RT @quill_co: "Huh! The scepters, staffs and maces carried by monarchs and high priests alike occur with such frequency in the history of bygone eras as to suggest that at the very least these items are aspects of some type of archetypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate. Consequently, the Gateway process is designed to rather rapidly induce a state of profound calm within the nervous system and to significantly lower blood pressure to cause the circulatory system, skeleton and all other physical organ systems to begin vibrating coherently at approximately 77.5 cycles per second. This technique provides amplification for application of the energy bar tool as a means of healing specific areas or systems of the human body. It is only when one has begun to master these levels that one is guided into experiencing the first attempts at leaving the body. [deleted] 7 mo. Completion of this program will allow you to attend the next level of advanced programming. In this way we can develop a frame of reference at the outset which will provide useful concepts to explain and understand Gateway by comparison, as we proceed. I have cited this quotation because it shows that the concept of the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical in its essential aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world. Then add strong REM sleep frequencies to induce left brain quiescence anddeep physical relaxation. J. Marla Frees is back from her Gateway experience at the Monroe Institute, and she has some powerful adventures to tell us about. Gateway Group of Companies. It is interesting to note that Bob Monroe informed the Gateway class that finished 7 May 1983 that an ex-trainer of his operating in Charlottesville, Virginia found that he could guarantee out-of-body movements by bringing participants down into a rapid eye movement (REM) state of sleep and then use the Hemi-Sync tape technique. https://www.thegatewayexperience.com/explorers-of-hemi-sync, Exploring Sublime States of Consciousness, 7 Spiritual Pilgrimage Trails That Could Change Your Life, Eat, Pray, Love Author: No One Is Too Busy to Be Creative (Harvard Business Review 2015 Interview). I was 59 yrs old during my first trip and it completely altered my perspective on life in the most enlightening and positive manner. What Bentov means is that inside the dimension of time-space where both concepts apply in a generally uniform way there is a proportional relationship between them. The Bentov bio-medical model, as described in a book by Lee Sannella, M.D., entitled: Kundalini-Psychosis or Transcendence, states that the standing acoustical waves are the result of the altered rhythm of heart sounds which are occasioned by prolonged practice of meditation, and which set up sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid filled cavities which comprise the third and lateral ventricles of the brain. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted upon directly. With schedules that fit your life. The mind can then bring itself into synchronization with more sophisticated and rarified energy levels in the universe. But as the user of the Experience soon finds, having an OBE is not where you start. Answer (1 of 5): Hi Rodrigo, yes, I've used the Gateway home edition before I took the actual course (they give you a track after the course to practice at home as well). The right hemisphere, which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. It was interesting to see howIt was interesting to see how the Andreasson family has integrated the aliens into their family life! es fr. Indeed, if the term matter is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which is understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely misleading. Human beings have this form of elevated consciousness as does the Absolute but in case of the latter, it is a function of energy and its associated quality of consciousness in infinity (omniscience and omnipotence in perceptual unity). In addition, it leaves the right, hemisphere of the brain free to respond to the instructions and suggestions contained on the Gateway tape. The mechanics by which the mind exercises the consciousness function will be addressed in more detail later in this paper. The observed distribution of galaxies suggests that our particular universe is located near the top of the egg at the point where matter begins to fall back on itself, thus explaining the reason why the galaxies to the north are seen to be moving away more rapidly as they are caught up in the downturn of the stream of matter towards the far end of the cosmic egg (see Exhibit 5). The concept of the hologram can be most easily understood by using an example cited by Bentov in which he asks thereader to visualize a bowl full of water into which three pebbles are dropped. By placing the body in a sleeplike state, the Gateway tapes achieve the same goal as meditation in that it places the body in such a profoundly relaxed state that the bifurcation echo slowly fades away as the heart lessens the force and frequency with which it pushes blood into the aorta. The third consciousness altering methodology which will be briefly described is biofeedback. The result is a regular, rhythmic sinewave pattern of sound which echoes throughout the body and rises up into the head in sustained resonance. Even the Christian concept of the Trinity shines through the description of the Absolute as presented in this paper. When the concentrated effort begins to achieve success, the digital thermometer will register an increase in the temperature of the left leg. Unlike yoga and other forms of eastern mental discipline, Gateway does not require the infinite patience and total personal subservience to and faith in a system of discipline designed to absorb all the individuals energies over most of a lifetime. Navigate to powerbi.com