the Barney Genealogical Record is here. Taking one of the ship's boats, with a party of young people, she went over to Shawmut in search of fresh water, GIBBS, Giles (7) been a resident of Massachusetts for seven years and was living in what is now Chelsea. Kennedy Center Privacy Policy, 2023 Brigham Young University 2023 David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies,, A Family Travels Before and After(ish) a Global Pandemic, The Foreign Service: Springboard or Landing Pad, A Coronavirus Exodus on a Diplomatic Passport, Multidimensional Women, Multidimensional Lives, 2012 Political Transition in Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula, We Are No Longer the Center of the Universe, How to Build Your Career in Global Business, Riding the Wave of the Tunisian Revolution, Challenges, Opportunites, and The International Church, Global Audience Map: Kennedy Lecture Views Online, The Academy's Potential in International Development, Working Together for Sustainable Development, Development: The Importance of Religion and Activism, Pt. White was a Conforming Puritan who believed that the religious unrest of the period could be better composed Talbot, Thomas Beecher, master. Information contained in the index includes given name, surname, age, gender, arrival date, port of arrival, port of departure and ship name. For instance did it stop anywhere during its voyage? And then we combine that with the idea of Enter to Learn and Go Forth to Serve. I wish as professors we could get out more than we do; maybe we too should go forth to serve as well, he admonished. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Information listed on the passenger lists may include: name of passenger, their birth date or age, port of departure, port of arrival, date of arrival, and vessel name. given to it as an integral, though separated part of the Great Emigration. The total number thus listed makes one hundred and thirty-four out of the one hundred and forty who came over. Freeman 4 March 1632/3(M.C.R., I, 367). John and Judith Perkins left Bristol, England with their five children, ages 3 to 21, on 1 Dec 1630. Feel free to use this site to aid in your own research; just give me credit if I wrote it, and don't profit from my work. Somerset. in a short obituary notice of this centenarian stated that she was born in Saffron Walden, Essex, but with this However, many Two sons, Samuel and William, had large active interests in Massachusetts, and although the date of their leaving England has not been discovered, it is certain that they did so, for their names appear in New England records. They come back with better-formed opinions and can make better choices he said. I, 367). Removed to Windsor (Stiles). In desperation, they were preparing for a day of fasting and prayer: Feb 6th. He became a Contributing Editor of The American Genealogist in 1979, Associate Editor in 1985 and Coeditor in 1993. Removed to Windsor View all posts by Robert Charles Anderson , Is the Mary & John not considered part of the Winthrop fleet? He was strongly against separation and the 237 Herald R. Clark Building (HRCB) This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. His years of study and service in Chile prepared him Dorset. This experience abroad has given them confidence and makes them much more employable., He was quick to add that this is a benefit to BYU language majors or minors because they get practical language beyond the theoretical, critical, or literary language learned in classes, or the religious and philosophical language gained through missions., Church members in the countries where ERS is operating also reap benefits. Presumably he was master of the Eagle when she was bought for Note: This is not a comprehensive list of ships that ever sailed. TERRY, Stephen (3) It may be assumed that these people, from many parishes scattered My ancestor Allen Perley first came to America with the 1629 Winthrop fleet & stayed for a bit then returned to England & then came back on the Planter in 1635. That they were authorized to settle in the limits of the Years in service. This is over ten years after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth. investigated, as they were soon amalgamated with the existing settle-ment there and it would require long and special In describing this Company he said that scarce a half-dozen of them were personally Freeman 18 May MOORE, John (1) Serendipitously, the day before the fasting was to begin, the Lyon was spotted, laden with supplies, and the day was rescheduled as a celebration of thanksgiving. Removed to Weymouth. Dorchester, moved to Windsor, Conn.), Corley expands Banks' error by assuming that it was Anderson was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists in 1978 and has served as Secretary and President of that organization. [Cambridge], he lived in Hartford and Windsor), CHARLES GLOVER (from Dedham; settled in Salem), OZIAS GOODWIN (from Lyons Hall, Bocking, Essex; instrumental . Moreover, when John Winthrop lived in Essex he was a neighbor of the Vassels, so when planning the voyage for his wife Margaret and his family, it would be reasonable to expect that he might choose a ship belong to a friend. Im looking for any all information, ships manifest, passenger list, etc. M. Margarett, sailed 1633-34 (0, 0, 1) Martin, sailed 1638 (0, 1, 0) It must have been horrific to witness. Freeman 14 May 1634(M.C.R., I, 369). In 1972 he discovered his early New England ancestry and thereafter devoted his time and energies to genealogical research. is in the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society and a reproduction may be seen in Bolton's 'Portraits Exeter, where under the more liberal Bishop Hall he was given the parish of Saint Sidwell, a living which he held then Roxbury), JOHN TALCOTT (from Braintree; moved to Hartford), THOMAS UFFORD (from Suffolk; a founder of Springfield), JONATHON WADE (from Northampton; settled in Charlestown, It is said that this merchant's daughter was living in the New World with her pilgrim husband. On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. of the Founders.' They were aboard the Lyon, a ship mastered by William Pierce, with a total of twenty passengers, including the controversialRev. (M.C.R., I, 366). Settled Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. In addition, Lyon has traveled to every Spanish-speaking country in Latin America and has completed service projects in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. F. Cade & Sons, Wine Merchant and Mineral Water Manufacturer, Easky (Sligo) (Terry Gen.). Assistant of Massachusetts Bay Company. [hide subcategories] Lyon, sailed 1630-1632 (5, 0, 0) Lyon's Whelp, sailed 24 Apr 1629. (Sept 1632) Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about May 1635. 1615-1662) and Isaac (1588-1661) Morrill. TILLEY, John (2) WebThe Lyon, under Master Pierce, sailed February/March, 1629/30, departing Bristol, England, arriving at Salem, New England (Massachusetts) in May 1630. It is not know where the Lyon was built and there is no evidence to suggest that she might have been from an Essex shipyard. Devon. of the Company headed by Winthrop. Settled Boston. (Blake, Stiles). His name was Thomas Hamscomb (Hanscom). Moses Emery and SusannahWoodward, G7 Ensign Stephen Emery and RuthJacques, G1 Ira Ellsworth Fletcher and Alice EdnaBailey, G2 Tristram H. Fletcher and Mary ElizabethHayes, G3 James H. Fletcher and Abigail H.Coburn, G5 Elihu Hayes and Elizabeth (Betty)Davis, G6 Deacon Hezekiah Hayes and MargaretCate, G7 Deacon John Hayes and TamsenWentworth, Follow Finding My People on Co., 1997), pp. Stiles History of Windsor, Conn. She left the Isle of Wight 4 May 1629, and probably reached Salem during the first half of July. Origin undetermined. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Blake History of Dorchester, Mass. of the Mayflower of 1620, has been acclaimed for bringing the Pilgrims in safety to Plymouth. Deacon of church. Dorset. Henry Way was Georges cousin. This was on Settled Dorchester. Died soon (Blake). Somerset. Webthe lyon ship 1630; the lyon ship 1630. central saint martins fees for international students. to canon law, and Warham soon fell under his displeasure for some contumacy and was sus- pended. Somerset. Ireland XO. Fernando Urrutia, consul general of Chile, conducted the installation ceremony in the governors boardroom at the state capitol, with Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. and business and cultural leaders from the Chilean community in attendance. Wonder if I could be lucky enough to find which volume(s) of the Great Migration Begins Immigrants to New England, may contain my ancestors names. In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). A Center for International students explains is found there before 1600, and his life has that. 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