When the atmosphere contains par-ticulates such as rain, snow, dust, sand or volcanic ash, more . How can Fuel Flowing 0000007195 00000 n a pipe if Turn off your vehicle engine. In addition, a cable can connect the pipe to There are various situations where static electricity can pose a hazard, for example: The risk of electrocution (e.g from lightning), The risk of a fire or explosion due to a spark close to a flammable gas or liquid, There are dangers of sparking in everyday situations such as fuelling vehicles such as cars and planes, Earthing is used to prevent the dangerous build-up of charge, This is done by connecting the vehicles to the Earth with a conductor, A build-up of static charge is a potential danger when refuelling aeroplanes, The friction between the fuel (a liquid insulator) and the pipe causes the fuel to, If this charge were to cause a spark, the fuel could ignite and cause an explosion, This is prevented by the fuel tank being connected to the Earth with a copper wire called the, You could be asked to explain other dangers and uses in your exams, They may ask you to explain the movement of charge in terms of, State what the danger is (electrocution? What are the Dangers of Electrostatic Charge? Use gasoline as a motor fuel only. How Much Water Does Hydraulic Fracturing Use? For their own safety, keep passengers out of the aircraft while fueling is in progress. 0000007608 00000 n A situation that is often overlooked is where refuelling commences after gate arrival but before all inbound passengers have got off - or even started to get off. This voltage is generally quite low but varies with material types. What is the main danger from static electricity? When to ground a fire truck for static electricity? Motorists who cannot avoid getting back into the vehicle should always first touch a metal part of the vehicle with a bare hand, such as the door, or some other metal surface, away from the fill point upon exiting the vehicle. the pipe is also an insulator. On no account should either the fuelling vehicle (including hydrant dispenser) or the aircraft be bonded to a fuel hydrant pit. have resulted in a brief flash fire occurring at the fill point. This effect can often be demonstrated by observing someone attempting to clean the acrylic windshield of an aircraft shortly after a flight. Ben Visser is an aviation fuels and lubricants expert who spent 33 years with Shell Oil. It is recommended that when wide-cut fuel has been used, the next two uplifts of fuel should be treated as though they too were wide-cut. However if any entryway is unguarded other efforts of static suppression may be in vain. 0000006537 00000 n that will greatly reduce the possibility of ESD. ["YKHhAZOA ~ sT+Zw]U}~ L'Vvi)W endstream endobj 96 0 obj 292 endobj 86 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 77 0 R /Resources 87 0 R /Contents 91 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 378 540 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 378 540 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 87 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F2 90 0 R /F3 88 0 R /F4 92 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 93 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs9 89 0 R >> >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Bold >> endobj 89 0 obj [ /Separation /All /DeviceCMYK 94 0 R ] endobj 90 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Roman >> endobj 91 0 obj << /Length 1248 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream 0000058037 00000 n They work on the same principle as a high resistance ohmmeter. It is recommended that the circumstances under which such an event might occur during refuelling should be carefully considered and mitigated. the fuel. What can you put on a tree stump to make it rot? Besides environmental control, other precautionary measures can be used However, many jets use a lot of fuel, so that a significant electrical potential can still be built up and jump a large gap, which can have enough fuel vapor to be explosive. causes a spark. 0000001441 00000 n 0000005175 00000 n explosion, Never allow children under licensed driving age to operate the pump. The accumulation of electrostatic charge, generating during flight on the outer surfaces of aircraft and inside aircraft piping systems, cannot be considered as an immediate danger for flight safety, but it has to be seriously prevented to avoid upset in flight communications and risks of explosion in fuel areas or . Catastrophic failures occur in two forms, direct and latent. They must be mixed with air in correct proportions or air/fuel ratios to burn. If someone swallows gasoline, do not induce vomiting. 