Some of the things people ate during the Great Depression are things we shun now. I can almost see her saying she loves her ham-maise sandwich! They do meatless recipes. Named after the president that took office right before the crash, Hoover Stew was the name for the cheap slop eaten by residents of shanty towns. 36. Add cheese, apple, hard boiled egg for a more filling salad. Such a reminder of my childhood, and my present conditions as well. Shoppers may want to study the price matching policy or even print it out before shopping. I serve them like my mom did, with fried potatoes and cornbread. Haha This was a great article, as usual. 49. I would rather eat at home and not drive in and sit at a table and wait for a meal. 22. Tastes ever so good as leftovers too. Loved reading how others save money on food. Ramen noodles. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. Our great grandparents had the solution. Related: 88 Great Depression Recipes. I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. I keep a well-stocked pantry of dry and canned goods. During the Great Depression food shortages, drought, and poverty meant that people had to get creative with what they ate. Saving for us has more to do with how we shop than how we cook. I loved this article. Next, put bone-in chicken thighs skin-side up on top of the veggies. I make huge batches and freeze the extra. Ask if you can have them. Serving fresh bread and pickles with meals used to be very common. From budget-friendly meat dishes to vegetable soups and stews, these dishes are comfort food that your family will enjoy. Times were tough in the 1930s and people had to be creative with the few ingredients they could find and afford. From hearty stews to creamy soups, there's something . . We fill up on salads and 2-3 vegetable sides.Did you know you can make your own cheese using dry powdered milk? Soups, stews, and chili are cheap, healthy and belly-filling. Shape and fry up). You are so right about a chair in the kitchen beats one on the porch! Oxtail:Its the bone of the tail and very tender meat. I love the term soup of the day!! To save money while feeding 11 people we make chicken and noodles using turkey instead of chicken. Toast with mayo, sliced onion, pepper, and fried egg over medium. 10. Hi JMarsh, you had a rough life growing up as I did. So I would include lots of fresh veggies and salads. We do utilize an area butcher, buying packages from them periodically so we dont need to pay the higher prices at the local grocery. I make lots of Frybread & salads to go with meals. Hey! Her mother hated mayonnaise & it grossed her out! I am not one of those save the world types so I was surprised this blew me away. 75. We now have a shed that is set up strictly for meat processing which has a long counter, freezer, meat slicer etc. Those same trimmings go into my deer and goat burger to make a great hamburger for Chili, meatloaf, and spaghetti. To learn more about CafeMedias Privacy Policy, click here. The noon meal was usually a sandwich with salad or some soup. Foraging was a great way to get food for hungry families during the era and this Dandelion Salad from Martha Stewart is a perfect way to try this. Ive even made sausage by mixing ground rabbit and pork trimmings which I get from a local butcher for little to nothing price. 32. Again, I make my WalMart run and freeze the milk. A lot has changed on rural America's farms in the 70 years or so since the Great Depression. Mini pies (masa/corn flour mixed with water or broth, pushed into muffin tins, filled with whatever leftovers and some cheese work well). You can add a glaze on top, but this cake is divine on its own. 41. We make it once a month in a huge stock pot. Good memories. When I find a good one I buy a case or two of that item. I take advantage of the Meijer, buy 10 get the 11th one free offers PASTA!!! red wine vinegar. 17. We call it Eraser Gravy. I buy rabbits in summer at auction sometimes low as $2 a piece full grown. 5. No money for luxuries. It made sandwiches for my husbands lunch all week, then I made broth and turned that into noodle soup. "This recipe goes back to the Great Depression," says impellizzeri kitchen. I make soup stock out of the icky bits of meat, pan juices, and vegetable cooking water and add some Chinese noodles that only take 2 minutes to cook. I shop early and get a lot of 50% or 30% off items. So many ways to make ends meet without being deprived of a good filling meal. People made comments that they are eating many of those meals today. Good Old-Fashioned Potato Pancakes from Blessed Beyond Crazy. Various kinds of nuts and berries were often foraged for the help feed the family. We process the meat ourselves. We just started doing fruit smoothies for afternoon Oxtail: Its the bone of the tail and very tender meat. We had 3 very large gardens last year so I canned & froze everything I could. There are a lot of free things out there also to help. Ingredients: 1 1/4 cups sifted cake flour 1 1/4 tsps. One thing I recommend, if it is affordable, is to buy a small freezer. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for any and all ideas. The savings are HUGE! Ive got a family of 5 ranging from a 17 down to 6 and two working adults. I buy organic veggies but dont peel them when I am low on cash we dont do organic but still dont peel them. I try to save money by throwing in some meatless meals during the week, like potato soup or minestrone. The best ones went for dehydrating and the rest for apple sauce. The Dime Meal Eating Cheap in the Great Depression. They do meatless recipes. Love it! I make chicken soup, tacos, and rice with it. 38. I also make sure to add beans to taco meat to stretch it. My Grandmothers died when I was 15 and the other at 16 so I never got to ask them about the depression. My family hasnt noticed. 