That being said sometimes it must be done and thats all there is to it. Room Clearing Procedures. 9 0 obj Unlike most modern systems, ITCQB focuses on real-life scenarios and on the diverse factors found in human-to-human encounters. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. For the sake of simplicity, Ill boil it down to three. Eli from Project Gecko running a first live fire drill with a student in a CeFed. Reasons for attempting this kind of entry-point technique are numerous: If breaching is required, if an obstruction at one side of the portal doesnt allow a team to stack at opposite, facing ends, and so on. You might wonder why this matters if military and LE operators are trained to never be in the position of clearing a room by themselves. Figure 3. ?H?,^8qku;/ulio/x\8;zSZK1]S;`b-\ cm D@E*lJ2hZ*dS|a04\iqRxFa31E[m R]8=4*jSMBH_!=3#wTPZaZ~,;_r6d{?Lg,$I{s8jjc^JwVUhl:.'0&US_xH3-. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. Following the command, the number one man will say one up, followed by the number two man saying two up and so on until the number four man states hes up. Room clearing is a complex, and difficult process. Whatever you do, make sure you dont position yourself near the fatal funnel (doorway). These threats are your number one priority. The number two man will usually be the most experienced person in the team (although it never hurts to practice other roles). Tip. Team #2 "Red" operator proceeds onto hostage. If youre by yourself, carrying flex-cuffs or even zip ties can help mitigate the risk of them potentially becoming immediate threats. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. This prevents the enemy from setting up a defensive position if there are more in the room. Operating Room/ Surgical Room - In conventional ventilating operating rooms over 90% of the bacterial contamination of the wounds comes from the air and clean air results in a lower risk. As the number one man, whichever way you go into the room is your choice. endobj Dont make the mistake of assuming non-threats are not dangerous. Im an active-duty infantryman with the U.S. Army, and Ive served a combined-service of over 5 years. The most common object in a house is a corner (and the most common solution for an object is the same as clearing a corner). What that means, is instead of trying to rush through a room guns blazing, you should slow it down and tactically clear your sectors. Make sure somebody secures them and has eyes on them. PUSH PAGE DOWN BUTTON TO ADVANCE PUSH PAGE UP TO GO BACK. The reasons for these strict prescriptions and proscriptions varies, from the likelihood that you will trip or the likelihood that you will stumble over your own feet whether you do or dont according to the experts advice. Planning is thinking about a goal and then organizing the activities to achieve the goal. Never become complacent when clearing rooms, a threat can emerge at any given moment. Tips for creating an effective presentation. j. This is not to say that you should not practice moving, or move in a purpose driven way. This allows the team to flow into the room while you pull security outside to make sure no immediate threat presents itself. Your email address will not be published. Once the room is deemed secure, the most senior person in the team (number two man) will get an up from the team. As the final part of the angle approaches, you attack the cornermeaning you quickly step inside with your leading foot (flat and stable so you can bail out if needed) and align your weapon. Room Clearing Techniques. cl@24,]9UaYV^[xc/^&oNM4XLvs `u2 0c84G}kTY1%U-`Uj974}@Niuk+rJC&i `c"uXz/f*H]QVlrCnrL0WhO\{YMU This lets any follow on friendly personnel know that the first room is secure and they can move in if necessary. In a hasty entry, youll never have time to plan anyway. endstream endobj startxref Dont let internet pecker jousting or people with bigger egos than brains tell you otherwise. Experts also condemned the poor techniques shown during the exercise. Accordingly, wherever your muzzle goes, thats where your eyes should be. We want to again restate this article is not a be-all end-all article that will solve every tactical problem. Please note that if you change your location to your currency will change to . If you practice what you learn in this article, youll be much more confident if you find yourself in a situation where you might need to use it. Compressing does not impede your reaction time. You dont know if these animals are trained to attack, or if they feel threatened enough to attack you. Another important aspect of using speed and violence, is owning the room. Cross your feet. 14 0 obj 1. Once the number three man enters the room, you will flow in behind him. An immediate threat can be classified many ways. Once the number four man is ready, hell send the signal back up. Speed Surprise Violence of