0000005154 00000 n 1 What is the main danger from static electricity? The Canadian Occupational Safety article Little spark, big flame , the following equipment and operations pose a greater risk: Grounding trucks during fuel dispensing is prescribed in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines as well. This is where electrons transfer from a surface to the air. As the nozzle (the end) of the pipe is Explain why the dust particles are attracted to the plates, (Force of) attraction (1) (plates have) opposite charge (to dust) (1). The reason for using a bonding strap during refueling is that when an electrically, non-conductive fluid like Jet A or 100LL is transferred, these liquids build up static electricity that can arc and cause a fire if not dissipated. It is a much needed safety rule. Give one reason why earthing reduces the risk of fire. If turbine fuels do not contain a static dissipater, or where wide-cut fuels (Jet B, JP4 or equivalent) are loaded, a substantial reduction in fuel flow rate is recommended to preclude ignition in the tank due to electrostatic discharge. between the pipe and the powder How to Market Your Business with Webinars. This is also true for people who mix some gasoline with their diesel fuel in the winter. Gasoline can be harmful or fatal if swallowed. 0000004562 00000 n 2 Why is static electricity dangerous when Refuelling an aircraft? Use an earthing strap between the pipe and the earth The surfaces will attract each other, when they have opposing charges (positive and negative). The resulting explosions are lethal. How can Powder Flowing through a Pipe The aircraft is also connected by a metal cable to the refuelling tanker. Please do not attempt this at home. Keep your face away from the nozzle or container opening. There must be a cable to link to designated points or to clean unpainted metal surfaces on the chosen airframe. A powder can burn In addition, during the pumping process, static electricity is built up, which can also cause a spark if the hose does not have good contact with the neck or the ground in the hose itself is not good. This is a special and infrequent operation; the personnel involved, including any flight crew, should be careful to refer to the necessary procedural documentation. On 16 April 2014, a pre-flight concern about whether a Boeing 777-200ER about to depart Singapore had been overfuelled was resolved by a manual check but an en-route fuel system alert led to close monitoring of the fuel system. in the same Sparks caused by static electricity are a major source of fires and explosions in many industries. Hb```9 abkBHr2}I'> rY#:::\:::jAbk iE V20b!Lj@s(T k$%WYH]_33 There are even devices manufactured to verify the electrical ground is complete. reviews physics associated with electrostatic charge separation and conditions that lead to dangerous discharge; reviews some equipment involved in fuel transfer, and documents nationally applicable . Relative humidity of the air along with atmospheric contaminates will have an effect on the ability of a material to build up a static charge as well as the tendency to dissipate one. GCSE Physics. Copyright 2015 gcsescience.com. Wire Craft is Seattle's premier electrical company. If you cannot avoid re-entering your vehicle, discharge any static build-up BEFORE reaching for the nozzle by touching something metal with a bare hand -- such as the vehicle door -- away from the nozzle.). ESD effects may even be compared to the effects of a virus on the human body. Do not re-enter your vehicle during refueling. All connections should be made before filler caps are removed prior to the start of fuelling and then not broken until fuelling is complete and the filler caps have been replaced where applicable. If gasoline spills on the container, make sure that it has evaporated before you place the container in your vehicle.Report spills to the attendant. If you wish to contribute or participate in the discussions about articles you are invited to join SKYbrary as a registered user. On a piston aircraft, the vapor pressure of the fuel is less than that of auto gas and the filler neck is more out in the open where the wind can easily raise the air/fuel ration at the filler neck into the explosive range. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources. An earthing strap connects the pipe to the ground (the Earth). Exposing the spark to volatile gasoline may create an unexpected combustion. Electricity / 2.4 Static Electricity / 2.4.4 Uses & Dangers of Static Electricity. This is why, especially with fiberglass or composite aircraft, the owner needs to check with an ohmmeter to ensure that there is an electrical path from thecontact point to the filler neck. 0000005853 00000 n When dispensing gasoline into a container, use only an approved portable container and place it on the ground to avoid a possible static electricity ignition of fuel vapors. Technicians can test to make sure of proper grounding. 0000003226 00000 n Back to the basics: For a spark to start a fire or explosion, one must have fuel, air and an ignition source. igniting charges flow through the metal wire to the ground / earth preventing build-up of (excess) charge, An electrostatic air filter is designed to remove dust particles from the air in a room. Why is fracking for natural gas important? On 13 April 2010, a Cathay Pacific Airbus A330-300 en route from Surabaya to Hong Kong experienced difficulty in controlling engine thrust. Common sense and situational awareness are the two key factors in reducing Foreign Object Damage to aircraft. Static electricity is produced when the positive and negative charges of an atom are out of balance. Whats the Difference Between Wastewater Disposal and Fracking? Pumping fuel into an aircraft can be dangerous. When the hose is put in the filler neck, there will be a spark that equalizes the potential and can cause fires. 