1930s Einkorn Chocolate Cake. Also eat a lot of beans, rice, eggs, and pasta. 19. Another Depression-era meal was "creamed chip beef," according to . She shops at Walmart and they price match any advertised price. Well see how this all works out. Make EVERY meal count. (Privacy Policy) *. Sunday's special cookies and a cup of coffee for the adults were among the most popular weekend breakfasts. Too many of us have gotten used to meat potatoes and a veggie. Another favorite is a piece of toast, fried egg on top and hot milk poured on top. We buy and plan for leftovers and we pride ourselves on getting larger cuts cheaper and getting many meals from it. These are pretty much the easiest items to grow. 51. 3 hours ago. Its still good either way. 62. We like to add frozen peas (cooked) when ready to serve. Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion, and cumin to flavorthem. salt 1 cup sugar 2 eggs beaten until thick and light 1 Tbsp. In 1937, when the United States was in the throes of the Great Depression, Kraft Foods launched the iconic Mac and Cheese. Food Storage Matters-We Must Be Self-Reliant. Ham Hocks & Beans - Not just a great Southern recipe but one that you can make on the cheap. Thank you sooo much for sharing! Next week Ill bake cookies. From Scratch Noodles from Delishably. We have one butchered professionally for all the different cuts and I butcher one or 2 for sausage and make bacon myself. We have a 50 by 50-foot garden and plant what we can and then can it, the beginning costs may be high but you reuse most of it for years. I am a senior and have had to slow down but a chair in the kitchen all most beats one on the porch. When they start getting limp, I chop them up and freeze them to use in soups like this. Linda, it has been great reading this post. Dandelion salad - served in high end eateries today. 10 Easy Budget Meals Anyone Will Love Every Day. 3. e chipped beef, chopped leftover bacon from breakfast, canned chicken, leftover roast or just the sauce over rice. 1. frozen or canned fish with leafy greens. 64. from Julia's Simply Southern. 15. He was mostly paid for food, eggs, a turkey, whatever they had to give him. Sunday's special cookies and a cup of coffee for the adults were among the most popular weekend breakfasts. Things are getting pricey out there these days and I have done a pretty good job of stocking my pantry with canned goods and dry goods. My mom made it a lot, so I know it's going to be delicious. One practice that is unique to us but is not out of reach of anyone. But through the years, accurate amounts were noted. So it should come as no surprise that someone figured out how to take a few basic ingredients (cream of chicken soup, onion, butter, etc.) Canned fish is pretty cheap. Navy Bean Soup. Get clearance on pumpkins or neighbors pumpkins and make bread from them then freeze it. My sweeties standby recipe he calls goulash just elbow macaroni, seasoned hamburger, onion, and tomatoes. They went through the Great Depression, and World War 2. We ate lots of beans and Mexican rice. 7. I dont know how she came to make them, they had never been served to her. We have one thing grandma never had thought, a slow cooker. Thank you for stopping by! Im diabetic, so I cant fill up my meals with lots of rice or pasta. I did a little the other day. In a time with less access to cert. I think anytime you go meatless you are going to save money and benefit your health! My parents were born prior to the First World War and came as immigrants for a better life. Related: How I Feed My Family of 6 on $200 a Month . We raised goats for milk and meat. Using the most inexpensive ingredients she could, she was able to feed her family throughout a harsh economic time. Hope this helps! Hoosier Cream Pie. I also do a lot of my shopping at Aldi or the Amish bents and broken store. I also freeze discounted sour cream or milk, works great especially for baking. 65. 23. 9. My sister does something a bit unique. I can almost triple how long something will stretch with rice. The other day I reused an 810 manilla envelope. Saturday well have the stew, Sunday, pasta with meatballs. We buy wheat berries rather than flour and grind our own. I would like to see someone (who has the time) to create recipes that are seasonal so that I am not constantly going to the store to find ingredients to make X, right now we should be eating squash, potatoes, dried beans, etc. Food not only had to be cheap, but it had to be filling. Its interesting because we were raised this way, its the norm to cook from scratch. God bless you, Linda. 20. Menu Plan: Great Depression Recipes. In fact, I pretty much make all my bread and pastry items from scratch so I never have to go to the store. Learn to eat what you grow. Survival Casserole from Back Door Survival. My mother told us about depression meals she remembered and enjoyed growing up. Hi! Wow! 67. Back then they could get it free or for .10. I just retired, so there is only two of us, but minus my pay is a big deal. Still do and hate food waste. I sat down and made a menu up for a whole month. So if you live in an area that that is possible & have a few like-minded families, sit down & work out the details. It stays good for months. I bake most of my bread and found some great no-knead recipes at You can also make your own noodles quite easily. 1 Corned Beef Luncheon Salad. Ketchup, Mayonnaise or Onion Sandwiches I know a chest freezer is harder to organize and dig through, but if youre really trying to save money, the stand-up freezer is a major money waster. in our area. Check out some of the seventh day Adventist meals. Robyn: Red beans and rice. To make this 5-Ingredient No Peek Chicken dish, all you need to do is . 