Garter snakes, while small in size, have been quite full of discoveries. If it's warmer she'll loosen up to cool the eggs down a little bit. So here are two known stories for how the snake got its name: The first story is that the garter snakes name came from a comparison of the stripes on the side and back of the snake to the garter stockings that people were commonly wearing at the time of the naming of the snake. There are 13 subspecies of varying colors and patterns found in a wide range of habitats from Quebec to Florida and Alaska to Texas. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Breeding & Reproduction Guide. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Garter snakes give birth to live babies rather than eggs. Allow for it to slither through your fingers and up and down your body so that it is used to you as its owner and it wont be too scared of you. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Depending on the species of snake, your female may be pregnant even though she hasnt mated with a male. (Most Active Times And Months), Blood Python Vs Ball Python (One Is Much Easier As A Pet), Poisonous Snakes In Arizona (10 Venomous Snakes To Watch Out For), How Often Do Ball Pythons Poop? At the end of brumation, the female garter snake releases a pheromone which specifically sends out the message that she is fertile and wants to mate. Male garter snakes are shorter and thinner than their female counterparts, so they dont require as much tank space. Trap and relocate the snakes. Garter snakes should never be housed in aquatic or semi-aquatic tanks because theyll quickly develop blisters on their scales. Today we cover everything you need to know to take care of them. They do not need a specific climate to survive. Even the snakes with the most docile natures may become instinctivelydefensive as she develops her young and guards her eggs. . (+Recognizing A Problem). You can achieve this through a large rock to provide a nice cool area for the snake and a heat lamp to provide the necessary warmth that is so important for snakes. However, once your snake has had her clutch (and in some cases waited for them to hatch) she will most likely go back to her normal temperament. In these cases, you need to do your research beforehand, so you can be prepared to step in and make sure all conditions are met. Be gentle as youdo this. You should make sure that your female snake has a basking place with a temperature of at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Some females will eat only smaller portions of food, so try to offer your female some food but dont force her to eat. Checkered garter snakes are sometimes mistaken for common garter snakes because some common garter snakes have very faint patterns of their back that resemble a checkerboard. They will become more aggressive. Each container should be lined with the appropriate material and contain a water dish and hiding place. This information will help you to understand your snakes needs. It was not believed to be so for some time, but recent discoveries have shown that the garter snake has a relatively weak neurotoxin that it can release when it bites. Some owners believe that lighting is unnecessary. However, in captivity, you are in control of many key factors such as ovulation and temperature. Frogs would stand no chance against this venom. It the temperature goes above 33C (91F), your snake will overheat. Female snakes tend to avoid eating while they are pregnant. Embora Pets is a website full of resources created for pet owners by pet owners. When a snake is about to shed its skin, it may lose its appetite for several days. Think of cat eyes or Voldemort. Since garter snakes, like all snakes, are cold-blooded, they need to go through this sort of hibernation called brumation. They range from about 23 inches to about 30 inches, making them easy to handle and unable to cause much damage to a human. Like all animals, if the garter snake is threatened than it will attack whatever is threatening it. Which Ones? Things to Know Before Getting a Garter Snake, Common Garter Snake (T. Sirtalis) vs. Ribbon Snake (T. Sauritus) Identification, How to Identify a Checkered Garter Snake (T. Marcianus), Questions to Ask the Seller About The Snake, How to Check a Garter Snake for Health Problems. Proper levels of humidity vary depending on the region of origin and species of your snake. Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Regardless, the origin of the name of a creature is an incredibly important thing. Their collective body heat keeps the whole group warm and safe through the winter. The cost of setting up their tank and feeding them is quite low. This behavioral response is quite common when theyre moved to a new environment. Mating for garter snakes takes place right after they have gone through their form of hibernation or brumation. Garter snakes have small heads that come to a small rounded nose at the front. Ribbon snakes also have white spots by their eyes and whitish lips as well. Once your baby snakes hatch, you will be in charge of caring for them. (Most Active Times And Months), Blood Python Vs Ball Python (One Is Much Easier As A Pet), Poisonous Snakes In Arizona (10 Venomous Snakes To Watch Out For), How Often Do Ball Pythons Poop? They like