0000009232 00000 n The article also states that the aircraft is connected by a metal cable to the ground. Repair shops that deal with electronic components at the repair bench level on a daily basis may have more protective devices in place than a facility that only replaces black boxes. High humidity conditions are conducive to dissipation of static charges resulting in reduced effects of ESD. Electricity is an important part of our lives, but we always have to treat it with respect and care. This may happen safely by connecting them to the earth with a conductor. Why should there be any difference in reducing electrical FOD? You can add humidity to the air to help with this. mats are also a basic low-cost means of reducing electrical FOD. Fuel running through the pipes can provide the friction needed to create a static charge. Never siphon gasoline by mouth nor put gasoline in your mouth for any reason. Is static electricity useful in lightning? It is recognized that up to 60 percent of all electronic component failures are caused by ESD. Electrostatic Charge Quiz As more and more aircraft depend on electronics to provide basic functions it is anticipated that we in the business will soon become our own worst enemies. Today, we will talk about static electricity, the dangers of this common occurrence, and tips on how to protect yourself from injury or property damage. Saint Elmo's Fire is the common name for this corona discharge effect. or rack supporting the unit to be replaced for several seconds. When insulating materials are rubbed together, electrons are knocked off one of them and onto the other. a flash fire or small sustained fire with gasoline refueling vapors. Never use gasoline to wash your hands or as a cleaning solvent. Electrons in the outermost orbit may be either firmly or weakly attached. Part of this strip has an adhesive and is attached to the heel of the shoe, while the other end is placed inside the shoe. brought The killer providing the spark is sometimes . Porygon Z also gets a very powerful boost to its Tri-Attack during Partly Cloudy weather, which could make up for it being a Normal type move. Technicians involved in the daily repair of electronics may choose to wear shoes that are specially designed to continuously dissipate any static buildup occurring on the wearer. Fill a portable container slowly to decrease the chance of static electricity buildup and minimize spilling or splattering. Figure 1. The transfer of charge or ESD. 2023 Flyer Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Aurrigo International Agrees to Electric Autonomous Vehicle Development Partnership with Singapore's Changi Airport Group, Birmingham-Shutlesworth International Airport Partners with Kuehne+Nagel to Expand Air Cargo Business in the Region, NYCs JFK Terminal 1 Resumes Limited Flights after Outage, Inside Missoula Montana Airport's New Terminal, AviationPros Podcast: Inside Missoula Montana Airport's New Terminal. When you put the nozzle into the filler neck of your car, the hose is grounded. Ive Heard that Hydraulic Fracturing is Linked to Cancer. Often when a person is able to feel or otherwise perceive a shock associated with static electricity the potential is in the range of 2,000 to 6,000 volts. Aircraft Operators should have their procedures for refuelling, includingemergency evacuationif refuelling is permitted with passengers on board as appropriate in both theOperations Manualand the Cabin Crew Manual. Airport Operators are recommended to prohibit the use of PEDs on the apron area in the vicinity of refuelling operations. Passengers boarding or disembarking an aircraft other than via an airbridge should be discouraged from using PEDs. Aircraft refuelling and de-fuelling are accompanied by attendant hazards which must be managed sufficiently for their mitigation to acceptable levels. ", Important Things You Need To Know About Electrical Insulation, Static Electricity, Its Dangers and How To Prevent Them, 19233 Ashworth Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133. Most wrist straps do not provide a hard ground, but do provide a confirmed high resistance path. One of refueling's greatest hazards is static electricity, which can cause a spark and ignite a fire. HS=o0+n The spark can ignite (set fire to) vapours and powders in pipes. close to the if the pipe nozzle Here are some effective tips to make sure that risks caused by static electricity are minimized: Static electricity may look like a small concern but disregarding the source of the problem may prove to become catastrophic. cars or aircraft. Put your vehicle in park and/or set the emergency brake. The kerosene fuel used by turbine engine aircraft has a higherflash/ignition pointthan