14. Wash the rice and sprinkle it on top. 2 cups of boiling milk. Hot dogs and baked beans - staple at scout camp. Our grandmothers knew how to stretch their food budget while feeding the family well. The extra garden raised food shared with the elderly couple that owned it. I have got to go check out that website on meatless recipes! Still pricey but so much better. We make it once a month in a huge s. tock pot. I buy a sack of potatoes and stretch it to make meals, etc. Add your broth, and simmer till done. Instead of ordering out for pizza I make my own pizza dough (making 2 doughs and freezing the 2nd for later), make my own pizza sauce and taco sauce. Twitter. I raise a steer a year. Head cheese was another nutritious food made with . Theres a lot of Hispanic people in my area do the price for oxtail is outrageous. If I go to my grocery store before noon they put all the products in a cart that is ready to expire. 3. If I make a huge pot of stock I freeze it in ice cube trays then pack them in plastic bags. We are eating a ton of chicken and pork, cant afford beef muchI got a 3-4 lb pork loin on sale and got like 10 meals out of it (its just 2 of us) cut into chops and a small roast found an organic whole chicken cheaper than the regular, several meals and bone broth from that eating a lot more eggs finding creative ways to stretch out pasta, rice, and potatoes. But, during these lean years, some eateries offered much lower prices for their meals: only 1 penny per item. 37. 35. Beef and rice: From Laurie C. - Ground hamburger, mix in beef Rice a Roni, and add a can of corn. She could get hot dogs and slice them up and add garlic, tomato sauce,and water and make the most awesome casserole ever. Ive learned how to cook. Soup can always make a little meat go a long way. Im posting this article about Great Depression Meals again today that I wrote many years ago. Leftover Potato Pancakes. Stretches the noodles and the eggs. I enjoy reading all your posts and the great remarks everyone makes in the comments. Melt the butter, add the flour and quickly start whisking it. I freeze each one separately so I can use just one at a time. Once its smooth and thoroughly mixed, add the milk and keep on whisking, until smooth. This year, I canned (in mason jars) 61-pint size jars of deer meat, about 40 jars of pork (wild hogs) and a few jars of chicken broth. I cant remember as a child ever going out to a restaurant. Save the chicken bones and boil them up to make soup stock. Twice a year we go to an Amish bulk supply store and buy the basics. I dont have to purchase that product again until it goes on sale. However, they had still had access to meats most of us would now consider offal. I got 10 apples in one bag the other day and only had to cut off a tiny bit of bruising. These Depression-era recipes are proof that food from the 1930s is worth revisiting. baking powder 1/2 tsp. Baked Onions and Peanut Butter. We keep 40 to 50 hens all the time and have eggs aplenty year around. During this time, staples like meat, eggs, and milk were hard to acquire, and people often had to make a little go a long way. Thanks for the article. Potatoes were a staple, and according to Clara Cannucciari, an elderly woman who runs the YouTube channel "Great Depression Cooking," one popular dish was called the Poor Man's Meal, which consisted of potatoes combined with hot dogs (also cheap) and onions, chopped and fried up. Weeding and bug picking were my first jobs. THREE meals out of ONE chicken! Canned fish loaf: 1 can of mackerel or whatever is cheap mixed into a packet of stuffing mix and baked like meatloaf. Then I have a nice hedge on inflation, plus. During the Depression, cheap, nutritious and filling food was prioritized often at the expense of taste. My book is currently available for sale at book stores around the world and of course:,, How To Store Water For Survival Today Not Tomorrow, Grocery Shopping: 6 Awesome Facts You Need to Know, The Penny Restaurants of the Great Depression. I consent to Food Storage Moms collecting and storing the data I submit in this form. Lots of beans, sometimes I have cornbread, or crackers. Too many of us have gotten used to meat potatoes and a veggie. Fry up a cheap meal of peppers and eggs to keep you full in stomach and pockets. Mom was awesome is all I can say. We had a large family of 10 people, so each meal had to be extremely cheap, and go a long way. Old, injured or male birds are dinner. Put them on a baking sheet and add unpeeled garlic cloves. I spent just about $300 for the month of February, which comes to $10.71 per day. Also, buy meat on sale, we bought 4 turkey s at Thanksgiving. During the Great Depression, people got creative with crafting meals out of inexpensive and available ingredients. Linda. and Walmart accepts it. I cook some chicken. One . Split pea soup and lentil soups are all super cheap. This article was interesting & a little funny because I didnt know they were depression era menu items. Much as I like rice and beans, rice with meat dishes, potatoes, peas (Small young canned peas sold at Aldis) and breads or other grains, those are all carbohydrates. Fried rice (leftover rice cooked in bacon drippings with whatever veggies need using up). I still dont get to eat a lot because I am on SSI disability, Medicaid, and a few food stamps. Companies give away free things like deodorant. We stretch stretch stretch!! Sugar sandwiches - no, but sugar/cinnamon on toast is good. That certainly doesnt go very far. She loves her ham-maise sandwich before shopping America & # x27 ; s going to be extremely,., there & # x27 ; s going to save money while feeding the family.... The help feed the family or some soup weekend breakfasts sour cream milk. Were often foraged for the adults were among the most inexpensive ingredients she could she! Their meals: only 1 penny per item 3 very large gardens last year so never... 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