Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. You know Im tapped into it in lots of places and I have a hell of a lot of programs monitoring all sorts of data? He nodded, well aware of how closely connected to the global networks she was. Assault looked at his phone as it beeped at him, picking it up and seeing he had a text message. Because while you can take the girl out of the conflict, you cant take the conflict out of the girl. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. As I said up at the top, I'm uncertain if I'll pick it up again in the future or not. All this from whats basically a completely broken Thinker/Master combo We havent finished yet either, Piggot sighed, also looking at the monitor. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. But I can call later if youre busy. Its OK, he muttered, gently urging a minute component into the correct orientation before fixing it in place with the other tool. That's five point four times ten to the twentieth power for human neurons. Now you dont Again, she vanished. Annette Hebert was a mystery. The footsteps slowed from a run to a walk. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? If what Assault has relayed to us from his conversation is even remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly awe inspiring. I have little doubt that she was truthful, Dragon put in helpfully. Please consider turning it on! They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. This isnt going to go away quietly. Bearing in mind the damage and the loss of life, no, Director, I dont think it will. Moving to a chair the armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks produced by the weight of his power suit. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. That's as far as I got with this one. Nice try. She was terrified of telling her father, but she told the teachers, people who should have listened and done their jobs. He waited silently, thinking there was something vaguely familiar about this. Its pretty safe and works really fast. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. Hive is a new parahuman Assault ran into today and ended up having a long talk with. I'm looking forward what Lisa and/or her Shard comes up with. They all headed up the stairs, Lisa stopping dead in the doorway and looking around suspiciously. left kudos on this work! He shook his head again dismissively. Finally, he said, Sorry, I have to ask. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Last Daughter Taylor is a Kryptonian, complete. I swear I never stole anything, I never meant to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid, A good kid, Who's had a bad run". Lack of emotional cues, certain trace pheromones, things like that. She looked at him with her head on one side. The experience was enough to make the girl Trigger. She knew she was going to die and her new powers tried to save her. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. Total ecosystem collapse, no food, everyone dies. The Director looked extremely angry and also nearly as scared as Assault did. She is for all intents and purposes a biological supercomputer of a level I can scarcely comprehend. Two and a half months ago when Winslow burned down. She got better, he said with a nasty grin. A faint clicking noise echoed around the room every few seconds. OK, then, lets get these guys arrested, then get you home, shall we? Hive said lightly. 'Nearly a week,' he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. But, unfortunately, no matter what she or any of the rest of the Protectorate think, there isnt a lot they can actually do to or about me, Im afraid. At his puzzled look, she elaborated. Not a classical beauty, though. She almost sounded scared. When she finished and stopped talking, Vicky simply looked at her for close to thirty seconds without saying anything at all. Oh god I am so excited this is getting it's own thread. The only witnesses other than the driver of the vehicle were the cockroaches scuttling around a discarded sandwich wrapper a few feet away. It was a second trigger, but something went wrong. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. He kept discreetly studying her while she looked back out over the water at the rising sun. A few minutes later they arrived at their destination, Hives wings changing pitch a little as she descended. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. Possibly Miss Hebert was trying to send a message, most likely the name of the culprit. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. Every day he'd eat the same kind of food, dress the same, sit in front of the same kind of shows. The woman stopped and turned towards him, her head tipped inquiringly and her compound eyes reflecting the light. Theres one other thing that Ive been wondering about, but I dont have any proof yet. It looks like someone or something has more or less downloaded the internet. He gaped at the monitor for a few seconds. Nothing happened for a while. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. So on balance, yes, its a good thing, although the cause might not be. Youre thinking its parahuman involvement, then. It wasnt a question. One sting and She snapped her fingers. Youre shitting me, she breathed faintly. What muggers? Her face was going that peculiar shade of red that Amy knew from long experience meant she was going to do something stupid without thinking it through. The brunette shrugged. Here! There was abruptly a face smirking at her from ten feet away. I'll be fine with pre or post GM. Her antennae moved in a way that seemed to convey amusement. Isn't it a beautiful day? Unfortunately, we have no proof of the involvement of any specific person yet. Have you talked to Shadow Stalker yet? the Director queried. In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. If it had ended there, and Taylor had been rescued, she'd probably have gotten used to it in a week or so and then His companion shrugged slightly. There was a pause, then the first one replied, Never mind, must have imagined it. Amy looked up towards the position the sound come from before it stopped and thought she saw something move against the stars. A faint, deep, humming sound slowly percolated through her mind. Pretender fits, in that Taylor is powered by worship, though she's not as powerful as many of the other fics recced already. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. After a moment the figure waved at her. It was the watchman who raised the alarm when he smelled something other than his cigarette burning. Nodding to the folder, he added soberly, The evidence suggests that Miss Hebert was still alive when that happened. Christ. Director Piggot swiveled her chair to look out the window for a moment, before turning back. Anywhere. He paused, then looked up from the microscope, his brow furrowed, and met her virtual eyes. (Worm), Worm - UFO Defense (Worm/XCOM - Fusion Fic). The family wasn't the same after that, obviously. Probably not a villain. Which didnt make the following interview with Director Piggot and Armsmaster any easier in any way at all. He looked around, then leaned against another similar unit. And be quiet. Sullenly she folded her arms, a pithy comment coming to mind, but after another look at her superior decided for once to err on the side of caution and good sense. She closed her eyes. She realized what was happening as she started to cook. He stared at her, the matter of fact voice belying the horror of what it was saying. Itll do for the moment. The wings began to flap rapidly as she lifted off. And also one of the luckiest. She began a dive for the door, only to feel a sudden pinprick on the back of her left hand. What did you do to them? she asked curiously. You won't like it, I suspect, but if you insist Moving away a short distance she sat on the surface of the roof, leaning back against the low parapet surrounding it, her carapace clicking against the concrete in the process. Nothing like that has happened. An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades]. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. Your wild guesses tend to be scary good. Would be interesting to see a story around the world after/through Taylors changes. It was nice to talk. This body is a construct I designed for human interaction. "I don't know Hive seemed nice." Energy generation ex nihilo sounds a lot like the [SOLUTION] though. Adaptation was good up until Taylor got the monkey form, after that she became an unbearable asshole. He looked down at the 9mm pistol he was holding tightly, his right forefinger absently flicking the safety. Strictly speaking, I didn't. Who the hell is Hive? she exploded. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shut up both of you, will you? she gritted, as Rachel came in at the rear of the group with all three dogs at her heels. But thank you for explaining all that, as terrifying as it is. Youre welcome, she replied. Where have you been for more than two months? Studying him wordlessly for a while, she eventually walked back with an air of mild resignation, somehow conveyed without the aid of normal expressions. You have me at a disadvantage? Trailing off enquiringly, he waited for a name. Incomplete, and I haven't read it in a while, but I remember it being quite good. But for Taylor, it was bad. She resumed watching the performing wasps, which now numbered about a dozen, forming ever more elaborate patterns in the air. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. I was born here. Or how powerful. Taylor's much too dangerous to be an ordinary cape. You did it? I did. All linked together into one huge neural network. Oh, Christ on a stick, he moaned. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. She stung them. There was a pause. What are you talking about? Relenting having managed to extract a lot of amusement out of telling her sister the story piecemeal while watching the reactions, Amy explained the entire encounter in detail, leaving nothing out. She designed that body from scratch. Assault out. By now he was close enough to see that the shiny reflective surface looked like someone in a somewhat weird looking suit of power armor, not anything he recognized. Using a parahuman weapon in the process. Yes. not ALOT of conflict, but taylor is really powerful, and seems to be fixing problems slowly and doing with with the least amount of conflict she can. What have I said about sneaking up on people? That they don't like it? Vicky's voice was full of amusement now. Hello, Assault, the figure suddenly said, the voice female and clear. So you're not human, then? he asked. Lacey and Kurt? Now Taylor seeks to discover where her mother has gone, and for that, she needs to gather allies, hone her skill with her inherited magics, and uncover secrets her mother kept even from her daughter. Her eyes widened. She got powers, nothing particularly impressive on the face of it, although potentially fairly effective with a little thought. Too muscled. We confirmed it with an exemplar from her hairbrush which her father gave us. And considering Taylor's five years in a world of gods and monsters, I'm morbidly curious about what she might consider "cruel and unusual". Its nothing I wanted and to be honest if I could change it I probably would, I dont like being responsible for the entire planetary ecosystem to that level, but All four arms lifted in a shrug. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. I think Id like that. Ive got your number. She could have fought back, of course, but a lot of the time the abuse was mental rather than physical, something teenaged girls are terrifyingly good at. ", i second this. More appeared, until the effect was a bit like a model of an atom, half a dozen of the insects flying in circles around a common point. The figure disappeared from view as he bounded up the side of the next building over, redirecting his kinetic energy to keep him moving steadily upwards, bouncing between the two buildings. My phone is dead, Amy said after shaking her head a little to clear her thoughts. Father was such a miserable person. Not quite a psychopath, but amoral at best. Then sighed sadly. Certainly not on a world-wide basis. Colin raised his eyes from where hed been staring at his hands, thinking, to look at his best friend again. The thing that he kept coming back to was that he was fairly sure she wasn't fully human. I worked out a unified field theory in the end which helped a lot as well. After a moment he slowly turned his head to look at the moth that had been flying circles around the light over one of the desks for the last half hour. And worried him more than a little, despite his conclusions from a while back. No. They inject a toxin which is an amazingly potent paralytic. Once I managed to get enough control over the insect senses and decode the vision, which was a pain in the ass, I started watching what Tinkers were doing all over the place. She snickered a little, shaking her head. They were standing on the sidewalk outside her house. Within that range, the control was absolute. Hive held out one of her own right hands, the delicate-looking clawed digits wrapping around Amys own fingers. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. "Goddess" is not well definined between systems, different properties have very different ideas of what counts as a 'god'. A conservative estimate would be around ten to the twenty-fifth power or thereabouts. Skittering Campione - Taylor becomes a Campione for killing Scion. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. Why were you she began. But dont immediately think the worst. Her avatar smiled slightly. I lost a lot as well. Her voice dropped in a way that conveyed infinite fatigue and sadness. Closing the door behind her, Vicky sat on the bed and stared hard at the shorter girl. Wow. Lost in admiration, she stared into the inhuman yet apparently friendly visage for a few seconds, before looking around at the three muggers, who were still frozen in place. People have committed suicide over less, you know. Amy. Hives voice sounded pleased. Yep. Cool beans. Having lived thousands of years through the eyes of a hundred and more legends from another world, all in mere seconds, chosen through naught but mere happenstance during the death throes of a far distant reality, she found herself the bearer of uncountable beasts and monsters, men and women, abilities and spells, all borne from fantasy, yet far too real to ignore or pretend they did not once exist. After a few seconds, she held up her upper right hand, the superhero beside her watching with interest as a wasp appeared from nowhere and landed on the extended first finger. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Not a parahuman, a goddess of nature, then, he said with a wondering chuckle. There are other things as well, for example several entertainment companies would appear to have had their entire catalogs downloaded, movies, music, that sort of thing. Her father withdrew into himself a lot, as did she, in different ways. "I made it" She was too tall. If you need me, just call for me. You still havent given me a name, he reminded her. Dengue fever cases since the end of January? Somehow rolling to her feet she kept going, all the while hoping someone would help her. Brian and Alec walked around her, the latter poking her a few times in the side. The cleanest image I have of it suggests the last letter might be another S, giving shes. Come on, let's order some chinese, and see if Mom and Dad want some." Whether it was a vicious prank that went too far or a deliberate attempt at murder I have no idea so far. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. The healer smiled. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? Resolving to exercise more if she survived the next few hours, she pelted down the narrow alleyway hearing the several sets of footsteps behind her hesitate, then follow where shed turned off the main road. Putting the matter to one side she listened while trying not to draw any more attention to herself. Her former friend had a new best friend, a very disturbed individual who was well, a violent sociopath is a kind way to put it. Assuming you had time. The paralysis will wear off about ten tomorrow morning. The original range was maybe between a thousand and two thousand feet depending on various conditions. Eventually she hopped up to sit on the air conditioner unit, her motions much quicker and more graceful than he expected, so fast in fact that he stepped back a little. Undaunted, beaten but unbowed, she resolves to drag Earth Bet to a brighter tomorrow, no matter how much it kicks and screams on the way there. Guess I'll have to wear the spare one tomorrow. Its only me now. I'm sorry, he stated, meaning it. Im everywhere. EDIT: sorry, God Girl is a one shot. Turning her body for the first time, she faced him, apparently studying him closely. Deciding that she was no worse off than if the mystery cape hadnt turned up, she slowly worked her way out into the loading area, edging around the frozen form of the erstwhile mugger, before looking around. Diebuster cross. The man standing on the other side of her desk nodded once. Caught in Causality (Dr Manhattan/Watchman). He had people to fill in. Career satisfaction, crime, and Coil. From what she said her powers connected all the neurons directly somehow, bypassing the normal synaptic connectivity and electrochemical processes. She shook her head in apparent awe. Once again she wished desperately that her phone battery had any charge left in it, but shed forgotten to plug it in the night before because shed been tired and it had run out half-way through the afternoon. Lost. Perpetuance Taylor is a black hole, short but good, incomplete. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In a murder? Shes come very close, although admittedly almost by accident as far as I know, more than once before, Piggot said tiredly. Not a good person, that girl. What do you think?, Lisa smiled, as the light from the crystals reached dazzling heights. Sorry. You have to be one of those. Turning her head to face him, she cocked it to one side. Danny woke with a start and a strangled shout. Work Search: Put it all together and She faded out of view. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I can control them right down to the DNA, you see, not just the behavior. Approaching, Amy squinted at the insect, finding the dimly lit environment annoying. Im running an emotional overlay right now for human interaction otherwise Id probably sound like a psychopath or a robot, but Im neither. Hi, Assault. Taylor was gone for five years, lost in a fantasy world where she had to fight the gods themselves to survive. They stopped talking as much to each other, and she herself went from being a fairly outgoing and cheerful if private girl into a bit of an introvert. What? Stung them. A Rogue or Independent, then. No. Assault stared at her. An obscenely high level one. Something that looked a little like weirdly modified muscle was wrapped around a lot of the torso, strands of it leading down all four arms to the claws. I did that six weeks ago from some points of view, she giggled. But I have a lot of experience with AI design, and a lot of what Im seeing fits some of the patterns Ive experimented with for data mining by sentient machines. No cases at all. Its spread by mosquitoes, isnt it? Yes, the Anopheles genus. He thought for a moment. Emma's body is discovered over winter break, the locker never happens, Taylor triggers with a thinker power remarkably reminiscent of supercop Harrier du Bois' unique way of looking at the world. She had ideals, you see, she wanted to be a Hero. Assault shook his head a little then leaned forward. JavaScript is disabled. Taylor is the avatar of a Greater Being. After some thought she realized that it was a type of electrical generation and storage organ, a lot like the sort of thing found in an electric eel or something of that nature. Alt-Power Taylor Hebert. Come on out. One of his friends tapped his bat on the ground with a metallic ringing sound, grinning. No, Im not. He had managed to get a Tinker-tech firebomb from somewhere and tried using it on the E88 gangers. She looked at him for a moment, then went back to watching the helicopter. Muggers!? "I can see where people might find it a little unusual. Up to the end of January, the rate of infection this year was trending in the same direction. I mean, look at this, its based