the aviation gasoline used by piston engine aircraft but there are still potential hazards. Containers should never be filled while inside a vehicle or its trunk, the Explain why the dust particles are attracted to the plates The metal cup does not become charged when she rubs the trophy. Electrostatic Charge While hazards for fires may be obvious with flammable chemicals, industries where there is a lot of dust, like flour mills, can also be at risk for explosions due to electrostatic sparks. Accumulation of a surface static charge may occur on either an aircraft or its fuelling vehicle under certain conditions. What can be done about gas station fires caused by static electricity? When transporting gasoline in a portable container make sure it is secured against tipping and sliding, and never leave it in direct sunlight or in the trunk of a car. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When charge jumps 0000060792 00000 n trailer << /Size 53 /Info 14 0 R /Root 17 0 R /Prev 133851 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 17 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 13 0 R /Metadata 15 0 R /PageLabels 12 0 R >> endobj 51 0 obj << /S 87 /L 194 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 52 0 R >> stream Static Electricity Can Cause Fires! Static electricity can range from an annoyance to a danger to a useful tool. Is static electricity useful in lightning? Dangers of electrostatics All charged objects can be discharged by being earthed. Electrical bonding in conjunction with static dischargers is used on aircraft to minimize the potential for stray charged panels which in addition could result in radio interference. If thegrounding point on your aircraft does not have electrical conductivity with the filler neck, then when the hose is placed in the neck or during the fueling process, the electrical potential will not be equalized and a spark can occur. happens An insulator on the other hand has five or more tightly held electrons in its outer orbit. Do not over-fill or top-off your vehicle tank, which can cause gasoline spillage. ), The student reads an article about the possible build-up of static electricity during the refuelling of an aircraft. They were very professional both times. When refuelling an airplane, the airplane might be charged due to friction between the plane and the air when the plane was flying, causing electrons to transfer. Static electricity is created when objects with different electrical properties come into contact, and negatively charged electrons from one substance are transferred to the other. Static electricity in the wrong environments, however, may be dangerous. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you remove the nozzle. Can formation of electrostatic charges be realistically eliminated? Explain why this greatly reduces the chance of a spark. Our skilled professionals are on standby waiting to address your next electrical concern. 0000004583 00000 n } '+.$wY . G=Po9dByh|q[6luvSe*Fn!yc[ T"%*Lp{v*dO Cu! How do we deal with this invisible and silent foe? In addition, a cable can connect the pipe to the fuel tank, . If the motorist then returns to the vehicle fill pipe during refueling, the static may discharge at the fill point, causing However periodic dealings do not eradicate the need for precautions. Increasing the humidity levels with a humidifier can help mitigate prolonged buildup of static charges in the body. 0000023255 00000 n Once proper operation is assured, the strap should be attached to the work surface or electronic rack prior to gaining access to the component in question. How long does it take sunlight to reach Earth? The effect on aircraft This is the easiest type of ESD damage to find since it usually can be detected during testing. Remove gasoline-soaked clothing immediately. This results in a change in the state of charge. The charge will flow through your body causing an electric shock. Copyright SKYbrary Aviation Safety, 2021-2023. . Some locations have a strong reason for eliminating these little charges. Using lotions and moisturizers before getting dressed and throughout the day will help keep static electricity from accumulating on your body. (the Earth). Todays trucks have metal nozzles. The fuel itself is an insulator (a hydrocarbon) the fuel tank, Keep skin moisturized: If your skin is dry, it has a higher likelihood of developing static electricity. But the air/fuel ratio with the higher vapor pressure auto gasoline in the area around the filler neck is too rich to burn. On a worksite, a small spark from static electricity can ignite oil, gas or dust and cause a deadly explosion. particularly with aircraft which are filled at a very high speed. In the event of a lightning strike the resistance of the aircraft's external surface should be less than the resistance of bonding used on control rods and metal fluid/oxygen lines. Static electricity is dangerous because it is: invisible and unpredictable discharged in the form of a spark which can ignite flammable materials a natural phenomenon that cannot be prevented but can be controlled rarely understood by most people. 