yourflowerbeds as much as you do. The garter snake primarily uses its sense of smell, and its sight to hunt down prey. Although the size of the nest box will depend on the species of snake, it should typically be a relatively small space. The list of acceptable food includes slugs, earthworms, leeches, lizards, frogs, tadpoles, ants, frog eggs, toads, crickets, mice, and other rodents. Most garter snakes are diurnal (awake during the day), so having access to light during the day will help the snake to thrive. One narrow stripe running lengthways down the snakes back with a thicker stripe on each side. Snakes dont have the best record for being great mothers and this is why. Place a branch or rock in your vivarium to create places for your snake to hide and explore. Its advisable to get a captive-born baby garter snake, rather than a wild-caught adult. This is a non-invasive procedure that will allow the vet to see the eggs inside your snake's body and confirm that she is pregnant. Their stripes are in a different location on their bodies. Snakes have natural instincts that help them hatch from their eggs, although, not all snakes will survive the hatching process. Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. You wouldnt think that the name of a snake would be that big of a deal, but, crazy as it may seem, it is. Like most snakes, though, garter snakes are able to pick up on chemical trails with their tongue. Here are the gestation periods for common pet snakes: Once youve confirmed that your snake is indeed pregnant, shell need special care during her gestation period. Jen has over 23 years of experience living and caring for all types of pets from axolotls, snakes, rabbits, turtles to dogs and cats. According to Science Direct, the perimeter of the base of the cage (the distance around it) should be at least double the length of your snake. The main strategy of the garter snake is to eat their prey live and whole. If the creature is able to resist and fight back, then the garter snake has been seen to use constriction to kill the creature first, but it is rarely necessary so long as they are able to successfully sneak up on their prey. Whichever is clearer for you. The second story is that the name garter snake comes from the German word for garden. It has the following physical characteristics: Ribbon snakes look very similar to common garter snakes, but there are some differences: The checkered garter snake is favored for its calm temperament. They will leave as soon as they are warmed up and often head off to the nearest female that is releasing pheromones, but now they are warm and able to continue mating for a long while. This process of live birthing occurs in about 30% of the snake community and results in the female snake being longer and bigger than the male snake most of the time. They do this in order to steal the body heat of the other snakes that think they are mating with a female. Lets say that you have a Python with a particularly pretty pattern, and you want to breed thatpython so that you can have other snakes with similar beautiful patterns, this is selective breeding. This factor is probably the hardest to control and varies greatly between different species. Garter snakes are a rather diverse group of snakes. Some snakes need to see their food moving to kickstart their appetite. Survival is more important than staying solitary after all. Some species, like the Ball Python, wrap around theireggs to keep them warm. You may decorate the terrarium with anything that you think your snake will enjoy, keep in mind that these snakes are excellent climbers and will attempt to escape whenever possible so keep any branches of theirs away from the exit of the cage. Since garter snakes are aquatic in nature they like water. For example, because Burmese Pythons typically stay with their eggs and warm them, they need a space large enough to wrap themselves around their eggs. The male must lick the female to determine which pheromones and chemicals they give off. If youre mating 2 snakes, install a reptile basking light. The big reason you dont want to scare the snake is that when garter snakes are scared,they will release a stinky liquid that is supposed to scare off predators. If it's cooler she'll wrap tighter around her eggs. MLA Style: Carter, Lou. Garter snakes areovoviviparous which means they lay their eggs inside their body and then produce their young live. Snakes For Pets. So while not likely these snakes can get above 4 feet in length. A garteris a band of cloth that is used to hold up someones stocking. It goes on, but you generally get the point. If you do decide you want to use something other than newspaper, you can find some possibilities here. In this care sheet, well cover how to look after a garter snake. Providing the right environment ahead of time can ensure that your clutch has a high survival rate. Snake breeders sometimes advertise themselves on the notice-boards in pet stores or website directories. For example, Ball Pythons are one of the easiest snakes to breed in captivity, but there are still many procedures that you must follow when breeding your snakeso you dont cause any damage to your snake. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from No matter the temperament, your snake may get defensive. This article has been viewed 22,295 times. Will Pet Snakes in Your Home Make the Place Smell Bad? Adjustment time is important for the comfort and health of a snake. Although they may become nervous in a new environment, garter snakes settle down after a couple of weeks, and their temperament can become very relaxed. But the water is also for drinking, not just swimming. Any fish the garter snake could eat would be too small for human consumption. What Smells Deter Cats from Peeing? All rights reserved. It can cope with a wide range of temperatures so it can be spotted in most parts of America. Pet Snakes That Eat Vegetables (With Video), Check there are no protruding bones as this could indicate that theres an injury. Make sure that there are no visible blisters on the skin. Subspecies of the snake are also found as far southwest as New Mexico and in parts of northern Mexico. At Embora Pets we are passionate about pets and love sharing our knowledge and research with you.We strive to be the ultimate resource for you to learn all that you can about caring for your pet! These are the eggs inside the snake. The heat pad should cover no more than one-third of the cage. Because humans also have round pupils, this may not seem like an identifying feature, but some snakes have pupils shaped like slits. Thats why I set up to answer every question that you could ever have about snakes as pets (and how they survive in the wild.) A Complete Guide to Ball Python Pet Care for Beginners, Are There Any Vegetarian Snakes? Unlike in the wild, there are no seasons for your snake. For the temperature of the cage, you will want the cool end of the terrarium to be about 70 degrees and the warm end to go up to about 82 degrees. When the eggs begin hatching, do not remove the baby snake from the egg yourself. Keep the base of your cage clean and dry to stop your snake from developing a blistered skin. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! This generally something that they will have to make adjustments for in their diet. Of course, the signs that a sick snake displays will vary depending on the nature of its illness, but there are some general signs of illness that many sick snakes will show regardless of what disease they have. For example, a. Do garter snakes attack humans? How To Tell If A Snake Is Pregnant Your snake will not eat. If you dont have a female snake that cares for the eggs, here are a few factors you need to control to care for your eggs: An adequate nest box will help ensure that the clutch of eggs stays protected and maintains the proper temperatures and humidity levels. The most common way to tell garter snakes apart from other snakes is their color: they have dark bodies with three yellow stripes cascading down their backs. While they mainly encompass North America,they have no specific natural environment in that region that they tend to live in. Simply noticing that your female has gained weight after mating is not enough to confirm that shes pregnant, as she may just be digesting her most recent meal! The garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), also known as the common garter snake, is native to North America. However, this can vary depending on the species of snake. You and the garter snake will be happier if you allow for this short time period. The diet of the garter snake is diverse. However, a common feature among them are the stripes down their backs. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. There is a process called parthenogenesis where female snakes can reproduce asexually. Most female snakes will become thicker in the area from their midpoint to their vent. They dont exactly have feelings after all. Some novice snake owners may like to remove the uncertainty of whether the female snake is pregnant or not. Once the baby snakes are settled into their individual containers, leave them alone for a few days and allow them to acclimate to their new environment. Its a good idea to provide a dry hide box as well. Unfortunately, we arent able to pin down the exact origin of the name. Although many garter snakes are tame, it is best to assume they are not until proved otherwise. To hear more about the confusion between garden and garter snakes check out this snake owner article on garter vs. garden snakes. All rights reserved. Garter snakes are a great option as a pet they are really low maintenance and are not aggressive or deadly to their owners. This act of stealing heat is called kleptothermy since this act is taken right after hibernation. The water is essential not only for drinking but also for helping to snake to keep cool. This can be tricky becausesome female snakes might show signs of pregnancy right away while others take longer to show. Be sure that the portions you are feeding your mice are small enough and do not leave a large lump in your snakes body. [1] Snakes born in captivity are free of parasites and can tolerate being handled better because theyre introduced to humans from birth. More often than not, names came from other words that were around first. They can store sperm for up to five years! In captivity, you will need to create periods similar to winter and spring to promote successfulbreeding. This can create a bit of a problem when you are trying tobreed your snake. Affiliate Disclosure: When possible, Embora Pets uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you). Sometimes they will eat something even large than this, though this can sometimes cause digestion problems if it is too big. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Embora Pets is everywhere! Your new snake will soon realize that it can trust you. Clean any mess up to prevent the spread of bacteria. They rely on the external environment to help regulate their body temperature. If you do live where snakes are likely to be about, it makes a lot of sense to identify the snakes before encountering one, so that you know what sort of snake you're dealing with and how to respond. Not that they have a lot of choice in the matter. This means it could comfortably house a snake up to 20 long. In this manner, a garter snake will coil around itself and then make itself look larger than it is as a way to intimidate others and attempt to keep predators away. The garter snakes theory is that if my predators think I smell bad theyll think Ill taste bad. Unfortunately, though you are not a predator, you can seem like one. Their diets are able to sustain them off of almost anything in a location. It may flatten itself to the ground and get ready to strike or bite (uncommon), It may try to hide its head and thrash its tail, It might release an unpleasant musky odor (and any feces it has available). Although these characteristic stripes can identify many types of garter snake, some subspecies have additional markings. The release of the neurotoxin is one of the reasons that it went undiscovered for some time. Keeping the correct temperature consistent is vital, and though she will naturally seek out cooler parts of her tank, she may still want to lay under a heat lamp occasionally too. If you have a snake, like a Ball Python, that is naturally inclined to care for her clutch, one of the first things you need to decide is whether or not you are going to let your female snake do the job of warming the eggs and keeping them at the appropriate temperatures. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. How Long Should I Leave My New Snake Alone Before I Handle Them. Remember, not all snakes are easy to breed in captivity. One of the most widespread snakes in North America, I'm sure you've seen an Eastern garter snake in your yard or at a local park. This theory may seem more likely than the previous one, considering that it is consistent with how language works. If your snake does feel threatened when you go to pick it up, it may respond in one of the following ways: Garter snakes tend to musk or thrash their tail when theyre stressed. However, there are a couple of things that you will want to have prepared before you take steps to have a garter snake as a pet. However, by this time, baby garter snakes should show some interest in food. The following are suitable feeds that are quite easy to get your hands on: Supplement your snakes diet with calcium. They are considered one of the safest snakes because they can be handled so easily. The substrate should be spot cleaned 2-3 times per week (as required) and replaced entirely every 3 weeks. Jen has over 23 years of experience living and caring for all types of pets from axolotls, snakes, rabbits, turtles to dogs and cats. You should aim for a humidity level of between 50% and 60%. The easiest way to accommodate your snake is to purchase an aquarium tank or reptile cage (vivarium) with a lockable lid. Wear protective gloves (snakes carry salmonella), Empty everything from the tank and dispose of the substrate, The furniture, food bowl, and tank should also be sterilized, Once youve rinsed the tank, apply a pet-safe disinfectant, Disinfect any cleaning equipment youve used, and get rid of any single-use items, such as DIY hides, Once the tank is dry, put everything back inside, If youre struggling to get the warmer side of your cage to 84 F with a heat mat alone, and the. While the average length of a garter snake is from 23 to 30 inches the longest recorded garter snake has been 5 feet long. Typically, it is a smaller space. Garter snakes are poikilothermic ectotherms. Do not exceed this amount as a calcium overdose can be toxic. However, some have a checkered. Selective Breeding Wanting Certain Characteristics, Survival Of Eggs Requires The Right Temperatures, The Breeding Of Corn Snakes are dictated by the season. Garter snakes are typically small reptiles, with a length between 23 - 30 inches. Once again there is no hard proof for or against this theory. If you are bitten, and the snake wont let go, gently push its head forward to disengage its jaw. This is why you see garter snakes basking themselves on rocks in the morning sun. They are quick to adapt to their surroundings and easy to care for, so they do make good pets. Check periodically for health problems, such as worms, mites, blister disease, and gastrointestinal parasites. In North America, there are several varieties of snake that may slither into your garden or yard area, depending on where you live and whether or not your house area borders the woods or countryside. Pin down the snakes with the most docile natures may become instinctivelydefensive as she develops young... 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