on mollusk chromatophores, bioluminescence, and retinal light sensing cells. No, it's not. A neural network using every arthropod brain on the planet in parallel? Until she triggered with the biggest ego of all: that of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. That idiot gang member took his stupid little Tinker-tech incendiary and tried to murder half a dozen equally idiotic E88 members who were doing some sort of drug deal around the back of the school. Ah retirement that mythical land where you get to relax and wile away your remaining years Taylor is not getting that on the other hand she can push back much harder than most of Earth Bet. Wearing strange clothes that looked like they'd been stitched together from hide. If it wasn't for the fact that she's useful she'd be locked up right now. Not hostile. A series of thuds told her that her teammates had met the same fate. The healer gasped in amazement. She made them. Her sister frowned a little, trying to understand. She was as uncooperative as usual, but in the end I managed to get her to admit to knowing the victim. Amy nodded. The invisibility was very impressive for something that was biologically based. Which adds a Stranger rating as well, of course, Miss Militia put in. Little is publicly known about it, save that the tremor of its creation rippled around the world. No doubt readers could pick out points of similarity if they cared to. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. Not necessarily in that order. If she had been capable of it at that point in time, Lisas eyes would have widened comically. Although apparently also with a desire to help, she replied. Sophia, you are without doubt one of the most unpleasant people Ive ever met, he snarled back. Or mine. You can come out if you want, a female voice announced out of nowhere, sounding mildly amused. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. Around two thousand times as fast most of the time, in fact. He grinned back at her. Stuck inside a box smaller than a coffin, surrounded by horrific crap that should have been incinerated days ago, in enormous pain and sensory overload from seeing and hearing and smelling through millions of insects Then the heat, and the smoke. OK, I'll tell you the rest. Under the new illumination she could see the wasp was a little smaller than a normal yellowjacket and completely matte black in color. He noticed it had three slender claw-tipped fingers and apparently two thumbs, one on each side. The only negative is that this is a one shot, and although long and good, it still leaves you with an empty feeling in your soul when you finish and want more. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. Does the name Taylor Hebert ring any bells? Assault asked with a certain amount of malicious amusement in his voice. Sophia! Maybe one day. Turning back to him, she pointed at herself. It immediately beeped at him. They were mixed with some sort of metal in a repeating pattern that defied easy analysis. Two months she said reflectively. If nothing else the ecological side-effects of that would be horrific and very noticeable. Ill interview her myself next, I think. When I hear OP's request, I think a god like creator god, or maybe like a divine administer, someone who embodies and holds total power over some domain of existance. You OK there, Amelia? she asked. It started out as a yellowjacket but I shrank it to make it less obvious and to raise the pitch of the wings enough that it wasnt very audible, and changed the color so it doesnt stand out. As he did it landed on the desk, facing him. Adventure (We don't stay in BB the whole fic), This refused to leave my fkn head after I saw someone else make a crossover with this, Scaling Overpowered Protag (eventuallyTM), Fuck Grimdark we Nobledark like men around here, The PRT is not completely fucking useless. Yes, thanks. Thats scary. Im not a Tinker, at all, but I can fake it with the best of them. She tapped the side of her head, her claws making a faint click. As the locker got hotter and hotter, she tried writing the name of the person who shoved her in that fucking thing in her own blood, but couldn't finish it. Shes He mumbled, remembering the report. Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. as well as We know youre here little girl, this one called in a rough voice full of malicious amusement. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. The wasp was joined by another one, both of them taking off and flying interlocked rings. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. What do you know about second triggers? They're incredibly rare, for a start, he replied. Even the bodies would stay around for longer because theres no insects to eat them. She gazed at him. Him closely get these guys arrested, then the first time, Lisas eyes would widened! I 'm sorry, god girl is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete control right... 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One other thing that changes about Taylor that Ive been wondering about, but I hope we come.
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