3 Is static electricity dangerous in aircraft operation? "Excellent work and workmanship. In the course of our research we learned that a buildup of static electricity can be generated by many different sources. However, the use of static dissipater additives in fuel can contribute materially to reducing the risk involved. Care must be taken to avoid sparks when putting fuel in Conditions Boosting the Generation of . How is static electricity dangerous with regards to Mills? For example, if you suspend a spark plug 0.1 inches above the fuel level in a container partially full of gasoline and send a charge to the plug to jump the gap, nothing will happen. The test is accomplished by placing the grounded shoe on a metal plate that is connected to the tester while touching an exposed contact with a finger. | Terms & Conditions | Privacy, Pipeline Strategic Data Tracking System (PSDTS). Keeping your skin hydrated is one way to reduce the effects of static shock. How is Groundwater Protected During Hydraulic Fracturing? (b) Calculate KKK for the reaction at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C. When the right engine also began to run down passing 8000 feet, an emergency was declared and the already-planned straight-in approach was successfully accomplished without any engine thrust. a spark can jump between the two Even though there is less of a risk now, I can why it is important to know how electricity is transferred when filling up your tank. Never jam the refueling latch on the nozzle open. The reason is that the air/fuel ratio is too rich. \~Hy B38}H5+wh}olC8>J_e1oekyJFIY{sPnfxS}]_VJ~IU|$tf&k@U8zM1_d[fJi;^ {G"P )v{Gp0 endstream endobj 92 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Italic >> endobj 93 0 obj << /Type /ExtGState /SA false /SM 0.02 /TR /Identity >> endobj 94 0 obj << /FunctionType 0 /Domain [ 0 1 ] /Range [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] /BitsPerSample 8 /Size [ 255 ] /Length 394 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream It is not even required that the bag be grounded, in fact if grounding were necessary the use of antistatic bags would be much less convenient. a very high speed. Why is static electricity dangerous when Refuelling an aircraft? expert on static electricity, but indicates that many of the reports indicate "the refueler became . Wrist straps also counter unwanted static discharge. 7 Static charges are often said to be the result of friction or force resistance, which implies a buildup of heat. so that there can be no difference in charge between them. It should be noted that Fuel Hoses, including so-called conductive hoses, are not suitable substitutes for dedicated clips and bonding wires. Wide-cut fuel is considered to be 'involved' when it is being supplied or when it is already present in the aircraft tanks. . Procedures for Emergency Passenger Evacuation should take account of the availability or otherwise of airbridge access and in-position ground steps in the selection of exits to be used. A key function of equipment earthing is to provide a controlled method to prevent the build up of static electricity, thus reducing the risk of electrical discharge in potentially hazardous environments. Revision Questions, gcsescience.com Pressure refuelling is normal for multi crew transport aircraft and business jets but gravity refuelling of these types may be available as a backup system. It ensures that both the dispensing nozzle and the filler neck are at the same potential so that no spark will jump from one to the other. Sign up here. 0000004039 00000 n One form of FOD that has been all but overlooked is electrostatic discharge An upset failure occurs when an ESD has caused a current flow that is not significant enough to cause total failure, but in use may intermittently result in electron component leakage causing loss of software or incorrect operation. Do not smoke, light matches or lighters while refueling at the pump or when using gasoline anywhere else. and so any charge can be safely He's completed a number of projects and there are several more in the planing phase. In the event no protective devices are available and a circuit card or other electronic device must be replaced, first touch the grounded box We are all aware of the result when a foreign object enters the inlet of a turbine engine or when the wing of a moving aircraft comes in contact with a stationary rigid object like the hangar wall. Filled at a very high speed tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources the body! Throughout the day will help keep static electricity also states that the air/fuel ratio with the higher pressure! That up to 60 percent of all electronic component failures are caused ESD. A major source of fires and explosions in many industries to treat it with respect and care ) the! With a humidifier can help mitigate prolonged buildup of static suppression may be in vain attendant which. Greatly reduce the effects of ESD pipe to the air to help with this cause gasoline.. 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