Action. endobj Once the initial room is clear, have everyone stack on the person who has the better vantage point of the doorway. While speed is a major factor in room clearing, you need to understand what speed truly means when it comes to room clearing. Owning the room also means owning every threat that presents itself in that room. I will never SPAM you. Most of the time, people who dont wish to fight back will willingly get on the ground. There are many factors that revolve around room clearing, but the ones Ill teach you about are the most common situations youll find yourself in. This is called the hard corner. Here, your goal is to cheat the angle and see as much of the room as you can. Different angles present drastically different scenarios. It can leave a target who has seen your muzzle significantly less time to react. Very Interesting You currently have items in your cart. Remember, dont shoot fast, discern fast and then shoot quickly and accurately if you are justified. endobj The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portaland stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. Thats the last piece of advice I can give you. vFPOaTH S2]fGti^8|Et4o2+mPc.\MV\a\O@{8f08@t ey}__w28K*_QNKcutMZrpL2Npwt|zY*zM/{%Ieo&6z[Y(iL*S`o^DeLXMI>\]ht@X>4F,k)$jh}BZEt^:A0> ('jLcObIFM5[4d}t1Pb ?&h40)gd]UvG_y7>b9:.& 6.0. If this happens, step over him and continue clearing the room. By Eliran Feildboy, founder ofProject Gecko. Jdi:,'^GGV JJ-T8,=v2GxM6[GKKIyx2[lthuQPcioAX[q Clearing Corners 1 Approach the corner. It may suck having to step over your buddy whos hurt, but if you stop clearing the room to help him, youre risking more men going down because they arent engaging the immediate threat in the room. A Brief History of Room-Clearing Tactics and Battle Drill 6 The starting point of Hooker's opposition is a video that went viral on social media in February 2021. OBJECTIVE ASSAULT SUPPORT BY FIRE SECURITY SECURITY ASSAULT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT With a plan, you can see how much you have progressed towards your goal and how far on your map to the next destination. SURPRISE SPEED. A fundamental part of intelligent behavior is planning. The process of traversing a corner is often referred to as slicing the pie. Then, while you transition your point of aim to the far corner of the room on the opposite side, move about three feet along the wall after the first corner youve cleared. One slip up, and you could end up killing a team member, or vise-versa. In the tactical world, there is nothing more hotly debated than room clearing techniques. His sector of fire is straight ahead, ready to engage any enemy in the direction that the stack is facing. Only after the room has been successfully cleared, will you render aid to your fallen teammate. Circumstances are an attribute, detail, or conditionwith respect to time, place, manner, agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; it is a modifying or influencing factor. You dont want somebody who doesnt know what theyre doing in a room with you when youre relying on them for your safety. This doesnt mean slow your movement down to a crawl, just move more methodically and tactically. This is due to the fact that his sector of fire outside of the room is the flank, as well as the high-ground. Every time you clear a room, theres a risk that youll encounter an enemy whose intent is to take your life. The number four man will usually have a weapon with a higher ammunition capacity. 3 Principles of CQB. Emphasis is placed on initiative based "free flow" techniques that enhance . Despite the dangers inherent to the fatal funnel, the 90 degree angle can be a valuable asset in that it allows you to divide the room into two sectionsone, the controlled area; the other, the uncontrolled area. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To do so, they will assert with supreme confidence, is foolhardy and dangerous in the extreme, bordering on the impossible if it were not so utterly suicidal. Once the team enters a room, it must gain total control of the situation. Until next time, continue to hone your skills and keep adding to your tactical toolbox. Every corner you clear, you need to own. The squad is moving at night and receives enemy fires from a building. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Close Quarter Battle - A (Thankfully) Changing Paradigm, Traditional Pieing vs Limited Penetration. Although there may not be much acquirable intel awaiting in the narrow angle, there could be just enough to give you valuable insights as to what youll encounter in the remainder of the room. Earlier this year, a video of 10th Mountain Division soldiers conducting live-fire room-clearing trainingthe famous "Battle Drill 6"went viral. If youre actually getting out there practicing and taking worthwhile training courses, youll figure out very quickly what works and what doesnt work for you and in the context of the environment you find yourself in. Be loud, and be violent. This ensures that nobody is flagging (pointing your weapon at a team member) anyone. The key here is to maintain personal responsibility for your area and sectors of firethe field of vision you can feasibly shoot at accurately. Failing to communicate when room clearing can lead to fratricide (friendly fire), thus completely ruining the mission. Dont be a robot, though. What that means, is instead of trying to rush through a room guns blazing, you should slow it down and tactically clear your sectors. Once a door is open, and youre standing outside of it, you can see inside the room slightly. Chem-lights are a great item to carry on you in your BOB, because you can use them to mark a room that has been cleared if there are multiple rooms. Throughout my career, Ive learned various survival techniques, as well as self-defense techniques. After youve dominated your first corner, dont spend too much time concentrating on it. Tap here to review the details. We've updated our privacy policy. Q&a | - Leader Development for Army Professionals Your foot movement can also mean the difference between dominating your room, and tripping up in the process. You will go to the same side as the number two man, and follow the same movement pattern as the number three man, stopping before you reach the near corner. endobj Remember slow is smooth, smooth is fast. ( pA 4ia#( EQ>J4EFrQf7hf3RjJ2EFx1 . SWAT TACTICS Dr. Paul Mears. Practicing a technique will elicit the reasons why. 3 Principles of CQB Speed Surprise Violence of Action 4. . A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. I specialize in weapons, long-range reconnaissance, distance shooting, and long-term isolation survival. In any combat scenario, youll quickly learn about Murphys Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. When clearing a room, this law tends to show its ugly face more often than not. Fort Benning, Home of the MCoE Maneuver Center of Excellence - Team of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians from the Best Army in the World! This is your point of contact with the flank of the room even as youre concealed by the room. Usually the number two man will initiate the up by saying status. Your movement will stop before you reach the near corner, this way youre on a separate wall than the number one man. You should, but I can tell you after a long time in the sector that most people have their own idiosyncratic way of moving to accomplish the objective. 1 . All Rights Reserved, Room Clearing 101: Five things you should know about Close-Quarters Combat. 2. maintaining room domination. I don't have enough time write it by myself. You may be acquainted with the term fatal funnel and have heard it used to denote the area between 45 and 135 degrees. No matter what happens, the number one guy never pulls away from securing the door. Otherwise, youre screwing over the people behind you, trapping them in the doorway while you all get shot at. Final Assault Position (FAP). This increases the amount of the room covered by both of you. @kL"${-P|zg\{e5BHI\Vf$V'g If you are serious about clearing rooms effectively and safely without getting your ass shot off, you must seek out training from vetted instructors. A room entry is defined as any time that an officer leaves an area that he or she currently controls and enters an area that he or she does not. You can read the details below. The second factor is violence, a key factor when it comes to firefights. These types of threats are still to be considered as potential threats, but not necessarily dangerous enough to warrant being classified as an immediate threat. /l 9h9 ZmPWM 3hqQfK9=3vP8\50? This is why its important for everyone to practice playing different parts in the stack. In this article, Ill be teaching you the different aspects of tactical room clearing. Your sector as the number four man is the rear flank, ready to engage any immediate threat that may pose itself while youre in the stack. -Reaper. Units must train, practice, and rehearse . UaohW?A=5|?wM\HEebuMo)?":.lji^61Lz9REk 4]DJ3 Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. Because there are so many unknowns and way too many dangerous angles to be cleared immediately by one person, two shooters are needed, at a minimum. Required fields are marked *. My advice is to not get too crazy with your attachments, the more attachments you have, the more attachments you need to worry about malfunctioning. His sector of fire is the flank on the side opposite of the wall, while also covering high points on the side. Again, go the opposite way through the door that the person in front of you went. * Q)(@nMTxB(7)J\.]t2? Utopia Ultra Clean Ventilating (U.C.V) system, which is unique in generating an ultra clean zone free from peripheral entrainment of contaminated air and creates a clear zone larger than its diffuser area . Thats it. For example, the number two man will assume the number one mans responsibilities and so on until you reach the number three man. Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. :g E3o;! Remove the obstacles Remove the topsoil. Remain stable when moving (this ensures you can bail out quickly, if necessary), do not lean into the next corner (as this exposes you to unsecured areas of the room), and plant your feet flat on the ground to keep your balance centered. Anyone who is still standing and acting in an aggressive manner can be placed in either the immediate, or intermediate threat category (depending on the situation). Just like the number one guy, you need to dominate the corner youre assigned to. For example, if your weapon malfunctions in the middle of an engagement, after youve stepped in and taken a knee, call out down. Each scenario affects what you can control and do to the target's mobility inside the room. Dont just leave these people behind as you follow along to the next room. CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE Battles that occur at close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. As you dominate your first corner, move along the wall (while not directly rubbing against it) and transition your point of aim to the far corner on the same side as the first one. When room clearing, its imperative to be able to adapt quickly to any adversity that youll face (and you WILL face many adversities when room clearing). It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. If an enemy is within striking distance when your weapon malfunctions, handle it accordingly while using hand-to-hand combat to neutralize the threat. Its up to you to neutralize the threat accordingly. Youll also want to move as smoothly and as rapidly as possible while avoiding negative outcomes of tripping, stumbling and falling down while keeping your own firearm as steady as possible, and still minimizing your own profile and any advanced notice to lurking adversaries in a room that you are entering the portal. Is smoke reducing visibility? Animals have unpredictable behavior, and if they do attack you it can take you out of the fight for enough time to distract you from other potential threats. endobj If you mess up, keep moving, stopping the forward momentum while clearing a room could mean the death of the entire team. Before, during, and after you clear a room, your team should be constantly communicating (hand signals, or verbally) to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The door is referred to as the fatal funnel. Anyone expecting an armed intrusion will be focusing attention and firepower towards the place of entry. In my article Advanced Shooting Techniques for when SHTF, I talk about how you should hold your weapon in different scenarios, including room clearing. Blade your body this much or that much. This method of clearing rooms is the most effective, and safest way possible. Things that you would never, ever do as part of a team if you had any other choice you might be forced to do when you are solo. the area opposite from which you came). HOW TO GET READY FOR SF SELECTION | GATHERING INTEL, FUNDAMENTALS OF TRACKING | PACE-TO-PACE EXERCISE, TACTICAL FIELD CARE | TACTICAL COMBAT CASUALTY CARE, We currently do not ship to: Versatility is key when it comes to your weapon, so make sure your attachments match what you would really need in real life. Because of the confined spaces typical of building- and room-clearing operations, units larger . Youll hear all sorts of rules and all sorts of dos, donts, alwayses and nevers on the subject. Its okay to try new configurations, but dont keep jumping back and forth. After entering the narrow angle, commence an orientation check. Remove the obstacles. Points of Domination & Areas of Responsibility: The purpose of running the long wall and establishing points of domination is that: #1 man can clear behind many deep threats. Dont assume that others will be able to follow your lead on the fly even if they are part of your own survival group if they have not trained these skills with you until they are second nature. It isused when an entry-pointmust be entered from the same side by the *operators. Clear a room, third Soldier enters. Normally, youll be back-stepping as you move to the door, then finally turning around to enter the room. Systems, ITCQB focuses on real-life scenarios and on the diverse factors in! Entry-Pointmust be entered from the same side by the * operators * operators move! Each scenario affects what you can a target who has seen your muzzle less. That can go wrong have time to react shoot at accurately assuming are! 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Is Lenin's Body Still On Display In Red Square, Articles R