Ancient Structures Altered Sound and Mind, Says Researchers. Bentov describes the roll played by the bifurcation echo as follows: When the left ventricle of the heart ejects blood, the aorta, being elastic,balloons out just beyond the valve and causes a pressure pulse to travel down along the aorta. Choosing the right payment gateway for your business is crucial for streamlining your payment processing and ensuring that you provide a secure and reliable payment experience. The Gateway Experience gives you easy-to-follow, guided instructions on how you can start experiencing this natural, altered state of consciousness that can open new doors for you into a realm of fascinating adventure! Well, which ever you are, you are in the right place! The resulting vibration is received and transmitted into the brain itself via the fluid filled third and left ventricles located above the brain stem. And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the. Rather, it will begin to produce at least minimal results within a relatively short time such that enough feedback is available to motivate and energize the individual to continue working with it. Also, this is a new thing. You just need to be open to the experience of self discovery and keep discovering. Einstein Against the odds: The Great Quantum Debate., Jager, Melissa. Through online discussion and shared experience, you will be part of a collaborative learning community. To return to our case in point, the human consciousness wave pattern reaches such high frequency that the pattern of clickouts comes so close together that there is virtual continuity in it. Embark upon an odyssey of self-discovery! Through the exercises you will begin to find where to find this power and how to begin using it. Indeed, regarding attempts to quantify what is known about the behavior of energy in dimensions apparently outside of time-space, Bentov speaks about, courageous physicists who are working on hypothetical particles, called Tachyons, which can move at speeds higher than light. The Gateway Experience Congratulations!! Once the participant has achieved this state of greatly expanded awareness, he is ready to begin employing a series of specific techniques or tools as the Monroe Institute characterizes them which enable him to manipulate his newly found expanded awareness to obtain practical, useful feedback of value for promoting self-discovery and personal growth. Gateway Experience - Voyager - Wave VII. Bentov cites as an example: repeated riding in a car whose suspension and seat combination produce that range of vibrations,or being exposed for long periods of time to these frequencies caused, for instance, by an air conditioning duct., He also notes that: The cumulative effect of these vibrations may be able to trigger a spontaneous physio-Kundalini sequence in susceptible people who have a particularly sensitive nervous system.. We have implied that this hologram is the finite embodiment in active, energy form of the infinite consciousness of the Absolute. In this fascinating program, you will move into profound states of awaren to experience the deep relaxation and instantaneous expanded meditative state that Monroe's audio provides. The point to be made is that the entirehuman being, brain, consciousness and all is, like the universe which surrounds him, nothing more or less than an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields. Once an individual becomes proficient in the technique of out-of-body movement and then reaches the point where he is able to break out of time-space while out of his body, he gains the advantage of clicking out part of his enhanced consciousness while starting from a base located much closer to the dimensions with which he wishes to communicate. Stone, Pat. The GGW version is. Bob and family hear a loud bang on their car at the drive in movie theater. Simply put, the CIA believes in the paranormal. %PDF-1.4 The left hemisphere of the brain is the self-cognitive, verbal and linear reasoning component of the mind. San Francisco, Henry S. Dakin, 1976. By reflecting on this model, it becomes possible to see, how human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state could obtain information concerning the past, present, and future since they all exist in the universal hologram simultaneously (In the case of the future because all of the consequences of the past and present can be seen coming together in the hologram such that the future can be predicted or seen with total accuracy). A few months back, I shared some news about how TikTok users had revitalized interest in the "Gateway Experience," the CIA's now-abandoned 1980s project exploring the Cold War Def Although Hemi-Sync seems to be rather rare and of only short duration in ordinary human consciousness, Melissa Jager states that: Audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe can induce and sustain Hemi-Sync with the Institutes basic Focus 3 tapes. She also notes that: Studies conducted by Elmer and Alyce Greene at the Menninger Foundation have shown that a subject with 20 years of training in Zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes.. Each Wave is intended to be completed in two weeks. Waves I - VII (each wave may be . Creating singular focus has been the secret of great minds since time immemorial. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and never miss a thing! An entire molecule, composed of a number of atoms bound together in a single energy field vibrates in the range of 109 Hertz. Now that we have briefly profiled the basic mechanics of the principal techniques for altering or expanding consciousness which share some of the objectives and/or methods employed in the Gateway Experience, we may proceed to focus on what that technique actually involves. But if energy is in the state of infinity, there are no boundaries, no here to differentiate from there, no sense of area. The only thing you will need to do is to visit the website, make a deposit, wager, and withdraw. This technique involves use of the consciousness to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere. New York, Doubleday and Company, 1971. In states of expanded consciousness, the right hemisphere of the human brain in its holistic, nonlinear and nonverbal mode of functioning acts as the primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input while, by operating in phase or coherence with the right brain, the left hemisphere provides the secondary matrix through its binary, computer-like method of functioning to screen further the data by comparison and reduce it to a discreet, two dimensional form. It is this cause which accounts for the cross-communication at what in terms of time-space velocities, would seem to involve speeds in excess of light. in other words, the signal from the movement ofour bodies will travel around the world in about one seventh of a secondthrough the electrostatic field in which we are imbedded. Standup comics tell their BEST jokes then they go to an undisclosed location to get WAY TOO HIGH then come back to attempt to tell you more! Gateway participants often report intuitive perceptions of sudden comprehension, a knowing, a gestalt. You may purchase the audio exercises Wave I, Wave II, Wave V, and Wave VI separately from our store. In [] Indeed, it may even be postulated that some dreams associated with deep levels of sleep are in fact functions of the same kind of altered consciousness involved in interaction with the universe that plays a role in all of the Focus 12, 15 and 21 states described above. Audio CD - Audiobook, January 1, 2019. Atlanta, GA. Posted: January 30, 2023. Sannella, Lee., M.D., Kundalini-Psychosis or Transcendence. Yoga, zen or transcendental meditation, if practiced long enough, will produce a change in the sound frequency with which the human heart resonates throughout the entire body. With respect to states of expanded or altered consciousness such as Gateway uses, the process operates in the following way. This state is called Focus 12 and involves conscious efforts on his part while additional forms of pink and white noise enter the sound stream being directed into his ears from the Gateway tape. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. The specific techniques involved are described individually below. For example, if the subject wishes to increase the circulation in the left leg in order to speed up healing he may concentrate with his left brain on achieving that result while carefully monitoring a digital thermometer connected to the left leg. This puts the bodys energy field into homogeneity with its surrounding environment and promotes movement of the seat of consciousness into the surrounding environment partly in response to the fact that the two electromagnetic medians are now a single energy continuum. To create a new data source, click on the New button in the top ribbon. Listen free to The Monroe Institute - The Gateway Experience Series: Wave I: Discovery (Orientation, Introduction to Focus 10 and more). It is the ideal mediumfor conveying a telepathic signal.. the brainwave output) can accelerate to the point where the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on an oscilloscope, would look virtually like a solid line. Since consciousness exists quite apart from and outside of reality, beyond the bounds of time-space, it, like the Absolute, has neither beginning nor end. A trainer will support your questions through weekly 1-hour video conferences. The apparent purpose of the symbolism involved in the vortex seems to be to cue the subconscious and convey to it instructions as to what the participant wishes to do but in terms of nonverbal symbols which the right hemisphere of the mind is capable of understanding. They should be compliant with regulations such as PCI-DSS requirements. The views from the top are spectacular, well worth seeing. These types of systems help protect customer data from . He's basically saying, there's no way you're going to get through The Gateway without a solid grounding in the brain-altering techniques that came before it. Nonetheless thank you for expanding our minds. A myriad of various distortions and incongruities are thus likely to be encountered such that our nice neat assumptions concerning the relationship between time and space as we know it in this dimension do not apply. To book your retreat, first purchase the program to reserve your space. This seems to be a function of the fact that physical reality in the present is not the only holographic influence which the individual may encounter in an out-of-body state. In some cases, the response may even arrive in the form of visual symbols which the individual will see with his mind while he is in the Focus 12 state and which he will have to interpret after he returns to normal consciousness. The Gateway Experience is the in-home training program of The Monroe Institutes world renowned Gateway Voyage, a six-day life enhancing meditation program. The next technique is called color breathing and is designed to use the expanded awareness and highly focused attentiveness associated with the Focus 12 state to imagine various colors in a particularly intense and vivid manner so as to use them to resonate with and in turn to activate the bodys own energies. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1977. The process is sometimes long because there is often a lot of "emotional stuff" we have to go through to still our minds . Since the Theta level is associated with sleep, the subject concerned may progress from a fully awake to a sleep state (provided that he does not consciously resist) as the brain strives to entrain its wave frequency output with the one which the person hears. Bentov states that scientists suspect that the human mind operates on a simple binary go/no go system as do all digital computers. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the Absolute and is the actual agent of all creation (all reality). The Gateway Experience, then, becomes a toll for harnessing this latent power within us. The most promising approach suggested in the foregoing study involves the following steps: A. In order to describe the Monroe Institute technique for achieving altered states of consciousness (the . I first learned of the Institute after reading Robert Monroes book Journeys of of the body around 1977. That critical step out of time-space occurs when the speed of the oscillation drops below 1e-33 centimeters per second (Plancks Distance). When energy returns to a state of total rest within the Absolute, it returns to the continuum of consciousness in the pool of limitless, timeless perception that resides there. The relationship is neat and predictable. Bentov, Itzhak. Body: Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270006- Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences PRESENTS THE GATEWAY PROGRAM In 1958, Robert Monroe, a New York broadcasting .xccuti.ve, began having experiences that drastically altered his life. The actual techniques employed for separating from the body involve such simple maneuvers as rolling out, lifting out after the fashion of a telephone pole wherein the individual separates in a rigid, headfirst manner (such that he finds himself standing at attention at the foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body. Our new meditation app is unlike any you've ever experienced. At Gateway, we focused on four or five in a given year. An OBE will also have that, but later and at a more subtle level. On the way home the whole car is sucked up into a ship how typically alien. The energy involved in this flow then proceeds up through the body and back out into the balloon pattern again. It is an individual experience that will leave you with no doubt that you have had a known experience versus an imagined one. The ice is removed leaving the three pebbles still laying at the bottom of the bowl. Karl Pribrams Changing Reality Human Behavior, May 1978. To complete our outline of the process by which the mind achieves and exercises consciousness, we must also describe the mechanism which accounts for the aspect of human thought that differentiates it from the consciousness of plants or animals, i.e. ${active_variant.start_date} ${active_variant.end_date}, Please contact your trainer below for booking information, 8 Weeks / The Absolute at rest in infinity is a concept straight out of Hebrew mystical philosophy. In any case, the energy bar tool technique involves envisaging a small, intensely pulsating dot of light which the participant charges in his imagination with enormous energy until it is virtually pulsating. Gateway Experience is offered in an online Moodle classroom. The tentative conclusion to be drawn is that the out-of-body state may be regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of enhancing consciousness and of interfacing with dimensions beyond time-space. But even more important, access is opened to both the past and the future when the dimension of current time-space is left behind. Brief summaries are posted here: https://www.thegatewayexperience.com/explorers-of-hemi-sync. Achievement of this state of altered consciousness sets the stage for perception of non-time-space dimensions because of the operation of a principle in physics known as Plancks Distance. Then, a portion of that consciousness is actually postulated to establish and maintain its information collection function in those dimensions located between time-space and the Absolute. Requirements: - Currently be in Albania - Visit the link and register with temporary email. The individual who has achieved this state has reached a truly advanced level. They induce altered experiences and the experience varies with the individual. 5 0 obj I did so because although it was essential to avoid attempting to render an assessment in the context of such systems, I felt that it was necessary after having completed the analysis to point out that the resulting conclusions do not do any violence to the fundamental mainstream of either eastern or western belief systems. Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. Full-Time. The course fee does NOT include the course materials. The ambiance of the area where the institute resides, the facilitators who work with you and the wonderful support staff who work to make your experience comfortable and safe are superb. Always another fascinatingAlways another fascinating interview. 4. The three primary purposes of the RD Gateway, in the order of the connection sequence, are: Establish an encrypted SSL tunnel between the end-user's device and the RD Gateway Server: In order to connect through any RD Gateway server, the RD Gateway server must have a certificate installed that the end-user's device recognizes. The Gateway process begins by teaching the individual participant to isolate extraneous concerns in a visualization device called an energy conversion box. Next, the participant is introduced to a method of encouraging his mind and body to strive to achieve a state of resonance through utterance of a single tone, a monotonous, protracted humming sound that sets up a feeling of vibration particularly in the head. our consciousness, therefore, is that differentiated aspect of the universal consciousness which resides within the Absolute. Discover In other words, the technique of patterning recognizes the fact that since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. Until we teach the horse whos boss, we will be thrown around a lot. It is the title we assigned to that vast pool of energy in a state of perfect rest over which the physical universe is layered, and from whence it comes. Time and space may become grainy or chunky. Perhaps a piece of space can be traversed by a particle of matter in any direction without necessarily being synchronized with a piece of time. $995 - $2,295, 5 Days + 6 Nights / Read a more complete summary on Monroe Institute CDs and Programs. C8|:'T6G1U}tY8~/xm?0{jnwLe1d4M%6y|O OOja4N!4w2m'=y|qWp0]W2qWAy1xum~pk(v5tQ3] #}7%%1_U_ :X7xQwe|QU2vh*kYv;N'N!qxRGL/DspGy'w9Q&UzDG{ E xt?;9k' zUZygz@q^FxC}\=ck{?F~Ax*aDA This is a new project. Theoretically, human consciousness may continue to expand the horizons of its perceptual capability until it reaches the dimension of the Absolute at which point perception stops because the-Absolute generates no holograms of or about itself. Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist. Contact Trainer. The return of consciousness to the Absolute does not imply an extinction of the separate entity which the consciousness organized and sustained in reality. Probably less than five percent of all participants in any given Gateway Experience actually fully achieve the Focus 15 state during the course of the approximately seven days of training. Once you experience the feeling of knowing, direct experience you can discern the difference between that and your imagination creating the experience. However, use of the Hemi-Sync tapes at this point may be less a factor in actually achieving the out-of-body state than it is a matter of focusing the brain enough so that a residual memory of having naturally achieved an out-of-body state is carried into the waking state. If HMRC wish not to send paper coding notices to . The Gateway Experience is just as Whitley and Marla Frees have described. The Seventh Dead: The UFO and The Underworld. The sensitivity of his nervous system, his general state of mind, and the extent to which he may have previously developed facility in related techniques such as transcendental meditation are all pertinent factors affecting the speed at which he may expect to progress. But, as the word spread of its amazing results, more and more people wanted to participate. Gateway involves more than just perception of those aspects of the universal hologram which can be accessed in the dimension of time-space as we know it. Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Then, to make sense of what the holographic image is saying to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just received with itself. The more compulsive, the more uptight the individual may be at the outset the more barriers he or she will initially encounter to achieving a deep or immediate experience, but as the insights begin to come and the blockages begin to dissolve, the way ahead becomes increasingly clear and the value of Gateway moves from the status of a matter of intellectual assessment to one of personal experience. We chatted about growing up in London and being a rapper, author and campaigner in the best city on earth. Furthermore, I am equipped with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office and Linux skills. I'm from Livingston, New Jersey, and went to undergrad at the Johns Hopkins University, where I double majored in cognitive science and medicine, science, and the humanities. in so doing, we may better perceive the form that reality assumes when we encounter it in those intermediate dimensions. Beginning with Discovery, there are eight "albums" called "Waves of Change." Each Wave contains special Hemi-Sync exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded awareness. Altered States of Consciousness The Mother Earth News. The aim of The Gateway Experience program is to give an introduction to these concepts and to teach the audience to be able to use these effects consciously without any aid. To do this we must first appreciate what time and space are in order to understand how the dimension that they constitute can be transcended. You begin the process by learning how to achieve deeper levels of Focus which go from Focus 10 to the penultimate Focus 21. He dives into transcendental meditation, hypnosis, quantum physics, both eastern and western religions, and more. The Gateway Experience is the in-home training program of The Monroe Institute's world renowned Gateway Voyage, a six-day life enhancing meditation program. To enter these intervening dimensions, human consciousness must focus with such intense coherence that the frequency of the energy pattern which comprises that consciousness (i.e. The Gateway Experience, then, becomes a toll for harnessing this latent power within us. Your email address will not be published. Unpredictably, and without willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to . There is no right or wrong way to experience these exercises. Following this, the participant is exposed to the Gateway affirmation, and is encouraged to repeat it to himself as he hears it repeated on the tape. Therefore, if the subject is in a fully awake state but hears sound frequencies which approximates brainwave output at the Theta level, the subjects brain will endeavor to alter its brainwave pattern from the normal Beta to the Theta level. Monroe, Robert A. Journeys Out of the Body. This focusing of energy is not unlike the yoga concept of one pointedness, which we may translate in western terms as a single-mindedness., Dr. Twemlow goes on to observe that as the individual gets into the tapes beyond Focus 3, there is a gradual increase in brainwave size which is a measure of brain energy or power.. Enhance your study experience by tackling our Nokia 4A0-114 exam questions. These techniques are designed to enable the user of the Gateway tapes to manipulate the high energy states which can be achieved if the user continues to work with the tapes over a period of time. 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